<c0wg0d[m]> "Hi all. I'm very confused and..." <- if you look in the edit history, the actor who added the album answered that question in their edit notes: https://musicbrainz.org/edit/111789518
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Oh snap, I got scammed then
Thanks for the heads up
(also, technically the nature of the linking is the other way around: the release artist is linked to the [unknown] artist entity, but the "credited as" field for that linking was used to make it show up as Macintosh Plus)
Yeah I saw that
Now I'm not sure how to add this album to my collection...
I don't really like the idea of having an album tagged with an unknown artist, seems weird
* unknown artist in my music collection, seems
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reosarevok[m]: sorry for the delay, no, those tracks all have vocals. Software can remove the vocals, but the actual files are wav files on disk.
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If the actual tracks are the full vocal version, then karaoke should be removed
If I found good quality images for some releases on discogs can I take them directly and upload to the cover art archive? Do I have to credit discogs?
dvirtz[m] joined the channel
Yes and I recommend the `Enhanced Cover Art Uploads` [userscript](https://beta.musicbrainz.org/doc/Guides/Userscripts#Userscripts:_Cover_art) to do that
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If a jewel case is made of non-transparent plastic, should the first page of the booklet only be marked as booklet (as it is not actually visible without opening the case)?
I would think so. "Front" should be what you see when you see the release before opening it or anything.
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sanojjonas (@_discord_251035399244349450:chatbrainz.org) thats odd - they're quite high resolution on the original page that help page is "derived" from
yep i agree that is odd - might be worth raising on JIRA as that seems like an unexpected bug
not all of them do that.
yeah not sure why its just some - they all seem to have the same formatting in the wiki source
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I have a situation that I can't figure out how to approach even after reading the docs. This recordng https://musicbrainz.org/recording/b2270928-bb89... is part of an EP. Some time after the release of the EP the song was "extracted as a radio single", simply meaning it started being broadcast on the radio (in the same exact version as it was already released in the EP on streaming platforms and physical
and broadcast on the radio doesn't constitute a new release and so that all of this should be deleted, but is that right?
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Did the same person also add it to Wikipedia? Cause there it's also being referred to as a single
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No, the wikipedia page was also created earlier than the submission on musicbrainz
So you think in this case it should he treated as a single? That seems reasonable to me anyway, but I think at least the recording should be the same right? And also the release as single should have some relationship with the EP?
I don’t think it qualifies for a MB release just because it was on the radio, unless there is some kind of new information to go with it (e.g. this file was distributed by X distributor/label)
Tbh I still have to read the docs on relationships so I think mI could find an answer to my last question there
aerozol[m]: Wikipedia says who it was distributed from but it is the same distributor as the EP
Hmm interesting, it does seem of some value to note that it was “released” as a single. This might be one for the style lead, I have no idea - reosarevok ?
Especially for charts
The picture on the release seems bogus though
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the cover art looks like a youtube thumbnail
I can't read italian but i think the wikipedia page linked in the edit note is based on the music video
im still not really sure how MB handles music videos
It lists a separate release for the music video - “The music video for the song, directed by William9 and Giorgio Scorza, was released on YouTube on 7 June 2021.”
“It was originally published as the second track of the EP Ahia! in December 2020, and then released as a radio single by Sony Music on 23 April 2021.”
We're still not sure how we handle music videos
The question here isn’t about music videos really reo, it’s about whether it’s a release in MB if it was released as a single for radio
afrocat_0[m]: The cover art is a screenshot from the youtube video yes! I was in fact also in doubt about if the youtube video constituted a release, but first I wanted to see more clearly about the radip single
That sounds like a promo release, back in the day at least
But now, no idea how that works
If it's just "hey, play from that digital EP"... probably not? But not sure
afrocat_0[m]: No, the wikipedia page is also about the radio single
That’s what it kinda seems like? There’s no evidence of a CD or a file. But if we want to track stuff like “the single charted at #5” or “was released as a single on X date” then I guess it’s kinda useful?
Emphasis on “as far as what other editors are up to”, not my opinion. But it seems like a consensus is slowly being formed - at least, I don’t know if anyone is “fighting back” against the music videos?
Since there seems to be no consensus I think I will at least disambiguate the release as "Radio single extracted from EP", try to fix the recording to be the same of the EP version (I don't know it that's possible, I'll try) and remove the cover art
Then also maybe add the video release
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I don’t know if “extracted from EP” really says anything. It also sounds like a surgical process was involved :P
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I would do:
Release annotation + disambiguation as “radio single”
Relationship between the two release groups: “single/EP which was taken from / associated singles/EPs”