hi how can i get a songs cover art with just the artists name and song name?
i'm making my own rust server web app and was hope to use musicbrainz to get song image, album covers, and artist imgaes
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I dont know if it helps, but there is [Onetagger](https://github.com/Marekkon5/onetagger), an open source program which fetches metadata from various vendors (including musicbrainz) and is written in rust in a large part
<_glados_[m]> "i'm making my own rust server..." <- I dont know if it helps, but there is [Onetagger](https://github.com/Marekkon5/onetagger), an open source program which fetches metadata from various vendors (including musicbrainz) and is written in rust in a large part
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<_glados_[m]> "i'm making my own rust server..." <- Doing this requires first doing a search on the api to look up the recording, then releases/release groups containing that recording, then you have IDs that you can use to look up cover art. Keep mind of the musicbrainz api request limit - depending on your application you might want to either cache results or use a local mirror of the musicbrainz database.
My app only supports sqllite locally is is possible to use the db locally as an sqlite db i’m new to working with database’s
as far as i know, all the tooling for database mirroring (and keeping it updated with live data) requires postgresql
if you're using sqlite i assume you're not scaling up the app to large numbers of users, so you might be ok with just using the musicbrainz web service for now.