chinmay: i think i fixed the issue of filters not getting applied right away. its because `useState` is async so calling `setFilteredList` right after will use an outdated value. for the other issue, releases disappearing after removing all filters. its because the checkedList becomes empty and then the filtering returns no releases so i added an if to special case that and show all releases.
i have pushed the changes to your branch, latest two commits. it seems to work fine for me but try it out and if there any issues or if you have any doubts or further questions.
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FYI summit attendees, still tons of space in my bag if anyone wants anything from NZ > Spain (I’ve stocked up on treats and hops)
"Cover Art Archive - 429 Too Many Requests Errors" in support
zas: do you know if this was just the IA or it can be something else?
It can be anything, I'll check
reosarevok: zas: bitmap mentioned this yesterday. he suspected a spammer.
So I guess ideally we'd have the equivalent for genre to the other entity icons there? :)
I can do the implementation
zas is on the case for the CAA issues.
aerozol: when do you fly?
reosarevok: CAA issue was on our side, there was an increase of (apparently legit) traffic, but our rate limit was a bit low, I increased it, now all requests are handled, 429s disappeared. I also added an alert to detect this in the future.
aerozol: I asked my Kiwi friend here about how to answer your question. She says: "Whittakers peanut slab, Pixie Caramel, pineapple lumps and Perky Nana bars (just for the name 😂).
which of course is all goobelydegook to me, but hey. :)
lol, that advert must sit really deeply in your psyche of kiwis -- my friend sent the me same link, lol.
yeah, I don't think I've ever eaten one? but the moment I read the name I thought of that ad
well maybe we'll get the chance to eat one. not like we don't have these things in the EU, but its all about nostalgia, right?
lucifer: Awesome! It's working now. I knew I had to use useeffect somehow but couldn't figure it out
mayhem can't wait to see this feature in action
chinmay can't wait to complete it and see it on lb
I'll do some css changes and start working on timeline today
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Access to fetch at '' from origin 'http://localhost:8100' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
I'm getting this error on every CAA request
do those requests have 429 as status?
Umm no
307 redirects
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uh weird. i tried your branch locally. the 307 ones work fine the CORS errors are thrown only on 404 and 429.
bitmap: opened that both for my qol purposes and to have something to base stuff like the React label form on (since that'll need the guess case too)
Can you take a look when you have some time? Also, is there any reason we're not updating master with the relationship editor changes? :) I don't want to open every PR on beta but I do want to test with the less buggy code ;)
I'm using this function to fetch CAA which is written by monkey (getAlbumArtFromListenMetadata). I had to copy it as a new function because I needed it to accept a MBID parameter instead of listen metadata.
monkey: can this be done somehow by modifying the existing getAlbumArtFromListenMetadata function? I do not want to duplicate the code.
you can create a fake listen as a stopgap measure.
alastairp: thanks! there's a lot of work left
perhaps we could create getAlbumArtFromMbid(), and the fromListenMetadata version just parses the id out and calls the first one?
yes! that sounds doable
lucifer: you mean I call the fromListenMetadata function with some fake listen data?
chinmay: yes, something like `{"track_metadata": "additional_info": {"release_mbid": RELEASE_MBID_HERE}} as Listen`. but separating out a function for mbid sounds better in longer run.
lucifer: got it
Yes, alastairp's solution is the way to go. Separate getAlbumArtFromReleaseMbid method that will be called by getAlbumArtFromListenMetadata
chinmay: I'd like to make a quick change to the getAlbumArtFromListenMetadata retry mechanism before you do that, if possible. Just to avoid some merge conflicts
mayhem: alastairp: I already got a few packs of pineapple lumps haha. They're a kiwi classic, which means good enough to stick around, but not good enough to take off anywhere else haha
I fly Monday evening (3 days away)
I don't think that there's anything specific that I'm craving from there
but thanks! (and super exited about the hops)
monkey: maybe we should open a pils and test it
I tried one this week, it's very nice! Probably better with a couple more weeks but certainly fine for next week
Great nose
oh that's right, you took some with you!
alastairp: hi! were you able to look at the BU#95?
i was unable to find which version they moved the method so I went with ImportError but i can dig deeper and try to find it.
why did `relation` change?
that's because if you just use `target_attr` then it's the same as using a string?
so you're using getattr(model, str) to get the attribute with that name?
yeah, in that case I guess I would maybe just do it on 1.4, since this is the version where the warning starts to appear?
so the "new" one doesn't exist in old versions of sqlalchemy, then? but we're not sure if that's 1, 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3?
basically joinedload("") is deprecated and we need to use joinedload(LinkArtistUrl.link_type), since the part after `.` varies in that method using `getattr`
right, not sure in which all versions the new one exists.
yeah, got it. sorry, I understand the usage in _relationship_link_helper now. no need for further explanations :)
I have no string preference, I think the ImportError is a fine way of doing it
no strong preference either
cool, i'll let it be the current way then because i have already tested with 1.3 and 1.4 versions
i have write access to mbdata repo but i'll not merge the PR there for now because the CI seems to be broken currently.