Is there anyway to improve the startup time of Picard on mac?
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what's Picard?
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yamahanz[m]: what is this channel even about? DAWs?
yamahanz[m]: AI?
or what, exactly? I know it is music-related.
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@ntr0: Musicbrainz is a database of music metadata (artists, track titles, etc.):
Picard is a tagger, i.e. a program for applying that metadata to your local music files
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ah! :D
that sounds useful.
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I have noticed that a HUGE percentage of artists leave their ID3 tags unset, especially the Genre tag. It is cringey to see so many techno and other styles have their Genre tag set to "Blues" when the song isn't even bluesy nor uses the blues scale at all.
elomatreb[m]: thx
Aparantly, itunes (whatever the hell that is) sets the Genre tag to Blues by default. So if the uploader does not change it, it will always appear that way in the list.
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ntr0: I think it's also from an old ID3 tagging standard, back when there were only like, 255 possible genre tags. I think Blues was like, 0 or 1, so possibly a default for some
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Apparently according to FamilySearch, Jesus Christ is my ancestor
What should I do???
Now that I think of it this should go in #general
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yamahanz: what's wrong with the startup time on macOS? How long does it take, and what kind of Mac do you have?