yvanzo: no, and unfortunately, neither did installing setuptools==65. same error in either case: setuptools.extern.packaging.version.InvalidVersion: Invalid version: '2.20201112.1-7-g711fb3b'
yvanzo: higher priority because of the translations :)
rdswift, yvanzo, aerozol: nothing we were talking about today is connected with wiki pages anyway :)
rdswift: so please don't be discouraged, I'd still love to move the stuff away
These "docs" are actually just existing admin interface for editing stuff, just made visible for users, not connected to the usual docs system (like relationships pages are)
aerozol: guidelines can (and IMO should) also be moved anyway - there's only stuff like "I, a user, wrote this quick guide" that IMO should stay in the wiki, plus any stuff that actually needs to be a wiki, like i18n pages that need input by translators
[musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok merged pull request #3094 (03master…MBS-13368): MBS-13368: Properly compare series relationships if series is target https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
yvanzo: do you remember if we have any way to know how many pieces of cover art a release has using the MB API before calling the CAA one?
kilos_ has quit
I *think* there is not, but maybe I just don't know about it
(someone was asking in support about finding the release with the most images for a RG)
rdswift: reosarevok: if we do a shift them I don't know about having guidelines in the same docs tbh. Or maybe we can make the colors distinct for each section or something
Seems like it might present an opportunity to make the different types of 'doc'/'help' etc clearer
Not just because I think it's a bit confusing, the survey results I'm (still) working on show a lot of users are confused with the docs as well. It's in the top 10 'what's your biggest issue with MB' ranking (#10 but it counts!!)
Why do docs need to have a theme though 😂
A shift is better than nothing but I'd like to brain nstorm if we can get any extra, preferably easy, wins while we're at it
Just made it doc doc stuff
akshaaatt: what are you replying to sorry?
Ah, I was reading through previous chats and it said to have a theme for docs as well
akshaaatt: because read the docs by default is hideous and nobody would want to look at it unless they're a dev :p
Makes sense reosarevok
Ah right - didn't you tell me at the summit you hated the look of ReadTheDocs :p
(and our current user docs look like pages inside MB proper, so the closer we can get to that, the less of a clash it will be)
Ik of a good paid tool called gitbook which is great for guidelines and product documentation
An interface like that would be cool
Don’t know of relevant oss solutions though
aerozol: yus! For guidelines stuff, rtd looks bad
My more recent message re. colors is to theme stuff to differentiate between the very different types of doc that MB has - dev documentation and editing guidelines are completely different things imo. If that helps explain it a bit
Yus agreed
bitmap, lucifer: I found the core issue with mb-rngpy and pushed a tag as a workaround for testing sir in the meantime.
reosarevok: I’m just encouraging rdswift for now to not waste too much his time which I value.
Sure, I just don't think it will ever be a waste :)
There's no need to work super hard on it now but if aerozol wants to help, why not - it's not like either of them are going to update the search server:)
Just to clarify, the documentation has been among my top concerns for years, I’m not underestimating it.
lucifer: I keep being stuck with this build problem on listenbrainz. its not related to any branch. I've removed all images and all volumes and the problem persists.
doesn't happen on any other machine.
I guess I can try to uninstall docker and re-install.
but I'm unable to work right now. :(
any ideas at all? I'm stumped.
mayhem: hmm weird
try a no-cache build locally
I deleted ALL images and ALL volumes.
there should not be anything to pull from cache. and that no cache option was the very first thing I tried. :(
`docker system prune -a` maybe?
`docker system prune -a --volumes`
to remove every bit of docker data.
I can try that next time, just uninstalled docker, decalring total bankruptcy.
it was time to upgrade docker in any case. rebuilding now.
lucifer: that fixed it finally.
awesome great
i would even suggest to start using docker compose v2
Lotheric_ has quit
its faster, at least feels so
is that docker compose vs docker-compose ?
yeah, been there a while
oh interesting
did you alias docker-compose to docker compose? because every now then i keep encountering a meb project with develop/test script that barfs on docker compose
i guess meb.org and lb were fixed sometime back so rarer for you to encounter it
Lotheric joined the channel
[listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2651 (03master…fix-playing-now-cover): LB-1371: "Playing now" does not show cover art on page load https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
Rotab has quit
yvanzo: ping :)
ouch ;)
why you gotta ping so hard reosarevok ?
yvanzo: if you merge the admin thing and I rebase the other string PR, could we still release beta tonight and freeze, what do you think? :)
I'll try to ping softer next :D
monkey: after all those changes, I *finally* got the branch up. lolsob
[listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2652 (03master…fix-follow): LB-1315: Attempting to follow a user while not logged in gives error https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
in this query I want to fetch the release_group.artist_credit and explode that into a list of artist_mbids. I always get that query wrong and you always have to fix it. what is the correct query fragment to do that?