

February 22nd 2022

      • aerozol
        Evening (:P) all! Just thinking about dipping my toe into the 'nominating an auto-editor' process for the first time
      • Question for all the admins and long-standing auto-editors - is this something to only be done rarely? Or are we keen for heaps of AE's (I am but not sure about MB's approach here)
      • p.s. I've already read the docs, like https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Auto-Editor_Election
      • kepstin
        it's not super rare, but there aren't tons of us. Given that the main feature of being an autoeditor is the ability to make edits that skip the voting step, it's important to nominate people who have been using mbz for a decent amount of time, are familiar with guidelines and unrecorded community decisions in their area of editing, and respond well when corrected about errors they've made.
      • i can't remember offhand, but I think lately there's been no more than 5 or so nominations per year, fwiw.
      • it would probably be a good idea to look through past nominations on https://community.metabrainz.org/c/musicbrainz/... to see why people have been nominated.
      • aerozol
        Totally agreed that it has to be a high standard. I'm just wondering if there are a bunch of people that meet that standard if I should just go ahead and nominate (⌐■_■)
      • I think I will sleep on it and then mnost likely do my first nomination tomorrow
      • kepstin
        fwiw, our most active autoeditor nominator is chaban, who seems to have decided that 1 a month is a decent rate :)
      • ah, of course, that's who nominated you :)
      • aerozol
        hehe I can't say I've complained > <
      • goooooo chaban ;)
      • reosarevok
        aerozol: generally, I'd say at most two at one time is best (you also need to make sure at least a couple other people agree so you can get seconders and the election can start)
      • But I don't think there's a reason to wait long for the sake of waiting if you're sure someone is ready
      • aerozol
        thanks reosarevok!
      • CatQuest
        definitely. if the editor is "ready" cna vary. some people are AE material very soon. others ned "maturing2. probably *A LOT* of people who should be AE and shoudl ahve been for ages are not
      • aerozol
        I also feel like there's a few obvious candidates, but I haven't had the guts to nominate :O
      • CatQuest
        do it! the worst that cna happen is that they wont be accepted
      • well the absolute worst woudl b that they keep getting nominated several times by seprate people and people not agreeing and they don't evne know it the firsst time
      • me? sore about my own nomination mess? naaah :P
      • it's a silly anecdote by now. and i've proven wrong all the doubters. none of them are evne here anymore. :sta:
      • it's a silly anecdote by now. and i've proven wrong all the doubters. none of them are evne here anymore. 😣
      • derwin
        I keep thinking I should ask someone to nominate me, but it mostly doesn't matter /shrug
      • last time I was probably just-not-ready-enough, but that was... a loooong time ago now lol
      • seems to be the canonical list btw
      • wow, I was denied as an autoeditor almost 10 years ago now.
      • CatQuest
      • miight be time for another nomination? :3
      • derwin: what's your profile again?
      • derwin
        regarding what is discussed so far on thread :
      • - it's true that I don't vote much, I do try to check out open edits for entities I am subscribed to and give people feedback on them, but most of the entities I am subbed to are primarily edited by like, atj and drsaunde and stuff, and so mostly there's nothing to vote on except to vote "yes" which I understand is valid but I mostly don't do.
      • I also semi-frequently contact editors by pm instead of commenting on edits, for example when I notice a new editor in electronic music who is adding stuff from beatport or discogs but not using an importer. I typically welcome them and point them towards the importers.
      • - Most of my editing is done via importers and I think it's fair to say that I rely maybe a little too much on the linked sources to provide the data source if anyone is curious. When I'm making a change that seems non-obvious outside of that, I do my best to leave an edit note that explains my reasoning.
      • I also rely on the fact that I am often discussing specific edits with people here, and don't necessarily put the same effort into the permanent record of edit notes which would be useful to others outside of here.
      • oh, unrelated, but now as I look through my edits
      • " according to the guideline it should be a country for persons. "
      • really? Artists should have location *country* even if their city is known?
      • - It's also fair to say that I've learned a lot of rules by inference and could refer to guidelines more often than I do. Most of what I do is simple enough that I don't necessarily know when I ought to, and if I wonder, I usually ask here.
      • atj
        I think you're best off posting a reply to the thread in Discourse to be honest. I think a lot of autoeditors aren't on IRC.
      • Not the nicest thing to have to do really, but best thing you can do is engage with any criticism, which is what you do here IME.
      • derwin
        I don't think I can post in that forum? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the UI
      • (it's late where I am)
      • atj
        you're right, sorry. I thought you could reply but not create new posts.
      • Seems a little unfair to not give the proposed editor a right to reply.
      • derwin
        otoh I sorta understand it too, because then their ability to convice/"orate" is a factor
      • atj
        well, I think it's reasonable to assume that someone who has been proposed as an ae would respond in good faith.
      • derwin
        sure, I'm not suggesting bad faith response, I'm just saying some people are more convincing than others :)
      • atj
        I suppose, it just feels like you should be able to respond to specific criticisms. IMO a big part of what makes a good autoeditor is (in addition to have a thorough understanding of the style guidelines) being able to respond constructively to criticism and be pragmatic.
      • derwin
        yeah, that is definitely fair, part of the skill is playing well with others
      • rdswift
        Perhaps start a new thread with your responses (and note that you can't respond in the AE thread).
      • Most AEs (including myself) forget that non-AEs can't post in the election threads.
      • CatQuest
        or an ae can post a link to the chatlog in the thread (i blame myself if things are going badly becasue i am *really* really* bad at explaining things)
      • hm, those comments wheren't that bad really
      • i kinda agree with the edit notes.. you cnawrite better ones !
      • (with the caveat that myself I *definitly* used to write very bad editornotes a few years ago)
      • i actually didn't start improving until i came across old edits of my own where i was like "wait, wtf old catcat where did you get this data? what was your's saource. dammit!"
      • atj
        I just had a look back through mine and was pleasantly surprised for the most part!
      • The "what would I think if I look back at this edit in 2 years" perspective seems to have paid off
      • CatQuest
        yes me too
      • except it was like 10 years and i was like "wait, wtaf was this???"
      • aerozol
        Brutal not being able to reply to the public dissection of your editing character in an AE election!
      • CatQuest
        is it that bad now?
      • :/
      • aerozol
        hah no I don't think so
      • but it's still rough
      • CatQuest
      • thanks for reply aerozol
      • especially your last point, derwin is always here discussing edits and being open about stuff
      • I wonder if it's because he's not on the forum much so the AE's that hang out there don't know 'im
      • aerozol
        yeah there's heaps of editors that are quietly doing good work with edit notes etc, but aren't necessarily keen to jump into a convo about it
      • CatQuest
      • I mean, usually derwin will show up here and ask for votes/input and will discuss the edits . I usually end up voting or approving some edits becase he made an compelling case here
      • yea
      • wait what's that avatar you have (i think i evne remember it from the anchient previous forum?)
      • is that a... kiwi with a face?
      • absolutely too adorable
      • aerozol
        oh yeah that avatar has stuck out the test of time!
      • def was about the old forum a lot
      • I was grumps for ages that it didn't all get backed up but now I realise it might be good... I have grown as a person > <
      • CatQuest
        I.. don't remember the old one much. I was much more imature back then :D
      • i too, have grown up.. a little!
      • wait... omg today is the 22 02 2022
      • holy crap aplindrome date
      • holy carp palindrome date
      • :D
      • .fish
      • erh
      • 𓆟
      • 🐟
      • 22022022
      • aerozol
        Is there some insider info on this fish thing?? Though I do love fishies
      • CatQuest
        the insider thing is that I like the word "fish"
      • also fish are neat. especially flying fish
      • I like the abstract shape of fish
      • and I like eating fish :P
      • CatQuest is a cat
      • but mostly. mostly i really really like typing and saying the word "fish"
      • fish!
      • aerozol
        Proud to now be on the 'inside' :P
      • CatQuest
      • aerozol
        Are you tempted by the Discord? There's some interesting convo in there atm
      • CatQuest
        aerozol: not at all: even if I couldacess it with my old computer/browsers/messing around with signing up for *yet* a thing
      • i kinda wish we only stayed to irc/matrix.. unless there is a discordbridge thingy
      • there exciss a telegram group too
      • ainola
      • CatQuest
        and.. yea that
      • to me, and forgive me if i say this. it seems dicord, (and matrix, and telegram) are just "fancy irc".. like they're irc-like but with bells and wistles.. not saying those aren't cool and evne usefull, just
      • aerozol
        they are definitely 'fancy' IRC
      • CatQuest
        so in my head it's like "so just use irc! [insert xkcd refrence here]"
      • hmm
      • !recall irc
      • BrainzBot
        I'm sorry, I don't remember "irc", are you sure I should know about it?
      • CatQuest
        dang yo
      • aerozol
        the problem is that people actually use Discord, and don't actually use IRC ;)