

      • Lotheric
        aerozol, you're going to the summit ?
      • aerozol
        Lotheric: yes 🥳
      • Lotheric
        That'll be a loooong flight hehe how many hours ?
      • aerozol
        uff let me check
      • 4 + 14 + 7 not counting layovers D:
      • Lotheric
      • aerozol
        Shouldn’t have checked haha
      • Lotheric
        When is the summit ? I usually like to watch a bit on youtube (I fast forward to bits that interests me)
      • aerozol
        2 - 6th October! That’s great, I’m thinking I might have time to make the YouTube stream a bit more snazzy this year… but I haven’t told anyone about it in case I don’t have time in the next 10 days
      • mayhem has been working on a cool new device that will light up if someone from IRC ‘puts their hand up’ to talk. If you’d be keen to join us for a topic that interests you that would be very cool
      • Lotheric
        I'll be working probably but I'll watch the youtube feed later on
      • aerozol
      • Lotheric
        since you are the UX guy
      • what are your thoughts on a general Metabrainz profile page ?
      • with all the *Brainz projects listed/linked/integrated into it
      • like, looking a user profile wouls shows, listens, edits, reviews (critiquebrainz), etc.
      • ~would
      • aerozol
        Lotheric: I am very keen! A centralised *login* page is one of the priorities at the moment
      • Lotheric
        it would make more sense than having multiple profiles
      • imho
      • aerozol
        But I think a lot of others aren’t keen on showing everything on one profile, because they want to maintain some separation between accounts on different services. Personally (as a user/editor) I would love to see all my listen stats/edits/reviews/books collected on one profile
      • We’re on the same page, I brought it up at the last summit I believe. But I understand why some people don’t love the idea
      • Lotheric
        It doesn't stop someone from having multiple profiles if they want
      • like one for listenbrainz and another for musicbrainz (if they are not linked)
      • from my user point of view it seems simple but the coding behind must not
      • aerozol
        I definitely think it’s worth thinking about if/when we do a profile redesign
      • Lotheric
      • aerozol
      • derwin
        sorry I'm dedicated to XFORMERLYKNOWNASTWITTER
      • the least-fucked-up social media site evar
      • ansh
        lucifer: I was setting up LB on wolf, and I was getting an error. I remember encountering similar permission issues while setting up CB on wolf. Then giving me the folder permissions from the root user solved the issue. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/8M5OtXhE/
      • lucifer
        ansh: do you have any previous clones of listenbrainz wolf?
      • ansh
        yes, but i've pulled the latest commits
      • lucifer
        i see it's probably because of that. i would say delete the existing clone and start over
      • ansh
      • lucifer
        alternatively, you can do a `chown -R ansh:ansh PATH_TO_CLONE` and see if it fixes the issue
      • ansh
        I'm still getting the same error
      • lucifer: On running the command I'm getting `Operation not permitted` on all the pycache files https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/v1nED3uD/
      • lucifer
        ansh: try sudo chown
      • ansh
        I don't have the sudo access
      • privilege*
      • lucifer
        oh okay. wait a bit, i think zas or atj can give you sudo access.
      • (i would myself but currently don't have access to wolf because changing ssh keys)
      • ansh
      • d4rk-ph0enix joined the channel
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      • d4rk-ph0enix has quit
      • d4rkie joined the channel
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #3038 (03master…MBS-13278): MBS-13278: Show label type descriptions on edit form https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • d4rkie has quit
      • d4rkie joined the channel
      • d4rkie has quit
      • d4rkie joined the channel
      • d4rkie has quit
      • d4rkie joined the channel
      • zas
        ansh: you weren't added to team credentials for servers yet, on it
      • lusciouslover has quit
      • atj
        thanks zas, was just about to look into it
      • mayhem
      • zas
      • mayhem
        aerozol: #listenbrainzmonday -- I love it!
      • lucifer
        any PRs to merge mayhem, monkey ? will do a release
      • mayhem
        alas no. https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... still needs to be reviewed.
      • theflash__ joined the channel
      • theflash__
        Hi akshaaatt!
      • akshaaatt
        Hi theflash__ !
      • lucifer
        mayhem: ah okay, i'll do it today
      • theflash__
        What’s next should we do
      • akshaaatt
        Have you fixed your PR?
      • theflash__
        Yes, I have pushed the code which was missing
      • mayhem
        lucifer: there is a troi PR too, thanks!
      • theflash__
        Please check is it working
      • lucifer
      • akshaaatt
        No theflash__ , the files are still missing for me
      • Check my last comment on that PR
      • theflash__
        There were 6 files that were missing, I just pushed that in the next commit
      • akshaaatt
        I don’t see the pushed commit in the PR yet
      • theflash__
      • akshaaatt
      • lucifer
        extra hyphen in the end
      • theflash__
        Yes, thanks lucifer !
      • akshaaatt
        You just added the files theflash__ but did not reference them properly in xcode
      • Just make sure this tick is there
      • theflash__
        Actually, I was testing feed by commenting out the common parameters for listen model, this has occurred because of it, fixing it :(
      • akshaaatt
      • theflash__
        I have pushed again missing files, akshaaatt
      • akshaaatt
        Congrats, builds now! Let me review and get back to you
      • As of next steps, perfecting the UI like the Android app is must for now
      • theflash__
        Sure akshaaatt !!
      • lucifer
        yvanzo_: hi! you had shared a ssh hosts config file sometime ago. can you please share it again?
      • siinamon has quit
      • siinamon joined the channel
      • akshaaatt
        lucifer even I wanna get that file lol. Can we have it on syswiki?
      • ansh
        lucifer: I'm still getting the same error after sudo chown also
      • lucifer
        akshaaatt: sure makes sense.
      • ansh: taking a look
      • mayhem: can i take over test.lb for a quick moment/
      • mayhem
      • I don't need it right now.
      • lucifer
        ansh: which user are you logged into currently? ansh or anshg1214
      • ansh
      • qookie has quit
      • qookie joined the channel
      • akshaaatt
        Hi theflash__
      • The PR is broken currently. I think you are confused between testing and making the product
      • Yes, initially you will face such issues but make sure it doesn’t get committed to the codebase
      • theflash__
        Should I make a new PR?
      • akshaaatt
        Maybe. Even the models are messed up in this
      • theflash__ Let's just fix this PR only
      • theflash__
        The code is running fine at my side, I have messed at pushing it , just let me know the files that are causing problem.
      • akshaaatt
        How do you push the code to gh?
      • mayhem
        akshaaatt: shouldn't you know how to do that by now?? :D
      • akshaaatt
        hahahaha I am confirming how he does it so that I can help with the process
      • mayhem knows
      • XD
      • theflash__
        I use Github Desktop
      • akshaaatt
        That should be fine then
      • Why is it that your local is organzied fine but the files are not pushed to gh properly?
      • Share if you have any insights
      • Also, the work you are doing rn is challenging for someone who is learning. So don't fret. Get more confident and take this as a challenge to rectify these mistakes theflash__ :)
      • theflash__
        Yeah, you’re right, rectifying gives more learning.
      • akshaaatt
        Yus! Take your time and let me know how I can help
      • theflash__
      • akshaaatt
        For now, I think a self review of your PR would be good for you. Also, make sure the flow is right. Leave git issues for now. We will solve those annoying bits together
      • lucifer
        ansh: you need to do this in your clone: `rm .env && STATIC_BUILD_USER=root ./develop.sh up static_builder` when it finishes, shut it down and the next time you can run all scripts normally.
      • this is a weird permissions issue that only happens on wolf so missed it so far, it will take some time to find a proper fix for it.
      • akshaaatt
        Usually how I write code is.. Make it work somehow > Get things together > Refactor the code to modularize it > Test again > Fix annoying bugs caused due to refactoring > Self review stuff > Commit . I think you are at the 3rd stage of this process theflash__
      • theflash__
        Makes sense akshaaatt
      • akshaaatt
        https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr... have a look at these models, theflash__
      • Although this is in kotlin and we need the code in swift, the basic understanding of how the parsing should be done will be the same
      • Take this code as reference
      • theflash__
      • mayhem
        after a weekend of being offline in the mountains I'm struggling to get back into work. anyone need anything from me, so I can have some direction this morning? :D
      • akshaaatt
      • mayhem
        thanks akshaaatt. sadly the generated AI music is still not nearly as good as existing algorithmic music generator.
      • akshaaatt
      • aerozol
        mayhem #listenbrainzmonday was actually started by user ultimateriff, but I’m running with it!
      • mayhem
        I still love it. :)
      • aerozol
        Wow, Leo_Verto gave me access to the survey he did 6 years ago, and it’s got really good data in it. I’ll work on posting the findings at some point (obviously no hurry by now haha) ORG-5
      • BrainzBot
        ORG-5: MusicBrainz User Survey https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/ORG-5
      • aerozol
        If anyone remembers that and has concerns/input, let me know
      • theflash__ has quit
      • derwin has left the channel
      • mayhem: Pratha-Fish: interview uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-tET4wwGTg
      • aerozol zzz
      • outsidecontext
        6 years, wow. but I vaguely remember this survey :)