I'm excited to apply for GSoC'23 with the ListenBrainz community of MetaBrainz. I was wondering if there are any beginner-friendly issues available to help me get familiar with the codebase before I dive in. I have experience in developing frontend solutions and am more interested in it.
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[listenbrainz-android] 14SB2318 opened pull request #103 (03main…playlist_screen_ui_25032023): Small fix in Favouritescreen UI (Song Title and Artist name are not displaying in light theme) https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
bitmap, yvanzo: do either of you have any ideas about MBS-13013 ? I can reproduce but indeed no error is shown, I get the feeling with CATALYST_DEBUG that it's sending the data as-is without marking stuff for removal but it's truncated and I might be missing something
[listenbrainz-android] 14SB2318 opened pull request #105 (03main…fav_screen_ui_1_25032023): Small fix in Favouritescreen UI (Song Title and Artist name are not displaying in light theme) https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
[listenbrainz-android] 14SB2318 closed pull request #103 (03main…playlist_screen_ui_25032023): Small fix in Favouritescreen UI (Song Title and Artist name are not displaying in light theme) https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
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lucifer: in my local server, my lb access token seems to be incorrect, so things like feed don't load but other do which don't require access token? why is that
lucifer: I just created a PR of the good first bug we were talking about. I might need some help with the tests though. Also, I got an email that someone reassigned the ticket to themselves removing me as an assignee from that ticket. But when I assigned it to myself I asked you and no one else was working on it. So I am slightly confused what is going on.
Vscode: I needed that endpoint in android app, you were taking time so I did it myself.
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jasje: please don't do reassign tickets from others to yourself without discussing here first.
lucifer: my apologies
Vscode: for tests, you can test that when there is no connection, an empty array is returned. then save a couple of tokens for different services and check that the correct list of services is returned. look at https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv..., for how to save/delete a token manually.
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Hi lucifer: can I reassign the ticket to myself?
and thank you for clarification.
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zas: now that I am slightly more awake...
while mo-le really only means one thing to me right now after carrying home 1Kg of it from mexico, mole does have other meanings.
first, its garden pest that burrows in the ground.
second, it could be a spy who has infiltrated another group to extract information from that group.
which from a security perspective sounds rather unpleasant.
did you figure out what it was?
monkey: is there any type in LB for searchrelease
gsoc students: if you have a proposal you've wanted feed back from me on, please ping me now. I see shelly's project on the forums, but no others.