thanks, the issue seems to be that from the TXXX tag's key, I can only see the TXXX prefix and the value 🤷
so all musicbrainz tags look the same. the last one happens to be the recording id
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is the MB slow for everyone now, or just my internet is bad?
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Probably slow for everyone since we have been getting spammed with ai scrapers
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Couldn't be me.
*Was busy checking why I keep hitting the rate limit on LB instead*
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MrDowntempo joined the channel
Hello. Very new to actually editing MB's data. I -think- I've found an error, and wish to correct it but not sure if I should make an edit, or make another version of the release.
crism has quit
@MrDowntempo: Usually you should correct an error, you just need to decide if it's actually an error or a different variant of the same release. If you want we can help you decide if you provide specifics
Also, welcome
crism joined the channel
So it's a old booleg release, Specifically Towering Above the Rest by Radiohead... so it's kinda difficult to verify what is and isn't supposed to be there. However..
MrDowntempo: I think for a bootleg release of a popular group like that I would err on the side of caution and create a separate release
@elomatreb Ok, thanks, that was my gut feeling. Is it possible to duplicate the current release and then build off of that?
or cut from that I should say
Oh, I think I already figured it out
yes, from the second tab in the release editor
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ooh, I think I hosed it up. I used the 2nd tab, but I think since I dind't expand every CD it only took the first CD and CD 22, the one I made the edit for
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Can I delete the release I made so that I can try again?
you technically can, but generally we prefer to edit compared to fix
*compared to deleting and recreating
vardhan_ has quit
tbh I'm a little surprised how you managed to get that edit, I thought it would copy the disks exactly
aww shoot. The amount of fixes would have been a lot of manual editing. I already deleted it, I'll get the hang of this, sorry!
in this case it's fine since you just created the release
if an entity exists for a non-trivial amount of time, the likelyhood that someone used it for tagging or as an external link somewhere goes up, and if you delete the release those links just get broken
on the other hand, if you merge or edit the release, the links stay working, turning into redirects in the case of merges
That makes sense, yeah since I just created it I doubt anyone is using it too. I'll keep that in mind in the future. Okay, trying again, cross your fingers
Looks like it worked that time. I think maybe because there were soooo many tracks, the discs were collapsed, and that means they didn't get duplicated. This time looks okay at first glance.
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Oh. hmmm, a little bit of data didn't get copied.
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