derat: Yeah, I came across that ticket earlier, just wasn't entirely sure if it was related... this would be extremely useful for correcting small issues or missing data on releases.
Thanks! I will use this to update the albums I added yesterday via atisket to actually have ISRCs
Another question: Is there a way to seed cover art, or is that part something that has to be done manually/with a userscript?
submitting cover art is kind of complicated - it doesn't actually ever go to musicbrainz servers, but is directly uploaded to - so that's not something supported at least for now.
There are userscripts to make it more comfy tho
But yeah, no seeding
YoMo12[m] joined the channel
Try harmony importer. Has a direct link to kepstein after you've done an import.
I will look into using it for my next addition, thanks
SigHunter has quit
SigHunter joined the channel
Style Guide question: Should I "normalize" a stylized album title to just plain words? I don't really see much about this in the actual style guide. In this case, the way the title is stylized is by wrapping the first letter of each word in parentheses.
soundandvision[m joined the channel
whats your example?
we've got plenty of odd entries that don't exactly follow any style because they are whats considered artist intent
The album is "(B)all [J]ointed [D]oll" by Masuna, and that is reflected in both Spotify and Apple Music metadata. If you do look it up, keep in mind that the cover art might be considered not safe for work.
thats fine just submit as is
dseomn has quit
obvious artist intent - and dont worry about NSFW stuff, there's plenty of that already in the database 🤣
afrocat_0[m] joined the channel
rph ( artist intent looks like parenthesis for all three letters and not square brackets -
digital stores often replace parenthesis with square brackets if there's another set of parenthesis beforehand