

April 1st 2022

      • aerozol
        hmm did our mail server settings change? My 'send as' function on gmail doesn't work anymore
      • never mind, 'allow insecure apps' had turned itself off again (if anybody cares)
      • yuzie
        I tried Chrome and finally signed in on my local instance. Seems Safari is blocking something
      • lucifer
        yuzie: can you share what issue you were getting?
      • like what error did you see in safari or contianer logs etc?
      • yuzie
        I tried to sign in with my MusicBrainz on my local instance, but on Safari, I am redirected to the local homepage directly. No "POST /agree-to-terms/?next=%2F%3F HTTP/1.1" showing up.
      • I just compared the logs. The difference is after trying to sign in on Safari, "POST /agree-to-terms/?next=%2F%3F HTTP/1.1" is missing. But it appears after I tried to sign up on Chrome.
      • lucifer
        hmm unsure what issue could be. iirc alastairp and monkey work on mac. they could try reproducing the issue on safari and we can fix it then.
      • yuzie
        Maybe I need to modify some setting on Safari. I'm not sure.
      • Freso
        Just a heads up that I won’t be around today. :x
      • mayhem
      • lucifer: mb-metadata-cache has been written to wolf. let me send the data to gaga as well. we'll need to update the table location to use the schema, but thats a small PR later.
      • alastairp: any chance you can update #1933 this morning? I need it merged to continue my work...
      • lucifer
        mayhem: sounds good :+!
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14mayhem merged pull request #1933 (03master…metadata-cache-update): Update dirty items in the metadata cache https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • alastairp
      • mayhem
      • alastairp
        mayhem: I'll go back and add those fixes in shortly
      • mayhem
        I just merged the PR and filed this: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1079
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1079: Finish PR feedback on PR #1933
      • alastairp
        lucifer: after I do ^, let me take a look at safari + login
      • lucifer
        👍 thanks
      • alastairp
        I have a call in 30 minutes, so will try and fit it in among that
      • mayhem
        alastairp: base your fixes off https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... please
      • alastairp
        mayhem: will do
      • mayhem
      • alastairp
        btw - monday: 1st monday of the month, LB/pybrainz meeting 1h before meeting time? lucifer monkey mayhem?
      • monkey
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
      • alastairp
        lucifer: if you have some time this afternoon, it'd be great to get your help on trying to wind up a few CB PRs
      • lucifer
        sure, which ones specifically?
      • alastairp
        I think I'll just merge 300, your old one for group member list, we can take another look at it if it still needs work, and your 332 one (some conflicts there)
      • lucifer
        makes sense
      • alastairp
        then I want to merge 320, 327, 328 (they all just need a simple test), and 383, then we can do a release and sync up the LB PR for the same feature
      • after that, I think we can merge the BU upgrade and deploy to beta with the jinja undefined template setting enabled, to see if I caught all of the template updates
      • lucifer
        sounds good, i see the BU one has some test failures. i can take a look at those while you are at LB stuff.
      • alastairp
        hmm, I thought I fixed all of those on tuesday
      • let me look at the failures again
      • lucifer
      • probably because of the strict setting and log sentry being undefined in tests.
      • alastairp
        huh, I saw that, but I thought I updated it
      • let me see if I have an unpushed commit
      • pushed
      • let's see what happens to the tests
      • lucifer
        ah cool 👍
      • alastairp
        if you can take a look at the conflicts in 332 that'd be great
      • lucifer
        sure will do
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14mayhem merged pull request #1939 (03master…add-year-to-mb-cache): Add year to mb cache https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • lucifer
        alastairp: all tests pass now so how about merging bu 2.4 into namespace branch? a couple of tests fail there, maybe those get fixed.
      • alastairp
        lucifer: yep, that was the plan .let's do it
      • BrainzGit
        [critiquebrainz] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #405 (03namespace…bu2-upgrade): Finish upgrade to brainzutils 2.4 https://github.com/metabrainz/critiquebrainz/pu...
      • alastairp
        we could release namespace branch straight to beta too, to get it in testing now
      • lucifer
        makes sense, let's do that
      • alastairp
        let me do that now
      • lucifer
        👍 thanks
      • alastairp
        thanks to you
      • monkey: do you remember the steps that you did to set up smtp server in BB (or even better, did you document it?)
      • I'm looking at wiki now, the ideal situation would be that I can read docs and set it up myself without bothering zas. if I can't find docs, I'll ask him and then write the docs
      • zas: can you check syswiki/MailSetup.md and see if it can be deleted?
      • lucifer
        why do we need separate relays for all projects? shouldn't one be enough for LB/CB/BB at atleast
      • alastairp
        good question, we should decide if we want to keep doing this
      • monkey
        No sorry alastairp I have nothing written down :/
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
      • mayhem
        ok, I'll look at that today.
      • lucifer
      • to make sure we are on the same page, last time we decided to add these new detunings to both endpoint and background runner. future multipass would only be added to background runner.
      • so once the PR is reviewed, i'll duplicate the query file, rename it to somethign else for use in the lookup endpoint.
      • mayhem
        ok, thanks for the memory jog. maybe I'll go do that right now.
      • alastairp
        zas: (and maybe atj if you want to learn about this): could you give some feedback on lucifer's comment above? do you prefer that we have an exim relay per project, or can we start sharing 1 relay between many projects?
      • zas
        alastairp: we used to have an exim relay container per project
      • it isn't strictly mandatory, but if this relay is on the node the project runs on, it ensures it works when we reboot (other) machines
      • we just need to be sure the IP of the node is accepted by gmail
      • alastairp
        I see 4 relays in constants.sh, musicbrainz, metabrainz, listenrbainz, bookbrainz
      • by default gmail doesn't accept all of our nodes?
      • I agree that having at least one relay per node makes sense in case another node goes away temporarily. I'll write this
      • zas
      • so basically you set up an exim relay container, and check if it can relay, if not (getting unauthorized error), it is likely missing IP on the gmail side
      • alastairp
        I'll add to this document about how to set up a relay. I remember doing it once for sentry, and I've also got monkey's PR above
      • I thought that all of our machines by default had access, but I'll add a note about like you say to check the error messages
      • thanks
      • zas: actually, trille already runs a musicbrainz.org exim relay (there is also one on zappa). so does it make sense to add a 2nd relay to trille for CB, or should we just use the existing relay?
      • zas
        you need another one I think, because of --env DOMAIN=${MAILNAME} set in https://github.com/metabrainz/docker-server-con...
      • alastairp
        ah, that's a perfect motivitation to have one per project. thanks for remembering this
      • thusharkn is now known as CandyBrain
      • CB beta is now running my recent changes to upgrade BU: https://beta.critiquebrainz.org/
      • please have a click around and try to break it - it's currently configured to crash if a template tries to load a piece of data that doesn't exist. Let me know if you find an error
      • lucifer
      • alastairp
      • lucifer
        mayhem: alastairp: monkey: can you please RT from MeB, AB, BB respectively? :)
      • mayhem
      • lucifer: akshaaatt : invoices please!
      • lucifer
        yup on it. will send soon.
      • mayhem
        lucifer: if there already a tweet?
      • lucifer
      • alastairp
        > Our PoS NFTs will allow you to support MetaBrainz
      • very well done, whoever came up with this
      • lucifer
        reosarevok did.
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
      • mayhem
        rollcoin. :ROTFL
      • well played team!
      • lucifer
        i am sure everyone will appreciate the technical video you made for clearing all doubts.
      • mayhem
        positive about that. shame no one will click it.
      • mayhem rickrolls the board of directors
      • lets see who falls for it.
      • lucifer
      • mayhem
        the law of unintended consequences may end up forcing us to actually make NTFs because people will like this idea.
      • lucifer
        lol who are the echo nest remix folks?
      • mayhem
        no clue.
      • alastairp
        the worrying thing about this, is that this is exactly the kind of thing that an NFT person will earnestly propose, thinking that it's the perfect answer to all problems
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
        indeed 1 person did reply that
      • there will be many more soon.
      • mayhem
        hey, if people push us to mint money... who are we to argue?
      • akshaaatt
        On it mayhem! ⚡
      • mayhem
        knowing us, we'd do it, but a disclaimer on it: "We did this for you. But you're going to lose your money. If you're good with that, click proceed."
      • and people would still click proceed
      • lucifer
        btw in case someone is interested https://docs.google.com/document/d/16PMscZrthNZ...
      • another nice read up though less coherent.
      • PrathameshG[m]
      • alastairp
        hi PrathameshG[m]
      • PrathameshG[m]
        Been writinhg the GSOC proposal 👀
      • Should be posted soon on the discourse foums :))
      • alastairp
      • KassOtsimine
        lucifer: do you have wordpress edit privs (can edito other's post)
      • lucifer
        not sure, let me check.
      • PrathameshG[m]
        No, thanks to you my man alastairp I didn't expect so much support in a completely new community where I only entered with 50% of skill requirements 🙌