

March 1st 2023

      • aerozol
        reosarevok: yvanzo: pending relationship/entity edit icons mocked up here: MBS-12942
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-12942: Consider indicating pending edits for an entity in the relationship editor https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-12942
      • aerozol
        mayhem: Missed you message sorry! Is this about the Explore ticket? Haven’t dug in yet, should be able to do so soon
      • yvanzo: just read your message about not overloading with visuals, and that the ‘main author’ should be involved (nice of you to give them a break from pings!)
      • The reason I’m interested in this is because I find the rollover with a link to pending edits particularly useful - not just in the context of the relationships editor. So if we get this right I would love to see it added elsewhere in the site too. I’m certain other users who do a lot of editing will agree.
      • I’m going to continue to spit all of my ideas into the ticket, fully conscious that they might not be a good fit/too cluttered, and be discarded 👍
      • Lotheric_ is now known as Lotheric
      • monkey: yvanzo: I’m happy for someone to assign themselves MBS-12866/BB-625 and implement mockup #8. The connection graphic should be easy to change if someone thinks of a better way to do it in the future.
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-12866: Make grouping relationship types more visible in dropdowns https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-12866
      • BB-625: Indication between parent and child in relationship search field https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-625
      • aerozol
        lucifer: thanks for fixing that LB Fresh Releases page! The user says thanks via Discord
      • CatQuest
        haha jasje got voluntold by akshaaatt :DDD
      • outsidecontext
        Are there any opinions on the proposed macOS Picard icon on https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/PICARD/... ?
      • BrainzBot
        PICARD-2620: Replacement icon for Mac version of Picard
      • pbryan
        outsidecontext: I added a comment from the peanut gallery.
      • outsidecontext
      • aerozol
        outsidecontext: I left a comment too, would be great if some Apple users could have a look at that one!
      • mayhem: Left my comment on https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... (maybe you want to check this too monkey, before mayhem starts coding anything)
      • mayhem
      • the thing is coded and done. :)
      • as for images, I took the ones you put up, except the ones that were not included in your mock-up. Can you please provide a set of images for me to use?
      • as for the font, we currently do no load roboto black. we would need to load another font in order to make this happen. is that warranted? monkey ?
      • then, we tried to export the textures from the figma and use those, but they simply didn't work.
      • this is as close as we could get, with what we could scrape out of the figma.
      • if you want the filters tweaked, tell us, in english what they are so that we can attempt to match them. but copying from figma and hoping it would work, doesn;t/
      • zas
      • reosarevok
        bitmap: at some point when you have some time, can you see if you have any ideas on a good way to deal with the issue with https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... and the new rel editor I mention on my last comment there?
      • zas
        on trille, the container brainzbot-plugins-prod keeps restarting (after error)
      • reosarevok
        (basically, dates are different when stored in the DB and when user-entered, so the state dates are messy)
      • zas
        also, trille's disk usage is quite high
      • is it possible to move at least one of those to another server (with more free disk space)?
      • aerozol
        mayhem: Moin! What do you mean the thing is coded and done?
      • mayhem
        moin. its done. and deployed to test. it could be merged and deployed into production in seconds.
      • aerozol
        I’ll spend some time on some interesting images if you’re cool with them being ‘representative’ of the features themselves (will have to be tomorrow)
      • Done, minus my feedback ;)
      • mayhem
        I'm happy to put whatever images you supply in there. easier for me.
      • aerozol
        Great, I’ll try come up with something cool
      • Did you have a look at the responsive layout?
      • And the overlay svg (but not sure that will work)
      • mayhem
        not yet, just waking up still. just got coffee.
      • ok, I see your responsive design, I'll make that happen.
      • aerozol
        That’s good, because I’m falling asleep! If you can get back to me in the next 8 hours that would be efficient, but even that’s only a guideline
      • mayhem
        in the future, we should always specify how something needs to be responsive.
      • no rush!
      • aerozol
        Also if something’s a faff let me know and I can tweak the design
      • mayhem
        radial gradients don't work -- please redesign the effect with a linear gradient.
      • gah.
      • I just now noticed that we're not respecting aspect ratios of the images in your responsive design. was that on purpose?
      • aerozol
        I have a list of mockups to do and mocking each one up responsive takes a lot of time - especially when the design could change before it gets implemented. Going forward if you let me know you’re implementing something for real real I’ll get onto make a proper spec document (I really need to get round to doing this for the gsoc Fresh Releases ahh)
      • I left a comment for that, the stretching is just my dirty mockup :)
      • mayhem
        I dont think the responsiveness needs to actually be mocked up. I think a description of what you'd like would be sufficient.
      • but I have an idea what you have in mind, so I can work on that today.
      • aerozol
        Comment re images: “BG images shouldn’t actually be stretched in anyway in prod. Make them 100% width, let them move/crop vertically?” (but there might be a better of way of doing it that looks nice)
      • mayhem
        ok, can do.
      • aerozol
        I tend to have to mock it up for myself anyway. And I don’t trust devs to follow notes haha. Actually, I do trust MeB devs to. But I probably wouldn’t go that far with gsoc students, sorry gsoc students!
      • Great work on Explore in any case! I’m excited!
      • mayhem
        thanks, monkey and I are finally starting the redesign...
      • aerozol
        I’m excited and also panicked about the things I still need to do! Ran out of time to sort all the extra settings pages, etc, today again, sorry monkey
      • monkey
        No worries aerozol, we don't want you to be stressed out! I raised those points up in advance to give you time to figure them out, they don't need to be ready by Friday and we can sort some of the questions together
      • aerozol
        Thanks monkey, I will sleep easy. Another week of family visits this week it turns out. The horror
      • monkey
        Hah :D
      • Feverish dreams of family mockups
      • reosarevok
        "Ok, totally drop cousin Mark. He's just not needed"
      • jasje
        lucifer: In this API, 401 can be thrown: https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/u...
      • But there isn't any auth header given in definition to verify the user
      • I assume they docs aren't updated
      • reosarevok
        aerozol: gone yet?
      • aerozol
        reosarevok: unfortunately not :P
      • reosarevok
        Just very quick yes/no q
      • aerozol
        All good, I’ll be around for a bit still
      • reosarevok
        https://beta.musicbrainz.org/edit/9911133 do you see any reason why it would be a bad idea to have an info icon by the header there that sends the user to the documentation page for the edit type?
      • So like "Edit #9911133 - Remove disc ID (pre‐NGS) (?)"
      • With (?) leading to the docs for "Remove disc ID (pre‐NGS)" (I guess as a link?)
      • aerozol
        Hmm, that sounds helpful. The only thing I can think of is trying to avoid clutter and too many icons. If we want to implement a lot of this kind of thing perhaps we should stick to the top right for links to help and docs, as we decided in: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-12935
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-12935: Beta: Type's documentation is no longer accessible from relationship editor
      • reosarevok
        So on the top right corner of the edit header?
      • aerozol
        Yes. I think in this individual case that might not be as clear as next to the text, but thinking of the big picture I think it could be a good idea
      • reosarevok
      • There
      • I actually liked your rounded question icon from the pending edits ticket more than the square one we have now, btw, maybe we can start using it
      • aerozol
        reosarevok: What about using the one used in https://listenbrainz.org/user/aerozol/year-in-m... (e.g. in the listening activity section)
      • reosarevok
        Seems good to me. Do you think that'd work also for the question marks in https://beta.musicbrainz.org/artist/3a31022b-60... ? (by the link types)
      • aerozol
        Maybe a bit lighter? And maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but is it stretched very slightly in LB (wider)
      • Yes, I think so, again maybe a bit lighter? btw I have occasionally thought about eventually replacing those squares with something like this too!
      • reosarevok
        It looks round to me, but what do I know :D
      • There's a reason I'm not a designer :p
      • FWIW, I think most MB icons are just plundered from different free-use places and sets, which probably explains why they bother you in their not-going-togetherness :p
      • aerozol
        I had to check… it’s square
      • reosarevok
        I mean the "stretched" one
      • I guess as a medium-term goal, we should maybe aim to replace all MB icons with our own set of consistent/ish ones
      • aerozol
        Haha yeah that’s the one I mean, the LB one’s not stretched, just a bit of an illusion because of the ?
      • You can COUNT on us replacing the icons at some point TM
      • reosarevok
        So I guess when adding new icons / replacing them now we should have a Clear Plan TM on how they fit together
      • But you have enough to do as it is now, so maybe the putting together the Clear Plan TM is not a priority, lol
      • (I guess ideally we'd share icons between MeB sites as much as possible too?)
      • aerozol
        100%, I’ve been keeping that in mind for the redesigns in particular. ListenBrainz will have a bit of a head start there
      • reosarevok
        Any LB icons we should be using already?
      • (aside from this question mark)
      • atj
        Most of the icons seem to be from the Famfamfam Silk icon set
      • aerozol
        I think it’s better if I tackle it all at once, I can’t think of the icons off the top of my head… replacing icons is something I might even manage someday with my special github skillz
      • In my mockups I use the bootstrap icon set, or modified versions, which are quite nice
      • But it would be good to properly think of if we want ‘flat’ icons everywhere, or what, and then make a shared library that all the devs can easily grab from
      • reosarevok
      • aerozol
        I was going to make a ticket but there’s too many other icon tickets to sift through and connect. This will definitely come up again though, I’ll do it then
      • atj
        I think the icons should be monochrome and flat, the colours are quite distracting
      • reosarevok imagines aerozol having a wall board of icons linked with string like in the conspiracy theory movies
      • aerozol
        atj: I too quite like the flat ones
      • atj
        it also means you can add colour to icons when you want to draw the users attention to something specific
      • aerozol
        reosarevok: that would actually be really helpful!
      • BookBrainz has some nice consistent flat icons: https://bookbrainz.org/create
      • Also, this is what the inside of my brain actually looks like. And why I struggle to just do a nice icon or button or something without going off the deep end https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0CQsn... 
      • atj
      • reosarevok
        aerozol: https://beta.musicbrainz.org/user/reosarevok/edits - when the header already has all the vote info in it like there, where would you put the icon? To its left?
      • aerozol
        That’s a good one! I like https://thenounproject.com/ but it’s not as cohesive
      • reosarevok: Just to the left of ‘my vote’ could be consistent with the other pages. Short term it feels like a weird choice, but it would benefit from some space away from the text. I probably need to sleep on it, or you can put it in and then we’ll quickly see if it’s stupid there…
      • reosarevok
        Ok, I'll try and then you can scream if you hate it :)
      • aerozol
        Sounds good! Good night all
      • kellnerd
        Hi bitmap, while there are no bug reports for the latest MBS release yet, I haven't been that lucky:
      • I'm afraid I need your help again with a little relationship editor userscript regression...
      • Batch creating relationships with the new rel editor was supposedly working per my checklist, but today I've received a report that it no longer works.
      • It's not the most used feature of my userscripts, so I could have been broken for a while already.
      • Minimal example code to reproduce is here: https://gist.github.com/kellnerd/a256f7823cce15...
      • Unfortunately there is no error message in the console, only a useless report will be sent to sentry.
      • mayhem
        akshaaatt: bitmap lucifer monkey outsidecontext reosarevok zas : please log into the summer of code web page and follow these instructions "If a person was a Mentor or Org Admin for your org in 2022 then they just need to log in to g.co/gsoc and click on the 2023 bar which should now show them the 2023 Program Rules and Org Member agreement that they need to read and agree to. Once they have done that they will appear in the Org Admin's
      • dropdown of folks to add to the 2023 program."
      • if something is a miss, please let me know.
      • zas
        mayhem: done
      • do we have any docs about wiki setup? I find nothing in syswiki.
      • mayhem
        zas: thanks