you can see the comment, session number: etc. stuff.
we want to remove those lines from the json endpoints response.
there multiple solutions possible for that but i think the easiest could be accepting a parameter in the `fetch()` whether the query response will be served to web or returned as json.
so that the query can generate the response appopriately.
<lucifer> "does that make sense?" <- 1. I did tried to test it in ui, I will fix the issue.
2. Okay, I understand. I will make the required changes
Thanks for the quick review
monkey: Can you please tell how to integrate my code with listenbrainz?
Sure thing. First step will be to fork the repo and create a new branch to work on. Then copy your components into a new folder in frontend/js/src/explore (I would suggest "stats-art-designer" or something along those lines)
The CSS will need to move to a new .less file in frontend/css/ , and don't forget to import that new less file in main.less
Then have a look at `frontend/js/src/explore/fresh-releases/FreshReleases.tsx` which will show you how to create a new "page" (i.e. a React entry point). Basically you define your functional component (or component class), then further down the file use it on document load:
something to keep an eye on; if they decide to go ahead with removing portal channels but keep support for plumbed channels, then setting up matrix rooms with plumbed connections to the irc rooms would be a good idea.
Welcome to "Half the year is gone, how come" Monday!
On my list today: reosarevok, bitmap, zas, mayhem, yvanzo, monkey, lucifer, akshaaatt, CatQuest, riksucks, kellnerd, Pratha-Fish, ShivamAwasthi, vscode, pixelpenguin, arsh, jasje
But before, there's two (2) writers today!
atj is on holiday, and saw a hoopoe
Oh, wait, no, that was not the big part of the report
That was
a whatnow?
Last week I continued working on the openresty and consul-template ansible roles and migrating the complex configuration.
I also finished implementing a new role for managing apt package installation which will make life easier now we have some servers running Ubuntu 22.04 as well as 20.04
Enjoy your holiday, atj!
aerozol is not *yet* on holiday, but said:
Getting packed for my holiday! I’ll keep writing meeting notes (which lets me keep up with MeB happenings as well), but not within the usual 24 hours.
Last week I did some fun stickers with mayhem, and worked on some long overdue LB release page mockups.
That’s me! Gooooo yvanzo
So, gooooo yvanzo? :)
Hiiii indeeeed!
Last week I looked into GDPR vs. reCAPTCHA & alternatives for MBS-13146.
This week I've so far worked on a bunch of small guess case issues
Pratha-Fish: wanna go? :)
Hi all :)
Last week was quite happening as well :)
On my list today: bitmap, zas, mayhem, monkey, lucifer, akshaaatt, ApeKattQuest, riksucks, kellnerd, ShivamAwasthi, vscode, pixelpenguin, arsh, jasje
I worked on fixing my local docker setup, which went smoothly, and *finally* got things working as they should
Now I've been writing some tests for the new features!
Also with the help of bitmap, I closed PR #1 and opened two new PRs for the musicbrainz-bot
Yay for closing the PR :)
Not even that, merging it!
xD wrong choice of words
yay for writing tests!
(as far as i understand that's the most annoying part? :D)
Learning something new ^_^ ApeKattQuest
well that's it for me for today :D
bitmap: would you like to go next?
sure! hi
Pratha-Fish realizes ApeKattQuest was left too 💀
mayhem appears
sorry, was it ApeKattQuest's turn?
Not really, but you can call ApeKattQuest after you :)
no bitmap go i cna go after you!
Go for now? :)
Pratha-Fish am I disconnected, or is no one typing?
trolley has quit
slow week for me, but mostly similar to the previous: some code review, gsoc, fixing issues with the pgbouncer container (still need to test it on hetzner servers), and testing a few new Flow features in the MBS codebase
fin.. go ApeKattQuest!
trolley joined the channel
Pratha-Fish realizes he was disconnected (How annoying)
Arararara~! hi!
Did some instrument images because the weather has ben shait, it'll be again this weekend so more instruments to follow♊
go uh kellnerd ?
Still on my list today: zas, mayhem, monkey, lucifer, akshaaatt, riksucks, ShivamAwasthi, vscode, pixelpenguin, arsh, jasje
Hey all!
I'm through another week of debugging the OpenLibrary importer's producer script, which was hanging instead of running or at least throwing an error.
The script basically has two asynchronous parts where I suspected the error: 1) Streaming lines from the database dump, 2) Library to push messages into RabbitMQ
Both worked in my separate testing with minimal examples, but nevertheless the idea seemed plausible as there were reports online of similar problems for each of them.
But after having wasted multiple days with debugging this (commenting out various combinations of lines), I found the real culprit:
was it kellnerd?
It was the import statement for the logging library, which caused side effects which were severe enough to get the RabbitMQ library hanging
Phew, it was not kellnerd at least
I kind of guessed it would 've been faster if I had rewritten the script from scratch and I was right.
Oh my.
I probably wouldn't have used that library.
Weird enough nevertheless. Now I still have to fix some things, but I hope I've dealt with the worst.
I reviewed some PRs and helped GSoC projects along.
Also had a good video chat with aerozol, reviewing the design of the above PRs and planning for the next steps (LB album and artist pages).
And finally did some general housekeeping and ticket triage
Calling Dr. lucifer
You're up :)
hi all!
last week i worked on the migrating the tag endpoints to spark and LB db so that mayhem could use those in tags-radio.
then i worked on adding support for exporting batch generated weekly playlists to spotify.
also reviewed a couple of PRs.
that's it for me.
zas: next?
Still on my list today: mayhem, akshaaatt, riksucks, ShivamAwasthi, vscode, pixelpenguin, arsh, jasje
last week I spent some time on investigating an annoying issue concerning Picard threading and remote command pipes, a patch was made by phw today based on my findings
I also improved monitoring regarding a keydb issue we have on rex/rudi, and updated informations in upstream bug report
apart that, I did usual upgrades, user support, supervision and minor fixes. fin. mayhem ?
last week I mostly worked on LB radio and getting a few new features in.
I've improved the syntax and made it consistent with MB -- hopefully in the next day or so I can integrate lucifer's new tag data, which brings the lb-radio to a solid alpha phase where I'll ask for feedback from the community.
I've already found and rediscovered music, so I am very excited by this!
I did a few other projects here and there, small stuff.
reviewed Arsh's work, which is starting to look really nice.