

      • bitmap
        monkey: I was worried about it making server-side rendering slower after benchmarking a small part of it, but it might not matter on a whole page... I'd say try it if it makes things easier
      • alastairp
        I hope that I'll be able to get some help from reosarevok this week in order to prep the work to add the tags to recordings, then stuff will be ready for analysis
      • bitmap
        my only other concern was not being able to use the official bootstrap docs, but looks like the react-bootstrap docs have improved somewhat
      • alastairp
        lucifer: did you get any further with dumping AB features?
      • lucifer
        alastairp: no haven't started work on that yet.
      • monkey
        Thanks bitmap! I wasn't sure if it was only SSR-related. I'll investigate.
      • alastairp
        lucifer: np, I'll be around tomorrow, hopefully I can help too
      • lucifer
        nice, sounds good
      • from my side, i think all the features we decided earlier are available here. https://beta-api.listenbrainz.org/1/stats/user/... so monkey and akshaaatt can start on frontend stuff.
      • monkey
      • akshaaatt
      • lucifer
        i'll try to improve the colors and modify the data of other keys in case needed
      • monkey
        akshaaatt: we should divide and conquer. At a glance, we need:
      • - the general year in music page
      • - new component for day_of_week (that'll be pretty quick I guess just a card with a title and the most active day)
      • - new component for most_prominent_color (similarly probably small easy component with title and a color swatch)
      • - new component for most_listened_year (for this I envision a graph of sorts)
      • - new component for new_releases_of_top_artists (probably just a card with the right title and a list of ListenCard components)
      • - for similar_users I think we can simply reuse the components used in the user feed
      • I've got some ideas for a big title at the top of the page with a gift-wrapping sort of ribbon
      • akshaaatt
        Sounds wonderful to me!
      • monkey
        Any components you're interested in more than others?
      • lucifer
        i t
      • akshaaatt
        I would like to hands on getting started at the new_releases_of_top_artists and the day_of_week
      • We can discuss the complete page design tomorrow though in detail
      • monkey
      • lucifer
        i think we originally decided to just show a single stat for most listened year. however, currently we generate more detailed data so as to experiment.
      • kinduff joined the channel
      • bitmap
        akshaaatt: hey, i'm feeling a bit sick today but i'll try to look at the issues you're having soon, sorry for the delay
      • akshaaatt
        Sure bitmap no hurry at all. Get well soon btw! 😇
      • monkey
        lucifer: Yeah. after thinking about it and looking at the data we have, I think it will be more interesting in context rather than single stat.
      • akshaaatt: I added the list of components to the year-in-music doc
      • akshaaatt
        Amazing! Could you please share that link here again?
      • Thanks a lot monkey!
      • monkey
      • akshaaatt: Here's one I think you'll be more interested in that me: "Easy sharing to social media"
      • kinduff has quit
      • akshaaatt
        I think that'll be really interesting
      • monkey
        It was on the list from previous notes. I'm putting your name next ot it for now :)
      • lucifer
        monkey: i see. makes sense
      • akshaaatt
      • alastairp
      • kinduff joined the channel
      • monkey
        Saw that pass by, good move.
      • alastairp
        yeah, reminded me of the study I saw where people were asked "did you like the order that you got this playlist?" and everyone said "I listen to everything on shuffle, I didn't even notice"
      • ruaok reappears
      • ruaok
        sorry everyone, my afternoon went sideways.
      • I also have very little direct progress to report, other than the mapping improvements that allow us to recheck matches in case that data has been imported to MB in the meantime.
      • I'm rerunning all the no_match entries for 2021 and that should finish soonish.
      • but I am ready to look at the last task I've got and I think I wrap all that up this week. if I can avoid cans of worms.
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek merged pull request #2297 (03master…fix-deployment-5xx): Try to eradicate 5xx errors during deployment https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • alastairp
        yum, worms
      • ruaok
        oh, the recheck is done.
      • let me re-run the top discoveries after the meeting
      • neat someone imported some very clean data: https://stats.metabrainz.org/d/OGg5QUCGz/listen...
      • Freso
        Oop. It’s already that time!
      • <BANG>
      • It’s Cranberry Relish Monday!
      • ruaok
        match rate is 80% and dropping. neat
      • Freso
        No mailed in reviews, so…
      • ruaok: Go!
      • ruaok
      • alastairp
        it's 80% match monday
      • ruaok
        last week was mostly working on the mapping to make it allow re-rechecking things that didn't match.
      • Freso
        (People up for reviews: lucifer, alastairp, zas, reosarevok, monkey, akshat, yvanzo, bitmap, CatQuest, Freso – anyone else who wants to give review, let me know!)
      • ruaok
        which cause another general refactoring. All 2021 no matches have been re-run. stats tomorrow morning will be quite interesting.
      • but, overall a much slower week as compared to the hectic weeks prior.
      • a nice change.
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        Overall, I'm on track for finishing the year-end stuff, but there remains a fair bit of work.
      • fin.
      • alastairp!
      • alastairp
      • last week I was data wrangling too, with some help from monkey we got almost all of the genres from our dataset (which have mbids) mapped to tags/genres in MB
      • as I said earlier, about 90% matched, about 5% still to match, and about 5% not worth matching
      • about 300 distinct tags, over about 1.6m recordings
      • otherwise, I was around, talking some things over with lucifer and others
      • lucifer: next?
      • lucifer
        hi all!
      • i mostly worked on LB year in music stuff last week. other than that i worked on debugging missing listens in stats and following up on exisitng PRs. that's it for me.
      • CatQuest: next?
      • CatQuest
        Meow! `😺`
      • I've added INST-1042
      • BrainzBot
      • CatQuest
        I've also made some tickets from the Summit Notes!
      • Thanks to reo and also yvanzo for some help w/ project disambiguiation
      • I can also report that the mb telegram bridge has had its spam issues solved. Thanks much to jwflory!
      • This week i intend to create more summit tickets and work with reo on instrument images.
      • ♎
      • fin, go reosarevok
      • reosarevok
      • Started work on MBS-7912
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-7912: New Edit search condition : edit is [not] in my subscriptions https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-7912
      • reosarevok
        And spent a lot of time on MBS-11910
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-11910: Allow editing relationship credits in the new URL editor pop-in https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-11910
      • reosarevok
        Other than that, mostly updating PRs and fixing small issues
      • bitmap: go?
      • bitmap
      • Freso
        (People still up: zas, monkey, akshat, yvanzo, Freso – anyone else who wants to give review, let me know!)
      • bitmap
        last week I looked into CAA-13 and started working on a way to fix these items in the CAA with fail-reasons set
      • BrainzBot
        CAA-13: Implement grouping on the CAA https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/CAA-13
      • bitmap
        er, wrong link
      • CAA-137
      • BrainzBot
        CAA-137: Image Type is not applied to cover art files unless Type is set when the files are uploaded https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/CAA-137
      • bitmap
        the pages to find items with fail-reasons aren't working at the moment, but hank at the IA said he'll work on fixing them
      • Freso
        !m hank at the IA
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, hank at the IA!
      • bitmap
        but I did come up with some ways we can inject events for fixing these into the artwork-indexer, in the meantime
      • other than that I worked a bit more on the release editor conversion to React from last week, and helped with a couple unrelated PRs
      • I finished a Selenium test for discid attaching and added it to https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... with a small check for the tagger icon
      • that's mostly it. I have some cold-like symptoms today so might be resting a bit this week (not sure if covid yet, but hopefully nothing)
      • fin. go yvanzo
      • yvanzo
      • Mostly reviewed pull requests, almost the whole MBS milestone.
      • Worked on improving our communication w.r.t. blog posts and MBS releases.
      • Also worked on the MBS spam handling stuff (both reo's PR and spam reports).
      • Plus support, issues triage…
      • I won’t be available on Thursday, moving again.
      • CatQuest
      • yvanzo
        Fin, go monkey!
      • monkey
        Hi !
      • Last week I finished initial work on adding cover art to ListenBrainz
      • We've still got some improvements to work on but it's a start, and apparently appreciated (I know I love seeing it)
      • CatQuest
        !m monkey
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, monkey!
      • monkey
        I also started work on redesigning BrainzPlayer, and made some good headway on that
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok merged pull request #2338 (03master…MBS-11917): MBS-11917: New report: Releases with "Disc n" medium titles https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • monkey
        On Thursday we lost internet at the office, and so i worked on a lot of very small tickets that I could figure out without the need for any googling
      • Lots of PRs ensued.
      • I looked into some aspects of the Spotify API
      • Learner a lot about Maltese folk music (Għana)
      • And the rest of the week was finishing PR, reviewing PRs, merging PRs.
      • That's it for me! go zas !
      • zas
      • reosarevok
        !m monkey and alastairp for the Maltese Madness
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, monkey and alastairp for the Maltese Madness!
      • Freso
        (Only akshaaatt and myself left! Last call for anyone else who may want to go!)
      • alastairp
        the band that we found was great. I listened to their album multiple times on the weekend
      • zas
        last week I joined the online Haproxyconf, many interesting talks & presentations
      • ruaok
        monkey: did you recommend the album (or tracks thereof)?
      • zas
        I also worked on Picard I had a bunch of patches that were piling up, trying to have them in before next beta release
      • I continued research about the future of our gateways
      • plus usual sysadmin stuff
      • fin. akshaaatt?
      • alastairp
        if only
      • akshaaatt
        Hi everyone!
      • Last week started for me by adding ways to provide notifications to everyone