I was able to identify the problem as some conditionals were returning false in getListenCard and i tried deactivating those conditionals and directly pushing the options
and It worked
I just need some clarity about other options like where which options should come
So about the options on the listencard, there are some that we should definitely have on all cards (recommendations and pin options) and some we can only show in certain conditions (open in spotify/musicbrainz, for which we need a spotify ID and MusicBrainz ID respectively).
should I attach screenshots in JIRA
For the recommendation options it might depend on whether we have an MBID or and MSID available, not sure if any of the API endpoints still work with MSID.. calling dr. Lucifer
No need for screenshots jivte_ if you open a PR I'll be able to check it at some point
Actually if I remove the MSID or MBID conditions It was working
But there's no guarantee that the feature would actually work, apart from showing the option in the dropdown. In theory the conditionals are there for a reason
That being said some of our features have evolved over time and some checks might not be necessary anymore.
Thats what I discovered if only we remove the conditionals our issue also gest resolved and feature was also working
One thing to check is which information the API endpoint requires (in the dev docs) and compare to the implementation in the APIService.ts file
OK, then perhaps that's all that was needed! Check the "recent" page for an example of a page where we don't usually have an MBID available.
Other than that i'd be hapy to review a pr if you open one. Thanks for working on this!
monkey: I just need to learn about MSID and MBID part where I can learn about there
Is it in the documentation
Bcz these MSID and MBID are creating all the problems
For the most part you should be able to ignore MSIDs, we are moving away from using them.
They are the way we refer to a recording, which is the base of all our endpoints. if you like a track in ListenBrainz, or recommend it, or review it, etc. that uses a unique identifier
An esay way to see if a listen has a recording MBID is if the track title is a link to musicbrainz. If it'l not a link, we don't have an MBID for that listen at that moment, which also most likely means we can't use the recommend, write a review, open in MusicBrainz, and maybe other features
(since they rely on an MBID)
Perhaps the options could be grayed out and unclickable when not available, rather than not having them in the dropdown? That could be less disturbing for users.
Now I got the clarity will make a PR soon
thanks for helping out
Thank you for digging in !
aerozol: Actually, I think a little speech bubble popping out with a "This if fine." would be *chef's kiss*
+1 to the use of memes for extra shareability
jivte__ joined the channel
jivte_ has quit
Thanks jivte__ !
monkey: cool I'll see what I can do
jivte__ has quit
jivte__ joined the channel
jivte__ has quit
aerozol: awesome art!
jivte: i see monkey answered your questions already. in case you have any other doubts, feel free to ask us again
but one thing, we should aim to be the gyys that alway can do these things, ie"not become a n ultracorp"
> Per poder fer el check-in sense entretenir-los tant,
el check-in, huh?
al check-in
.. why is it bad to entertain people tho
we can put on the yim "original firedog idea KC " in smal letter right?
CatQuest: it's the sense "take too much of your time"
kc green
mayhem: payment received 💯
well done chinmay!
yay! no hassles, it just appeared in your account?
(well done mayhem for making that happen too!)
Thanks alastairp :)
perhaps lucifer should change banks. :)
what a great year of projects this year
Love you, MetaBrainz ❤️
now what we need is to find a volunteer who will constantly watch the fresh releases and import missing cover art.
jivte__: thanks for the report, this is actually an issue with our development environment when a new developer needs to do something that involves MBIDs and MSIDs. This is definitely something that we need to fix so that new developers can set up listenbrainz and work with it
alastairp: anything I could do to solve it
jivte__: yes, I think you should be able to create the database table but with no data in it, so the operation should run but just return no data
however I believe we don't have an automated way to do this.
jivte__: how familiar are you with postgresql and the psql query console?
I know sql databases but not much as I mainly work with mongoDB.
if you set it to api.listenbrainz.org then the react frontend should request this data from the main listenbrainz server instead of requesting it from your server
okk okk
saumon has quit
after setting I should run the magic script again right
sorry, which magic script is that?
./develop.sh up
ah yes, right. stop the original one that you ran, and run it again
alastairp: thank you so much IT is gone finally :)