I understand that the way to actually do high/normal/low as per documentation would be to add a transformfunc to transformfuncs.py - is this something that seems like a bad idea? I understand it'd probably require a reindex of release
I can't imagine many people are using the currently undocumented numeric values though, so probably not a particularly big breaking issue otherwise?
Seems like the search does not return quality, anyway (a strange omission IMO, but in any case not a likely source of issues then) and the rest of API responses return it as text
[troi-recommendation-playground] 14mayhem merged pull request #91 (03main…daily-jams-simplification): Daily jams simplification, New Jams and general improvements https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendati...
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[troi-recommendation-playground] 14mayhem closed pull request #76 (03main…top-recording-similar-recordings): Create a playlist from the similar recordings of your top recordings https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendati...
yea great idea sunsetting CB as well, I'll reeeally contribute then
you missed the second part of that.
the features behind CB are not going away. we're going to integrate them into LB.
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hi reosarevok, cc lucifer , yes using numbers seem to be intentional, the rest might be bugs
cc bitmap too ^
Intentional and we should keep doing it, or intentional but we can change it to what is documented and matches the rest of the API?
.. area dropdown results on beta have.. no info about which area. it just says like "France" "Ontario" "Warsaw"
reosarevok: It looked fine to me at first glance but it should probably match the rest of the API indeed. I just linked to the bug from the indexed search syntax doc page.
CatQuest: hmm, fair, it seems to lose info on reload that is not lost on prod. Not sure why though, I don't think we've touched those directly
But I'll add a ticket
yvanzo: thanks, I'll open a PR then. Does a transformfunc seem like the right answert?
you cna re-claim the other one sicne that's *your* find not mine
lucifer: remind me, did you ever deal with the "Wrong Email Address" email I forwarded to you?
Hi akshaaatt
[musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #2816 (03beta…MBS-12857): MBS-12857 / MBS-12858: Details for recent entities in autocompletes https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
^ bitmap, regression to check before we merge to beta today (are we still doing that and putting the test bits there?)
zas: hi, frank.metabrainz.org still exists and now points to rex. A record could be deleted?
zas: in the AB removal PR you asked to ensure that old containers and volumes are removed. Can I just stop the mbstats containers on the gateways, or does this need some additional consideration?
[musicbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #193 (03master…dependabot/gradle/androidx.compose.material3-material3-window-size-class-1.1.0-alpha05): Bump androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class from 1.1.0-alpha03 to 1.1.0-alpha05 https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
[musicbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] closed pull request #191 (03master…dependabot/gradle/androidx.compose.material3-material3-window-size-class-1.1.0-alpha04): Bump material3-window-size-class from 1.1.0-alpha03 to 1.1.0-alpha04 https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...
alastairp: yes, you can stop matching mbstats containers (for AB)
[musicbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #194 (03master…dependabot/gradle/androidx.compose.material3-material3-1.1.0-alpha05): Bump androidx.compose.material3:material3 from 1.1.0-alpha03 to 1.1.0-alpha05 https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro...