

December 10th 2022

      • bitmap
        aerozol: huh, I hadn't heard anyone mention a scaling issue with the artist dialog yet, but I can see what you mean from your screenshot. you are on windows right? I can boot into windows and try to reproduce it later
      • also let me know what browser you're using
      • aerozol
        Bitmap: yup windows + chrome, I'm not home at the moment but I can send versions later if needed
      • mayhem: the question is for a manual scrobbler - if someone is submitting a vinyl from MB, that doesn't have times on it, how should the plugin calculate timestamps
      • I guess we could just put a generic time like assume the song is 1:50 or something
      • lucifer: in these cases they usually wouldn't have the files I think, they'd be loading a release from the db into Picard. But they may have files
      • lucifer
        mayhem: i checked your recent listens and didn't find Running up the Hill in last 10 days.
      • maybe an issue in submitting listens or something related?
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
        yes i see it in your daily jams but its not present in the listen history.
      • can you check https://listenbrainz.org/user/rob/ and see if your listen history is missing other tracks as well?
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-android] 14SB2318 opened pull request #165 (03master…PREV-WORK-MUSICBRAINZ-10122022): PREV WORK On HTML Decoding Problem https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
      • [musicbrainz-android] 14SB2318 closed pull request #161 (03master…HTML_decoded_261122): HTML entities Now decoded https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
      • schickling[m]
        Hey everyone! :)
      • schickling[m] uploaded an image: (85KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JOjWsgLvgEajRxkDEMMMHNIh/telegram-cloud-photo-size-2-5233589299000231002-y.jpg >
      • Really like this project! Very promising!
      • Wondering what "detuned" means in this context?
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #165 (03master…PREV-WORK-MUSICBRAINZ-10122022): PREV WORK On HTML Decoding Problem https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
      • mayhem
        lucifer: will do when I am home again.
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #164 (03master…MOBILE-68): Mobile 68 And Mobile 69 https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
      • jasje
        akshaaatt: Can you drop some description about the feature you mentioned day before yesterday.
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-android] release 036.1.1 has been published by 14akshaaatt: https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
      • lucifer
        schickling[m]: we have a tool called `mbid_mapping_writer` that assigns matches listens to recordings in MB. it has 2 ways to to this, an exact match of the aritst and track name. the second option is a matrix of fuzzy searches, detuned comes into play here detuned means that we modified the original track and artist name submitted by the user in the attempt to find a match.
      • vibhoo_24
        lucifer: I have made a new folder with the name utils inside listenbrainz-server/listenbrainz_spark/hdfs and inside that made a file __init__.py and moved all the functions which were related to hdfs from that file to this file.Please correct me if I am wrong.
      • lucifer
        vibhoo_24: you can open a PR with the changes. i'll try to review it soon. if something needs to be changed will let you know on the PR>
      • mayhem
        lucifer: it seems that me listening to my daily jams is totally absent from my listens. WTF?
      • lucifer
        mayhem: uhh. weird... are other spotify listens present there?
      • mayhem
        Yes, my album listens for when I am at my computer. But me listening on mobile seems to send listens.
      • lucifer
        huh. can you try playing daily jams now? i'll query spotify api to check if the listens start to show up there or not.
      • mayhem
        Playing now. Private listening is off, I checked.
      • lucifer
        track playing is Röyksopp Forever?
      • schickling[m]
        <lucifer> "schickling: we have a tool..." <- Got it. Thanks a lot for your explanation. Is the source code for this available somewhere? Curious to learn more!
      • lucifer
        schickling[m]: yes, but its spread in a lot of places. if you check back in some days, we have an open PR to document it.
      • fwiw, this is the code https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... to do fuzzy lookups.
      • the lookups are done against a typesense index. the index itself is keyed by `artist_name + track_name` of recordings.
      • schickling[m]
        lucifer: Awesome! Looking forward to that!
      • I assume for the string comparison you use some kind of "distance" calculation? Curious which approaches you leverage for that.
      • lucifer
        yes levensthein distance to evaluate the hits returned by the index lookup
      • we lookup in the typesense search index, the hits returned by the search index are then evaluated with the original search term based on levensthein distance.
      • schickling[m]
        Got it! Thanks a lot for explaining. Will try to learn more about it :)
      • lucifer
        based on the distance we assign the match a `quality`, high, medium, low.
      • cool, feel free to ping again if you want to ask anything else.
      • mayhem: 2 new listens just showed up for you.
      • schickling[m]
        Thanks a lot lucifer! Appreciate it!
      • Together with a friend we've been exploring track matching approach as well. In case we have any new learnings, I'll share them if you're interested :)
      • lucifer
        schickling[m]: mayhem designed the current system we use in LB. we also use a few other tricks for matching. you probably want to discuss your approach with him for insights.
      • as you may know, MB has multiple versions of the same recording/release. multiple release events of a recording being one factor in it. in that case you need a tie breaker to ensure that a given name always matches to a given recording for consistency.
      • for that purpose we have the concept of canonical recordings/releases in LB.
      • schickling[m]
        lucifer: Very interesting. How do you "pick" the canonical recording/release?
      • schickling[m] uploaded an image: (58KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/GqGIdmXwvDoJOkhQshACEFbn/CleanShot%202022-12-10%20at%2015.01.05%402x.png >
      • btw there's a funny bug (?) where the scale goes beyond 10/10
      • lucifer
        huh lol. i'll look into it.
      • the order by here is the key to ordering all releases.
      • `rg.type` is usual release group type from MB.
      • for the next two entries, they come from these two tables: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • schickling[m]
        Is here a good spot to share other bugs (like the above) in case I notice something?
      • (I didn't see a #listenbrainz channel)
      • lucifer
        yeah sure. ping us here with details or open a jira ticket and share here.
      • no #listenbrainz, we discuss LB dev in this channel only.
      • schickling[m] uploaded an image: (449KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/FitxetALFdwJzATJhUmHjnfj/CleanShot%202022-12-10%20at%2015.03.36%402x.png >
      • schickling[m]
      • lucifer
        hmm so i understand correctly, your top aritst is being shown as https://musicbrainz.org/artist/94b7a39b-f3cc-47... but it actually should be https://musicbrainz.org/artist/61314ff2-7b52-42... . and those two are not at all related?
      • schickling[m]
        lucifer: yup exactly. just noticed this briefly and thought I'd share it here. no further impact for me.
      • lucifer
        schickling[m]: are the entried 9, 10 here correct? https://listenbrainz.org/user/notasingleduck/ch...
      • mayhem
        lucifer: listens are appearing, including running up the hill. But I am near wifi now. Let me keep listening once I am out and about again.
      • lucifer
        mayhem: 👍
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14vibhoooo opened pull request #2284 (03master…master): Update __init__.py and Add new file ../hdfs/utils/__init__.py https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • schickling[m]
        lucifer: looks like it but I don't know that artist :D
      • lucifer
        schickling[m]: looking through your listens, i don't see much of Camel in any other stats. so this has to be from listens older than 2021.
      • when did you create the account? did you do an import from LFM or any other means?
      • schickling[m]
        lucifer: FYI This is not my profile. My profile is this. https://listenbrainz.org/user/schickling/
      • I just saw it by chance.
      • lucifer
        oh ok.
      • i think then its just a coincidence that the two artist are named closely.
      • schickling[m]
        Matching is hard 🙃
      • lucifer
        indeed. indeed.
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #4 (03main…jasje): Bug Fixes and Updated Color Scheme https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • lucifer
        for similarity matching we only use latest year iirc so i would probably look at the this_year or last_year stats.
      • mayhem: the listens now do appear but running up that hill will still be in daily jams :(. because the version played on spotify is different from the one recommended by CF so filtering would not match.
      • i think we need to work on the idea to build another abstraction over canonical recordings for recommendation use cases.
      • fwiw, CF recommends `Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)` whereas spotify plays `Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) - 2018 Remaster`
      • schickling[m]
        What is "CF" btw? :)
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt opened pull request #5 (03main…updates): Fix fastlane setup and Release https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • [listenbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #5 (03main…updates): Fix fastlane setup and Release https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • akshaaatt
        Hi jasje! Sorry for the late replies
      • I have a task to start you off
      • Could you help cleanup the LB android repo?
      • A lot of stuff which is present in the MB app, has been removed from the LB app
      • Keeping that in mind, please help me cleanup those things
      • Secondly, for Year in Music, have a look at https://listenbrainz.org/user/akshaaatt/year-in...
      • jasje
        Yes for sure
      • akshaaatt
        We are in works to do the same for 2022 in about a month
      • So, we should have some of the components from that page natively in the android app
      • The UX/UI can be done better in app if you like it. We have our in house designer, aerozol . You could take his suggestions for the designing
      • The main features which we would definitely like from YIM on the app would be to share their YIM stuff to instagram/whatsapp/facebook etc.
      • jasje
        So this is like spotify wrapped right?
      • and is a end of the year thing
      • akshaaatt
        Yes it is jasje !
      • Take full freedom to make cool stuff jasje like spotify wrapped, and better
      • You can get any sort of cool apis made, using lucifer and mayhem ‘s help if you want some extra data according to the UX
      • So go ahead and brainstorm as well
      • jasje
        Okay ill start on this asap
      • akshaaatt
        Awesome! Thank you!
      • jasje
        About the cleanups
      • You meant optimize imports and dependencies
      • and if other stuff just mention
      • akshaaatt
        Removing things like search pages also
      • I don’t want the MB search to be in the LB app
      • jasje
        Ohh yeah right
      • akshaaatt
        We should have Search Listener in the LB app only for now
      • We have an api available for it as well jasje
      • jasje
        yeah i was going through all the apis
      • akshaaatt