Why doesn't it provide data sometimes? I mean, if the reason is the service doesn't run we expect an alert, right?
Transient issues that resolve themselves
We have other alerts for non-responding website and API, so I'm not expecting these stats alerts to trigger when connection is temporarily lost.
After a delay of 10 minutes, then yes it would make sense to trigger.
There's already a 5m pending period for this alert, we can increase this
Ah, yes please!
Is that a 5m delay on triggering the alert in any case, or just for loss of data (just out of curiosity)
10m or more?
Any contributors who are cooking a GSoC proposal towards ListenBrainz Android project should take a look at ideas page again. Eased some things and added more context.
Any alert for this alert rule
We can't dissociate them
That's what I figured. Thanks for confirming
To me this reeads as a 1m delay, not 5. Am I looking at the wrong thing?
monkey[m] uploaded an image: (34KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/XKEAkQFpjiAZCDNZEtXQOqpW/image.png >
That's the time the rule is evaluated, but the pending period is the time before it actually alerts (if the state is the same)
zas[m] uploaded an image: (46KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/wQKnfFxSmudIESOxhainIIZZ/image.png >
So basically it evaluates the state every minute, but wait for 5 minutes to see if it was transient or not
It limits false alerts
We can evaluate the state less often too
but then the pending period has to be longer
I was lookign at the pending period, it seemed to me to be set to 1m when I opened the alert edit page
If you look carefully Grafana shows alerts as activated as "Pending" when it happens, notifications are sent at the end of the pending period
Anyway, thanks for the assist. Let's see how it goes with 5m delay.
Wait, which alert did you copied from? because I have 5m for stats
<zas[m]> "There's already a 5m pending..." <- This is the bit I was confused about. I can only see 1m pending period, nothing that says it was set to 5m