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      • lucifer
        aerozol: likely out of sync clocks. we allow listens upto 10mins in future to account for clock skew iirc.
      • aerozol
        I thought that would be the case! I like that we have the text for it and everything :D
      • If people get annoyed about it later we could lazily swap all the future text for ’now’ (but I don’t mind futurebrainz personally)
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      • yvanzo
      • aerozol
      • monkey: I’ve been noodling about on the ListenBrainz redesign finally, if you want to have a look in the figma. Maybe we should chat about it sometime?
      • I’ll dump some stuff here, any feedback welcome. I’m still very curious about how we define our target audience and what’s most important
      • In particular, I expect some people will find this much too simplistic, which is at odds with how we want to aim LB at a more ‘general audience’. It would be good to really lock in who we’re aiming for, otherwise we end up with a average product for both
      • or a mix of light and dark
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged; see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/IRC for details | Agenda: Reviews, RG cover guidelines / intent (reo/aerozol)
      • With that basic menu, we would still have complexity/all the cool features, but it would be very basic on the top. Someone entirely unfamiliar with what LB (or last.fm) is would be presented with some very simple options before it gets complex. If we are aiming for a different audience we wouldn’t stack it that way.
      • I am off for the evening, but feel free to leave nice messages for me x o
      • galactic0205 joined the channel
      • reosarevok
        akshaaatt, lucifer and the gang: Is "filmi" really a genre? https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-2182
      • BrainzBot
        STYLE-2182: Filmi
      • reosarevok
        ("soundtrack" certainly is not, but maybe this is specific enough)
      • lucifer
        reosarevok: "filmi" music is a thing but not sure if it qualifies to be a genre.
      • akshaaatt
      • I’m not sure if it’s a genre
      • reosarevok
        Is it just "soundtrack for any Indian film"?
      • Or is it specifically the dancy-bollywoody-thing? :D
      • galactic0205 has quit
      • lucifer
        the latter
      • reosarevok
        And if I was to make music that sounds like that, but was not part of a film, would you still say it's "filmi music"?
      • lucifer
        probably yeah
      • yvanzo: hi! can you please test this commit for any performance improvements? https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/commit/ee8ea2...
      • logically, i think the performance should improve but limited testing on wolf shows no meaningful performance difference.
      • yvanzo
        hi lucifer: on which core specifically?
      • is it to address the issue with recording core?
      • BrainzGit joined the channel
      • yvanzo welcomes back BrainzGit
      • lucifer
        yes to address with recording core but the change affects all cores.
      • recording core takes over 12 hours on wolf so i had tested artist fwiw.
      • let me see if i can find a core that takes shorter time but has similar queries
      • yvanzo
        Ok, I will test on annotation which seems to take shorter time.
      • Nvm, it doesn’t make sense for testing this change.
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged; see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/IRC for details | Agenda: Reviews, RG cover guidelines / intent (reo/aerozol), MBS-10614 (reo)
      • reosarevok
        lucifer: then it sounds like a genre, thanks :)
      • yvanzo
        lucifer: Tested on label, it is 3 times slower.
      • lucifer
        oh! weird. i'll take a look. thanks for testing!
      • BrainzGit
        [sir] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #150 (03master…area-fix): Improve performance of area indexing https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/pull/150
      • [musicbrainz-server] 14yvanzo opened pull request #2717 (03core-data-layer…linkable-vs-relatable): MBS-12552 (III): Move Entity::Role::Linkable to Relatable https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • lucifer
        monkey, mayhem: i think for the cover art in mb metadata cache. it makes sense to always use the release group cover art because the canonical release is chosen by us and release mbid cannot be specified when querying the cache currently anyway. so the frontend can query CAA for cover art if there is a release mbid submitted by the user but the mbid_mapping section will contain the release group's caa id.
      • BrainzGit
        [sir] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #151 (03area-fix…place-fix): Eagerly load area attributes in place indexing https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/pull/151
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      • chinmay
      • are you available today monkey?
      • lucifer
        alastairp: i figured why sqlalchemy was emitting multiple query statements for some relationships. sir uses subqueryload in some case which works that way. https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/loading_r...
      • alastairp
        lucifer: ah, great. nice catch
      • morning
      • interesting to see that it's so slow on wolf (although we understand that parts of this server are slow)
      • I can do a full MB index on my dev machine in about 2.5h (although that's with old sir)
      • yvanzo
        lucifer: When testing your commit for using selectinload, I inappropriately compared with v3.0.1; I’m retesting master HEAD to compare with.
      • CatQuest
        oh! I thoguht it was "filmi sangeet"
      • lucifer
        yvanzo: i see. but label being 3x slow than 3.0.1 also indicates something wrong. one more thing, could you remind me how long it takes to index release group core?
      • alastairp: makes sense, thanks
      • yvanzo
        lucifer: ~1h on my test VM but it really depends on the resources you can dedicate to it: it's probably faster on wolf.
      • lucifer
        i see. i'll do some more runs on wolf then.
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      • alastairp
        aerozol: thanks for the reminder on that link, I've replied saying we can't help
      • monkey
        chinmay: yes!
      • Hi everyone
      • lucifer: that sounds ideal to me (re: release group CAA id)
      • With preference to release cover art if the release M ID is in the original liste.
      • N
      • Thanks for looking into that!
      • lucifer
        monkey: yes so the cache will always have the rg cover art but the frontend can check the original listen before querying the cache so should be fine.
      • monkey
        Which cache is that? I assume we'll have that info (RG MBID + CAA id) as part of the listen the front-end gets? Let me know when you want to do that change, I'll take care of the front-end bits.
      • lucifer
        the existing mb_metadata_cache so the metadata lookup endpoints that the now playing viewer uses.
      • monkey
        I see
      • BrainzGit
        [sir] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #152 (03place-fix…release-group-fix): Improve loading release-group, release and recording https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/pull/152
      • chinmay
      • monkey
        Yes, that'll be the first step. I'm keen on passing the RG info to the listens on the front-end too (in the same way we add `mbid_mapping`) for easy access (it would remove a call to CAA for each listencard)
      • lucifer
        hmm, i not sure what you mean.
      • monkey
        Let me pull up the code
      • lucifer
        the cache can directly pass the rg cover art's caa id in the mbid_mapping section. if there is a release mbid in the additional info of the listen, frontend could query CAA with it. if that comes up empty, just use the caa id from the mbid_mapping section.
      • monkey
        Yes, that's exactly it :)
      • Here is how we load cover art for listens on the front-end (our regular pages, not the metadata viewer): https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • mayhem
        lucifer: one of my long term goals is to have BP not have to fetch data from third party sources.
      • in an ideal world, we can provide all the data needed... eventually.
      • monkey
        1. if listen is from spotify, load cover art from there 2. Same for youtube.
      • 3. Query CAA with the release MBID (from original listen OR from mapping)
      • We're changing 3. so that we check if original listen has release mbid (in which case do as before) but add a 4. if there is no release MBID in the original listen, use the RG MBID and CAA id from the `mbid_mapping ` in the listen
      • mayhem faces monday morning with a mountain of BS tasks. sigh.
      • I assume as well that there will never be a case where we have a release MBID in the mapping, but no release group MBID?
      • lucifer
        mayhem: the issue with that comes back to providing the most accurate data. the mb_metadata_cache stores canonical release data only so it cannot provide the data for exact release.
      • mayhem
        I hear ya -- I am trying to describe an ideal case. may not always be possible, but we should be thinking about ways to make it possible.
      • lucifer
        i don't think it'd be possible 1 table, but we could have 2-3 more tables to serve that use case. split the release_data from mb_metadata_cache to a separate cache or just directly access MB's table.
      • fwiw, in my limited testing directly accessing MB tables was quite fast.
      • so perf would probably not be a deal breaker. ofc more testing would be needed to confirm.
      • monkey: for 3, instead of using `getReleaseMBID`, need to directly access `additional_info.release_mbid` but otherwise yes. for 4, you can always use the caa id. the release group mbid would be redundant for cover art purposes. as querying caa with that mbid will only get the same caa id.
      • the release group mbid should however be useful for writing CB reviews.
      • monkey
        For 3., yep, that's what I had in mind. Mmm, good points for 4. though, thanks. I have doubts now :D
      • When you say "the mbid_mapping section will contain the release group's caa id", how does that work? Will the matched release in the mbid_mapping be the canonical release, or the release that the RG has selected for cover art?
      • What I had in mind was to query the CAA using the release-group MBID, and from the CAA API response get the image URL
      • lucifer
        monkey: for 4, the cache will already do the resolving CAA API does at the backend so you wouldn't need.
      • yvanzo
        lucifer: I created https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/SEARCH-689 to track SQLAlchemy 1.4 upgrade (and related regression fixes)
      • BrainzBot
        SEARCH-689: Upgrade to SQLAlchemy 1.4
      • monkey
        But then what release MBID do I use to construct the URL?
      • I see a difference between the MBID mapper's canonical release (which is what I expect to be in mbid_mapper in the listen) and the release that has been selected as the RG's cover art
      • (A potential difference, I mean. Most of the time I guess it'll probably be the same one?)
      • lucifer
        yeah there'll likely be some differences.
      • oh right, about the url. i had forgotten, i'll add the release mbid of the cover as well. so that the url can be constructed.
      • monkey
        So perhaps a `cover_art_release_mbid` field is in order ?
      • lucifer
      • monkey
        OK, that sounds good now, thanks :)
      • I was wondering if I was missing something about the use of CAA
      • like using RG MBID and the release CAA id for example, but that doesn't work
      • lucifer
        yeah, sorry. i forgot the url includes release mbid as well! 😅
      • monkey
        Oooh, I'm excited! This is going to improve our cover art coverage significantly !
      • all good :
      • lucifer
        thanks yvanzo!
      • BrainzGit
        [sir] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #153 (03release-group-fix…artist-fix): Eagerly load area_type related attributes for artist core https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/pull/153
      • BrainzGit has quit