

      • lucifer
        https://www.crunchydata.com/blog/postgres-query... , this was an interesting optimization post i read last week.
      • 2-3s -> 1ms!
      • mayhem
        yes, UNION is an anti-pattern as far as I am concerned.
      • lucifer
        that was actually how they optimized it in this case. replaced left join with union all.
      • mayhem
        wait, really?
      • lucifer
      • mayhem
        my experiences have been the other way around. odd.
      • lucifer
        the left join was preventing them from using indexes, rewritign it with union all allowed them to utilise those.
      • mayhem
        thats odd.
      • mayhem goes back to board meeting prep
      • lucifer
        >A LEFT JOIN for tables A and B is the intersection of A and B plus the rows in A that do not appear in B. We cannot index a left join directly, however the intersection case can be indexed quite nicely, and we can perhaps do something better than the current case for the null join case. So rather than using a LEFT JOIN directly, let's create a query which explicitly calculates each part of the result set and appends them, and see how we
      • can improve performance.
      • texke joined the channel
      • mayhem: not sure whether an issue or not with the json files, but i realised we send a limited number of stats at a time. we store 1000 but paginate by 25. not sure if this counts as querying.
      • revi has quit
      • trolley joined the channel
      • mayhem
        no that is pagination, which should should be able to do with the proposed solution.
      • PrathameshG[m]
        Hey everyone :))
      • mayhem
      • oh that reminds me, I need to create IRCCloud accounts for all our GSOC students.
      • PrathameshG[m]
        Now that we're finally in the community bonding period, it's a nice reminder that we should know each other better!
      • mayhem: Oooh interesting
      • mayhem
        send me your email in a PM and I'll invite you.
      • lucifer
        mayhem: ah cool, btw looking at json stores currently, couchdb and cassandra particularly. will find and look at others later.
      • mayhem
        gah. cassandra. LB was first build using cassandra and we had to do huge amounts of fighting and we replaced it with PG.
      • lucifer
        oh, any particular issues? it seems like could work fine for this task.
      • PrathameshG joined the channel
      • mayhem
        much better PrathameshG[m]
      • eh, PrathameshG
      • PrathameshG
        Yes, looks like this is it
      • Yea pretty confusing usernames lol
      • mayhem
        lucifer: I don't recall the particular issues, it was just... not good.
      • PrathameshG
        I should rename the matrix ID for this channel ig
      • lucifer
        i see.
      • mayhem
        people shouldnt use software written by FB.
      • PrathameshG[m]: just drop your matrix one. it will just confuse us all. Just use one.
      • PrathameshG
      • *fair enough
      • PrathameshG[m] is now known as PrathameshG[m]1
      • PrathameshG[m]1 has left the channel
      • PrathameshG[m]1 joined the channel
      • PrathameshG[m]1 has left the channel
      • Disconnected the alt. No more imposters
      • mayhem
      • PrathameshG
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2003 (03master…fix-ts): Fix check for discovery timestamp https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • PrathameshG
        Forgot to [off] the link that was supposed to be [off] :expre
      • * 😑
      • monkey
      • texke has quit
      • d4rkie has quit
      • d4rkie joined the channel
      • MajorLurker has quit
      • akshaaatt
        Hi monkey! I have made the required changes to https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • monkey
        Thanks akshaaatt I'll have a look now
      • agatzk has quit
      • agatzk joined the channel
      • skelly37 joined the channel
      • mayhem
        hey skelly37. pm me your email and I'll invite you to IRCCloud so you can stay in touch with us more easily over the course of the summer.
      • Ansh is now known as Guest185
      • ansh joined the channel
      • chinmay has quit
      • skelly37 has quit
      • akshaaatt
        Hi bitmap! How do you suggest we resolve https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... ?
      • zas
        atj: ping, I'd like to add a specific /etc/smartmontools/run.d/10mail file to certain machines (managed by ansible), in order to filter out spammy messages (like the non-issue "Critical Warning (0x04): Reliability" we have on trille. The idea is to override this file with a per-host (or per-group) file, but only if there's one. What would be the best approach to achieve that with ansible?
      • chinmay joined the channel
      • riksucks
        hi monkey, whenever you are free, do you wanna have discussions about polishing the mockups of the personal recommendation feature
      • or do you want to discuss it when the backend has been implemented
      • akshaaatt
        Thanks monkey! Fixed the final review also :)
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #1931 (03bootstrap5…fix-navbar): Navbar Migration https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • akshaaatt
        monkey I'm looking to move forward with `container-fluid` instead of `container` wrapping on ListenBrainz. The same is followed on MusicBrainz. Any comments on that or good to go?
      • monkey
        Can you sum up the differences please?
      • akshaaatt
        A difference will be felt in the desktop version where the width with fluid will be maximized
      • `container-fluid covers the whole width of any device, . container is set to cover a maximum of 1320px width on the largest viewports`
      • monkey
        Well, I can only say the lack of any sort of margin or padding on the side looks really really wrong to me
      • atj
        zas: we should be able to ignore that error via the configuration
      • monkey
        Probably depends on the pages though
      • But that hompage liketaht makes me wantto scream :p
      • akshaaatt
        We can fix that monkey
      • I am looking forward to adjusting the font sizes later. I think that should fix our issue
      • monkey
        I think a bit of paddi.g to make sure the text doesn't rub on the sides of the page should be enough
      • akshaaatt
        For now monkey, I have moved the footer and the nav out of container and have them on fluid, while the homepage and the listens, etc with a container
      • Once we add the sidebar, we can replace the main sections's container with fluid
      • mayhem
        FWIW, I strongly oppose the lack or margin as well.
      • akshaaatt
        Right mayhem. I think yeah having the main container on container does make sense
      • section*
      • mayhem
        good. :)
      • bitmap
        akshaaatt: sorry but I'm not sure since I didn't attempt to debug it, I was just relaying the error I found. but it's easy to reproduce
      • monkey
        For what it's worth akshaaatt, the `container-fluid` class with the css var `--bs-gutter-x` set to `3em;` for example seems fine to me. It doesn't have to be the super-wide margins of the regular `container` class: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/i1sC8...
      • akshaaatt
        Right bitmap!
      • Noice monkey! Sounds good
      • monkey
        It's not my favorite (reading text lines longer than ~50-60 character I find unpleasant), but at least I don't want to scream :p
      • mayhem
      • monkey
        For reference, on this screen size that's about 110 characters per line
      • Freso
      • It’s International Monday to End Obstetric Fistula!
      • I have received one mailed in review… reosarevok, go!
      • reosarevok says…
      • """
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
        Last week I helped put out the schema change, wrote a couple small PRs, then went on a break and did nothing else of note. Still doing that right now. Doing nothing is neat.
      • """
      • bitmap: Go!
      • CatQuest
      • bitmap
      • mayhem
        so spanish, reo. :)
      • bitmap
        last week I helped with the schema change release and was mostly working on PRs related to that
      • Freso
        (Others up: monkey, Freso, akshaaatt, alastairp, zas, atj, mayhem, lucifer, yvanzo, CatQuest – anyone else who to give review, let me know ASAP! :))
      • CatQuest
      • bitmap
        afterward I fixed some small remaining issues. one causing the JSON dumps to hang and was hot-fixed, others were minor
      • fin. go monkey!
      • monkey
        Hiya !
      • Last week was a bit slow, but I did continue reviewed my giant stack of PRs
      • With alastairp we tweaked some things on BrainzBot to allow us to write PR review ids like so: LB#2000
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1084: Show track duration in BrainzPlayer: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • monkey
        I continued working a bit on the LB metadata viewer, and did some debugging to figure out some issues with listening on LB with Spotify (some listens don't make it into the listening history)
      • Worked a bit on the bootstrap migration
      • And finally started a document to explain what the goal is for moods on MB and LB
      • CatQuest
      • monkey
        That's it for me ! lucifer go !
      • lucifer
        hi all!
      • Freso
        (Others still up: akshaaatt, alastairp, zas, atj, mayhem, yvanzo, CatQuest, Freso – anyone else who to give review, let me know ASAP! :))
      • lucifer
        i helped a bit in the schema change by working on unifying our mbdata fork with upstream and updating the models for schema version 27. also worked on some sir tests.
      • mayhem
        thanks for helping!
      • lucifer
        reviewed some PRs, helped in debugging mbid mapper issues and added an initial version of rechecking old unmatched msids (further improvements to come). worked with LB team to get the long standing mini reviews PR merged, with that all of jdaok's work from last GSoC is now merged.
      • some work on recommendations, like adding a new category and timestamps of when those were listened last. that's it for me. CatQuest: next?
      • CatQuest
        Meow! `😺`
      • Hi! I've done plant things this week, but also had time to do INST-1053 & INST-1052
      • also been looking into fixing up a few abandoned recordings. there are quite a few.
      • finally working on some bookbrainz editions, hoping that updates will make things better :D
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged; see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/IRC for details | Agenda: Reviews, MeB-wide Oauth (lucifer), Securing MeB infrastructure - part 4
      • fin, go zas♉
      • zas
      • Freso
        BrainzBot: ping?
      • zas
        On Monday, I moved aretha to ansible, during the new schema deployment
      • alastairp
        CatQuest: known bug, I need to fix it
      • Freso
        BrainzBot: ping
      • BrainzBot
        Are you in need of my services, Freso?
      • zas
        On Tuesday, we released another RC of Picard, stable version will be released tomorrow
      • CatQuest
        !m picard-devs
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, picard-devs!
      • zas
        I was off the remaining of the week, just keeping a distant eye to our infrastructure, thanks to mayhem & atj I had nothing to do ;)
      • fin. akshaaatt ?
      • mayhem
        I didn't do anything either. :)
      • akshaaatt
        Hi Everyone!
      • zas
        (mayhem : you did dns change for CAA)
      • mayhem
        crap. so much for that clean record
      • akshaaatt
        We have made explosive updates to MB Android App with the addition of the Spotify SDK to play tracks. Also, the tagger functionality has been updated to feature better results. A release has been deployed on the play store for you to try it out :)
      • monkey
        Nice !