for descriptive track names made up my musicbrainz editors, it's standard to put them in square brackets, like "[crying face]" to distinguish them from a track title provided by the artist.
@kepstin: fwiw since this is a pseudo-release, and thus effectively implicitly distinguished from an "official" tracklist, I would say you don't need the square brackets here
also kuzronk (
Aerozol[m]1 uploaded an image: (460KiB) < >
Pretty cool
(uses MusicBrainz, of course!)
<Aerozol[m]1> "image.png" <- Ooo
Try me next! Hypeventure.
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Is there a source of truth for determing what song an ISRC is supposed to map to?
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You can try (but I doubt it is 100% complete and correct), ISRCs are managed by national entities
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That's the one I was looking at, but I similarly doubted the "source of truthness" of it
Hi! Does Picard consider the data track when calculating the DiscId? Or rephrased: if a CD without datatrack and another CD _with_ datatrack, but all audio tracks identical - will they get the same DiscId?
I'm asking because I have a Limited Edition of an exisiting release here, and the DiscId Pircard returns is the same of the non-Limited Edition. (and the limited edition in my hand definitely has a data trakc, but the non-limited edition already exisiting in MB does not list it)
(and just for complete info: the limited edition has an additional "bonus cd", so a new release in the exisiting release group is justified)
funny how at the beginning of track 3 the singer introduces one of the performers as the one who'll play on harmonica, yet there are no tracks where he plays it (at least on the album version, there is one on the video version)