

      • pite joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        zas: Hello! Hope you are not too busy battling AI vermin, if you have a moment I have a question regarding a Grafana alert.... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • d4rk-ph0enix has quit
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      • zas[m]
        Why doesn't it provide data sometimes? I mean, if the reason is the service doesn't run we expect an alert, right?
      • monkey[m]
        Transient issues that resolve themselves
      • We have other alerts for non-responding website and API, so I'm not expecting these stats alerts to trigger when connection is temporarily lost.
      • After a delay of 10 minutes, then yes it would make sense to trigger.
      • zas[m]
        There's already a 5m pending period for this alert, we can increase this
      • monkey[m]
        Ah, yes please!
      • Is that a 5m delay on triggering the alert in any case, or just for loss of data (just out of curiosity)
      • zas[m]
        10m or more?
      • jasje[m]
        Any contributors who are cooking a GSoC proposal towards ListenBrainz Android project should take a look at ideas page again. Eased some things and added more context.
      • zas[m]
        Any alert for this alert rule
      • We can't dissociate them
      • monkey[m]
        That's what I figured. Thanks for confirming
      • To me this reeads as a 1m delay, not 5. Am I looking at the wrong thing?
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (34KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/XKEAkQFpjiAZCDNZEtXQOqpW/image.png >
      • zas[m]
        That's the time the rule is evaluated, but the pending period is the time before it actually alerts (if the state is the same)
      • zas[m] uploaded an image: (46KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/wQKnfFxSmudIESOxhainIIZZ/image.png >
      • So basically it evaluates the state every minute, but wait for 5 minutes to see if it was transient or not
      • It limits false alerts
      • We can evaluate the state less often too
      • but then the pending period has to be longer
      • monkey[m]
        I was lookign at the pending period, it seemed to me to be set to 1m when I opened the alert edit page
      • zas[m]
        If you look carefully Grafana shows alerts as activated as "Pending" when it happens, notifications are sent at the end of the pending period
      • s/as//
      • monkey[m]
        Anyway, thanks for the assist. Let's see how it goes with 5m delay.
      • zas[m]
        Wait, which alert did you copied from? because I have 5m for stats
      • monkey[m]
        <zas[m]> "There's already a 5m pending..." <- This is the bit I was confused about. I can only see 1m pending period, nothing that says it was set to 5m
      • zas[m]
      • monkey[m]
      • I see, those are thesitewide
      • zas[m]
        You can change pending period to 5m for it then
      • monkey[m]
        OK, and it wasn't configured with the same delay. Mystery solved :)
      • I'll change that for the sitewide stats alerts
      • Then I think it will work fine, the other (non-sitewide) alerts have been behaving better
      • zas[m]
        The pending period limits the number of notifications if states change too quickly$
      • s/$/./
      • monkey[m]
        Yep, that's what I was looking for.
      • Thank you!
      • zas[m]
        np :)