style question, I've got an artist who used to go by one name, but now they go by a different name. under their old name, they lived in one place, but they currently live in a different state (and are still making music in the new state, of course). should the area of their old alias be where they were when they went by that alias, or the current location?
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<_discord_112> "It's separate, I actually made a..." <- yo this got merged
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UltimateRiff: aliases don't have areas :) Or you mean the projects are separate artists?
reosarevok: I mean projects in seperate areas
If a specific project was used only while being in a specific area I guess I would keep that area?
If it keeps being used, then update it
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may I ask, do I have to set an alias for the release group, the release and the recording? Or only the recording?
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Blastboom Strice: more aliases are always good, but the minimum I'd generally do is on the release group, recording, and work (tho I sometimes forget to add aliases at all, lol)