

July 16th 2024

      • yvanzo[m]
        Updating beta servers…
      • Gerjan
        Hello everyone!
      • yvanzo[m]
        Hi Gerjan!
      • Gerjan
        I got a question about the musicbrainz server mirror. Can i ask it here
      • yvanzo[m]
        #metabrainz might be more appropriate if it is a technical question since it is where development discussions take place.
      • Gerjan
        Yeah i have several technical question about it, then i will join there too. Thank you
      • yvanzo[m]
        Done with updating beta servers!
      • Updated the test server too!
      • discordbrainz
        <08wileyfoxyx> Yay
      • <08wileyfoxyx> So translations now update automatically or still need to be refreshed?
      • yvanzo[m]
        wileyfoxyx, I updated the translations at the same time, it is still manual.
      • Jigen
        a question to everyone on here and discord and stuff: what are your thoughts on this https://beta.musicbrainz.org/recording/305b04f8... (i think it should be removed??)
      • yvanzo[m]
        IIUC this artist - annotated as bogus - helps with not wrongly entering Outro as an artist again. Nothing seems to have made it unhelpful since then.
      • Jigen
        I mean...
      • 🤷‍♂️
      • discordbrainz
        <08wileyfoxyx> sigh, ok then
      • yvanzo[m]
        I can’t shrug, I have neck pain.
      • Jigen
        awwww. get better :(
      • yvanzo[m]
        Thank you.
      • discordbrainz
        <08zemeles> For some reason uBlock blocked an IA link XD
      • <08zemeles> Why does it do that?
      • <04elomatreb> IA servers host lots of user-generated content so they sometimes wind of on malware/malicious blocklists
      • <08zemeles> It never happened before
      • <03metadataismydrug> Look at the sub domain. They have a lot and it could be blocking a number of them without a person noticing since there is so many sub domains they likely use.
      • <08zemeles> I see
      • flyin9flowers[m]
        It's my first time tagging for this database
      • I have this Kitaro CD in my hand, which is apparently just a compilation of already released tracks
      • He has two sites listed as official websites, with differing discographies on both
      • all of these tracks are in Japanese, but they all have to appear in previous albums somewhere
      • sometimes the previous albums' tracklists are in full Japanese and sometimes full English
      • and I can't be sure if all of the music I'm looking for is even in the database yet
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> Hi, welcome. Well, first, just lookup the name of the album as a "Release Group" on the website. If there is one, see if your exact tracklist(s) already exist as "Release". If there is no Release Group, you can create a new release, with the tracklist 1. If you have another tracklist and are sure it's also relevant/official, you can add another release in the same release group.
      • <10volumetrique> If it's japanese I think simply adding the japanese media is enough
      • <10volumetrique> flyin9flowers
      • sentriz_ is now known as sentriz
      • mocs
        can someone recommend non popular metal/rock songs that really rocks.
      • flyin9flowers[m]
        I can actually find certain already-existing recordings of these tracks in the db, though sometimes I have to search for the romanised title
      • certainly see no tracklists that match this one
      • I guess I can just add new recordings for the rest?
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> You probably shouldn't add standalone recordings. Create a release/release group, and in the editing you will be able to either select existing recordings, or tell it to create new ones
      • <10volumetrique> It will be in the Recordings tab.
      • flyin9flowers[m]
        Oh yeah, that's what I'm doing
      • I'm staring at the Recordings tab of Add Release right now
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> Yup, perfect. Then you should just try and see if the recordings exist already. Japanese or english, if it's the same piece of audio, it should be one recording. One could argue that if a song is originally in Japanese, the recording should probably also be in japanese, but that's an edit for another time.
      • flyin9flowers[m]
        Oh, while I'm here searching for existing recordings
      • sometimes I find duplicate entries for what seem to be the same recording
      • I guess what I'm asking for is, any guidelines on merging duplicate recordings?
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> If they are the same piece of audio (including different master, but not including cut, edits, remixes), merge them
      • <10volumetrique> essentiallyHere, both the duration and the AcoustID fingerprints seem to match, one would assume it's fair to merge
      • <10volumetrique> To be 100% certain you should listen to both, but in a lot of cases it's not viable.
      • <10volumetrique> Also, try and merge into the higher quality recording (aka. the one with the best title, artist, ISRC), and if they still are the same, the oldest in the database. I think in this case, it would be better to merge into ce81f2f7
      • <10volumetrique> flyin9flowers
      • flyin9flowers[m]
      • Thanks for the help
      • volumetrique