@Blastboom Strice Works are not created automatically, but they can be created easily if needed in the future
can I create them in batch?
Yes, in the release relationship editor
im adding some aliases and Ill go check it
You select the tracks/recordings and then hit a „Batch create new works“ button near the top
The reason works aren’t created automatically is that they don’t have much value if they’re just left alone, i.e. if you don’t have either relevant relationships or multiple recordings that should share a work
ah I see
so not much point in making them if they arent mulitple recordings using a work
<elomatreb[m]> "Yes, in the release relationship..." <- btw, I couldnt find this
is it available from the artist page?
Either that or if you have metadata like a composer or lyricist
or should I go in each release?
It’s on the release page among the tabs at the top
elomatreb[m]: thank youu
BlastboomStrice[ uploaded an image: (108KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/4d2.org/mJVUrFENHraGnXNKUobvsebl/image.png >
for example, here
i should go to the release tab?
You need to go on the page for the release you want to add works to
ok I think I found it
I see I see
It’s a bit hidden, like many useful bits on the MB site sadly
I see
I'll probably not create any, not much point
it would be very helpful if I could do batch edits on various fields
like, going to an artist page, and add aliases to all the works, recordings, releases and release groups
ive found some semi-batch ways, but they are kinda slow
There are userscripts for some situations that allow this sort of thing
<elomatreb[m]> "You might check https://wiki...."; <- Let me know if you find any good ones for batch editing works, most of them that seem applicable to that seem pretty limited. I'd love to be able to batch edit or create works as part of a series, i.e. works for books in a series, but I didn't see anything that would help with that. I'd guess this is something that isn't possible with Userscripts, but I'm not familiar enough to
know. Apart from that, driving a web browser in some way seems like the only other alternative, which will inevitably be pretty slow.