

November 1st 2021

      • akshat
        Hi lucifer!
      • lucifer
        akshat: hi!
      • akshat
        I was looking to integrate stripe to the app
      • I've tested it for a few other apps and it works great!
      • I'll be adding that to our app lucifer, so that sounds good right?
      • lucifer
        doesn't google take a cut for doing that in app?
      • akshat
        How will they? They don't as far as I know
      • lucifer
        will need to check but afair there were some restrictions on accepting donations the last time i checked.
      • akshat
        Cool, we can look into that. If that works in our favor, we'll integrate it then?
      • lucifer
        sure its fine by me. but since this relates to donations stuff, ask ruaok as well.
      • akshat
      • lucifer
        >Donations must be facilitated via a web browser, and any collection must be made through a secure payment system.
      • yup that's how we do it currently and the restriction i was thinking of above.
      • akshat
        I think the stripe sdks for android also open up a webview, generally all payment gateways do
      • So technically it happens to be a web browser process only but with the native feel
      • Anyway, no hurry we can see accordingly if this works for us and add only then
      • The biggest point for me is to reduce the number of steps taken to get people to donate/support
      • lucifer
        yes sounds good
      • akshat
        Other than this lucifer, I have successfully managed to automate the release process to playstore!
      • Let's finalize that work today
      • We'll basically be using GitHub actions to make a rleease for us everytime we push to master
      • lucifer
        i saw that PR. great work, i'll review that today.
      • akshat
        I need a couple of credentials btw
      • The keystore.jks file which we use for signing, the dev configs(which ruaok would help us with) and the key alias and passwords we use while signing
      • I've added the params to the PRs description. Those need to be added to GitHub secrets
      • Either you could add them directly or you could share it with me and I could handle that
      • The .jks file and the .json file will have to be converted to base64 while being added as a secret
      • lucifer
        the secrets are present in the android app folder of syswiki
      • akshat
      • alastairp
      • lucifer
      • alastairp
        lucifer: holiday here today so I'm not really around, but will be online for a few hours if you have any questions
      • lucifer
        sounds good.
      • if ruaok and monkey are around too for some time, we can probably discuss ideas for LB 2021 roundup. otherwise, can do that tomorrow.
      • alastairp
        given that it's a holiday here today I suspect tomorrow might be better for that
      • lucifer
        makes sense
      • akshat
        lucifer: if you're free today, let's review some android stuff?
      • lucifer
        akshat: sure, can do in a few hours.
      • akshat
      • ruaok
      • zas
      • outsidecontext
        moin :)
      • akshat: I am available now if you want
      • akshat
        moin outsidecontext !
      • Please provide me this
      • Need the json file which you download here
      • outsidecontext
        akshat: oh, yes. I tried to set this up once, but failed on the app side of things and the Gradle changes. Let me check
      • akshat
        Great, I've done this to over 4 apps now and I'm loving it.
      • Please do not share the json files here in public though, just a reminder ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
      • lucifer
        alastairp: is it safe to remove blocks like `except Exception: raise APIInternalServerError`. afair, the 500 error handler you put in some time ago handles all uncaught exceptions and these blocks are redundant, wanted to confirm I am not forgetting something?
      • akshat
        outsidecontext: now head to your repo's settings and on to Secrets
      • All these five variables with the respective values
      • Only the play config json value and the Android keystore file value should be in the base64 encoded version
      • Just the command `base64 -i play_config.json > play_config.json.b64 ` the gather the base64 encoded version of the file
      • Use^
      • Once you've added these, merge my Fastlane PR.
      • After that all we'll need to do is increment the version code in the next push and the release should be made as a draft on the playstore hope
      • hopefully^
      • outsidecontext
        cool, let us test this :) need a few minutes to set this up
      • akshat
      • outsidecontext
        the json file I think we probably could also do as plaintext instead of base64 encoding it, but let's got with this first
      • akshat
        I learnt my lesson to encode large text lol because that might contain whitespace
      • But I think the plain text might work for json
      • I just saw that you use the `main` branch and not the `master` branch for the default work so I'll make those changes accordingly for you
      • If I forgot to mention, the ANDROID _KEYSTORE_FILE is the .jks file we use to sign our aab files
      • outsidecontext
        the keystore file that can be managed with keytool, right? I just changed the passwords for that so it is unique for the CI. Setup should work that way.
      • PR looks good to me. Let's try by merging to beta branch, I'll create one
      • akshat
      • And yeah
      • ruaok
        akshat: lucifer: alastairp: monkey: yvanzo: remember to add the hours we spent on zoom for the summit to your invoice, ok?
      • I guess remember your invoice, period. :)
      • akshat
        Yes ruaok!
      • outsidecontext
      • alastairp
        yes ๐Ÿ‘ thanks for both reminders
      • akshat
        outsidecontext: typo from my end, the Secret is supposed to be PLAY_CONFIG_JSON
      • Had the I and F switched previously
      • outsidecontext
        I update it
      • akshat
      • You'll have to push to beta a change to trigger the action again
      • outsidecontext
        I rerun the action, just to see if it works. Secret should actually have been ok, but maybe wrong value. I updated it again, let's see
      • akshat
      • outsidecontext
        it should still fail to publish because I haven't pushed bumping the versionCode, but I want to see first if the general setup works
      • akshat
        Cool sounds good
      • I basically failed this setup over 100 times this weekend๐Ÿ˜‚
      • But it was worth it in the end :)
      • outsidecontext
        :D not sure quite now, how does it behave when you released to beta, then to production? can this be done with the same versionCode, or does it need to be bumped again?
      • akshat
        I think it can be done with the same versionCode
      • outsidecontext
        I think it is running now. I had failed to save the key permissions, but that should be fixed
      • akshat
      • I think you need to go through an additional step outsidecontext ?
      • outsidecontext
        oh well "For uploading an AppBundle you must be enrolled in Play Signing.". I avoided this so far, not a fan :D
      • akshat
        Why though?
      • We can modify the setup for you so that you can locally send the release through the command `fastlane beta`
      • outsidecontext
        don't liked the idea that google instead of myself signs the code being distributed. Don't have much of an issue with that on f-droid, different trust situation. But anyway, I'll set this up here
      • akshat
        Haha okaaayy!
      • So are you setting up the local solution or enrolling to play signing?
      • Btw let me know if you learn something new in the process :)
      • We are yet to write UI tests for the app to automate the screenshots.
      • outsidecontext
        I'll enroll for play signing. I just wonder if we need the keystore on the CI then still
      • akshat
        We do need it. It's just that we only need to sign using these credentials only. Idk if you were allowed to change the password until now, but moving forward we can't.
      • If we misplace these credentials, we'll have to contact Google to reset our keystore. Pretty good support for that though
      • outsidecontext
        ah, ok. good I changed passwords then right now.