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my new release entries haven't been showing up in MB Picard as of ~1hr ago
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looks like its working again 👍
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umm, i might have done an oopsie
14:08 PM
is it bad that i havent create a work for each recording Ive added?
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14:08 PM
14:13 PM
@Blastboom Strice Works are not created automatically, but they can be created easily if needed in the future
14:13 PM
can I create them in batch?
14:14 PM
Yes, in the release relationship editor
14:14 PM
im adding some aliases and Ill go check it
14:15 PM
You select the tracks/recordings and then hit a „Batch create new works“ button near the top
14:18 PM
The reason works aren’t created automatically is that they don’t have much value if they’re just left alone, i.e. if you don’t have either relevant relationships or multiple recordings that should share a work
14:18 PM
ah I see
14:19 PM
so not much point in making them if they arent mulitple recordings using a work
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