

December 4th 2023

      • mayhem
        akshaaatt: jasje lucifer : what is the status of the playback video that I need to submit to google?
      • Sciencentistguy7 is now known as Sciencentistguy
      • lucifer
        mayhem: no idea yet, i think jasje was going to make one.
      • mayhem
      • jasje
      • I’ve been busy with college stuff
      • practicals practicals practicals
      • and their files (in which i have to write code on paper)
      • mayhem: overall experience of scrobbling?
      • better or worse?
      • monkey
        lucifer: I forgot to ask a question earlier: could you remind me where we were at with the import spotify history PR? Was it just in need of a UI?
      • lucifer
        monkey: UI + making it simpler for users to import by letting them upload zip files itself.
      • instead of individual JSON files.
      • monkey
      • Unzip in the web page then?
      • lucifer
        i guess we could take another look at it soon after YIM is done.
      • monkey
        I know there was some worry about processing personal data on the back end
      • lucifer
        i want to check what works better for youtube music
      • monkey
        IMO we can set up the feature with individual files for now (before YIM), and improve it after YMI
      • lucifer
        because google takeout would provide that data too.
      • mayhem
        jasje: unchanged. still flaky. :(
      • lucifer
        monkey: upto you, it has some issues with personal data processing but i guess backend would be more reliable to do than frontend especially for large files.
      • but yeah its a tradeoff anyway and i don't have a fixed opinion on it.
      • monkey
      • Spotify history files are chunked 10.5Mo at a time. I'll see if it's useable as-is or if it's too slow processing that massive JSON
      • Ideally we would have something out right before YIM so that new users can import their year instantly
      • We'll see with the time we have available
      • lucifer
        monkey: indeed, the plan is that. once YIM is ready, work on improving imports.
      • monkey
      • OK, I think we can manage to put out a v1 in time
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2634 (03master…user-timeline-fix): Ensure all events selected for feed lie within min_ts and max_ts bounds https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • Lotheric_ is now known as Lotheric
      • [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #2650 (03fix-links…fix-thumbnails): LB-1329 (I): Cover art mouseovers don't display in some pages/elements https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • akshaaatt
        mayhem I checked my mail thrice and even saw the playstore but couldn’t find the thing so I think I forgot
      • reosarevok: heading to bed now, will miss the meeting today. In japan so yeah quite exhausted
      • BrainzGit
        [troi-recommendation-playground] 14mayhem merged pull request #112 (03main…use-deployed-tag-similarity): Move LB radio tag similarity call to point to labs API https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendati...
      • mayhem
        akshaaatt: you think you forgot, but you're not sure? :)
      • reosarevok
        akshaaatt: enjoy!
      • lucifer
        mayhem, monkey: can you check if the playlists are working fine now?
      • monkey
        Which ones?
      • lucifer
        limited to 2 recordings max per artist
      • weekly jams/weekly exploration.
      • monkey
        The weekly jams?
      • OK
      • Thanks for working on this :)
      • So it sorta works? Limited to 2 tracks per artist, yes, but… https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/w08g0... 
      • Underlying issue is still there
      • lucifer
        yeah makes sense, i didn't attempt to fix the underlying issue.
      • that'll take a long while.
      • i see some of aerozol's playlists have an artist combination 5 times. so something still broken.
      • mayhem
        yeah, and I think we need more users before the underlying condition can be fiixed.
      • monkey
        My daily jams look fine. How different is that implementation?
      • mayhem
        wholly different codebase
      • that is quite interesting, tbh.
      • indeed, the weekly jams generated by troi look correct.
      • so, it does seem that it is a bug in the spark implementation of weekly-jams.
      • weekly jams as created by troi.
      • monkey
        A good playlist^
      • mayhem
        then it must be a bug in the spark implementation
      • bitmap
        zas: just a bunch of invalid requests to the exact same url (same ua, different ips) https://gist.github.com/mwiencek/a76524036ed285...
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok merged pull request #2704 (03master…no-multiple-with-entity): Avoid using multiple with in Entity:: files https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • lucifer
        monkey, mayhem: check playlists now
      • mayhem
        Woah, nice! What was the problem?
      • lucifer
        in the original spark jams code, ordering by score then randomizing. troi doesn't order by score first so removed that.
      • in the artist limiting i added there was a debugging where clause that i forgot to remove.
      • mayhem
      • Did you rerun for just a few users or all users? If the former, please re run all
      • lucifer
      • monkey
        🎉 that looks a lot better lucifer , thank you so much !
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok merged pull request #2726 (03master…more-perl-critic-valuesandexpressions): Follow Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions rules https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • monkey
        Hello aerozol when you're up ! Could you please send me the YIM23 explore tile image in 600x460px size? The one from the figma is a bit too small and I figure you probably have the original somewhere…
      • reosarevok
      • aerozol
        Monkey: Lucifer: level of mystery is explained in the comments, but was only really a place holder anyway, if you have cool stats fang em in😊
      • Banged
      • reosarevok
        Welcome to the MetaBrainz meeting, where you chat mystery, get banged
      • We have no mailed in reviews for today, but akshaaatt let us know he's traveling, asleep and has nothing to say
      • [clarification, he was not asleep yet when he let us know]
      • On my list for today: reosarevok, bitmap, zas, mayhem, yvanzo, monkey, lucifer, akshaaatt, atj, aerozol, ansh, ApeKattQuest, kellnerd, Pratha-Fish, jasje
      • aerozol: what about you start?
      • aerozol
        Mōrena koutou
      • The main thing of interest was probably getting close to a final for the LB landing page, something I spent a while on because it's a 'high value' kind of page
      • LB-1127
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1127: Illustrations for the home page https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1127
      • aerozol
        Thanks to mayhem and monkey for final feedback, and everyone else who commented
      • Otherwise some YIM stuff, a meeting with monkey, and the quite a bit of social media channels. We have some pretty cool Mastodon followers!
      • 🐒 go!
      • yvanzo
        (mystery solved)
      • monkey
      • Last Monday I was finishing up a batch of test suite conversion, I already talked about it at last meeting but I'm happy about the result.
      • I spent the rest of the week preparing the year in music page, with good results !
      • And as aerozol said we had a good video chat
      • ApeKattQuest
      • monkey
        That's all I have on my time sheet. Huh, I really did spend the whole week on YIM…
      • Go ansh
      • ansh
        Hi Everyone!
      • Last week, I finished the changes suggested by monkey and aerozol for the fresh release page.
      • Other than that I worked on BrainzPlayer queues, and opened a PR for that.
      • Also I picked up the work on Artist Similarity Graph, and have started refactoring and finishing the project.
      • Other than that, I was a bit busy as my end semester examinations are starting this week.
      • That’s it for me
      • ApeKattQuest: next?
      • reosarevok
        Left on my list for today: reosarevok, bitmap, zas, mayhem, yvanzo, lucifer, akshaaatt, atj, kellnerd, Pratha-Fish, jasje
      • mayhem
        good luck on those, ansh !
      • ApeKattQuest
        thanks ansh
      • Arararara~! hi!
      • monkey
        +1 good luck
      • ApeKattQuest
        I've had an abrupt end at the finish line due to a cold (again, sigh)
      • o
      • other than that I'm working on general stuff
      • this week will be very busy with my birthday on saturday
      • next: reosarevok ?
      • reosarevok
      • I spent a lot of last week improving and rebasing old PRs for bitmap to review
      • Including a lot of huge refactoring things - our Perl code now has more commas in the right places and less semicolons in the wrong places
      • Other than that, the usual dealing with reports and whatnot
      • And debugging why test.mb had suddenly started requiring a verified email to edit
      • Pratha-Fish: you?
      • Pratha-Fish
        Hi all!
      • reosarevok
        Left on my list for today: bitmap, zas, mayhem, yvanzo, lucifer, atj, kellnerd, jasje
      • Pratha-Fish
        Nothing much from me this week either.
      • Looking forward to deploying the area management project soon