[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #297 (03dev…dependabot/gradle/dev/room_version-2.6.1): Bump room_version from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #298 (03dev…dependabot/gradle/dev/hilt_version-2.49): Bump hilt_version from 2.48.1 to 2.49 https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #299 (03dev…dependabot/gradle/dev/io.sentry.android.gradle-4.0.0): Bump io.sentry.android.gradle from 3.14.0 to 4.0.0 https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #300 (03dev…dependabot/github_actions/dev/actions/setup-java-4): Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
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lucifer: was the genres question for the ‘summary’ tile?
One thing I would def test is cutting out some of the boring genres like ‘rock’, ‘pop’, ‘electronic’, and see if that creates a more interesting list :)
Let me know if anything in that isn’t possible, or if you think I can make changes that makes it easier for you. I have included some ‘wishlist’ ideas that caused trouble last time!
But you seem to have implemented all my crazy ideas into the Fresh Releases refresh, so who knows, maybe it’s fine :)
I just had another look over it, and I’m still pretty happy with the mockup. The main thing that caused confusion, if I remember correctly, was the colours so let me know if you want to discuss that more
lucifer: let me know if it’s annoying, but I figure I may as well let you know when something odd is happening in my LB? Today my Bandcamp listens are missing art :P https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Lbf6L...
aerozol: These designs are really great! I love the timeline feature which you've added. Tho I'm not very sure rn how I'll go forward with it.
ansh: Cool, the timeline is definitely a ‘if it’s easy’ option. Feel free to leave it out
Are the colours here random? Or do they signify anything
They’re explained in a comment, let me find it
Found ti
Me too :D
Does that make sense? That combo always looked pretty nice even when I tested the worst colours, browns and yellows and so on. A bit pastel but w/e
I’ll be off for dinner, but leave me questions any time
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aerozol: its the same cover art issue as before, outdated data in mapping tables. i have initiated a full rebuild from scratch. it will take a while to fix this problem properly.
aerozol: about genres, for the summary tile and also that main shareable coverart image.
lucifer: ok cool, I only mocked one up/didn't get details for the other, so no idea what the plan is for that one 😁
I think the intent is to implement unless some major implementation issue comes up.
About removing the main genres, do you have a list that you want me to remove and check?
Cool, I don't think I've seen any mockups or anything but I'll trust you to ask if you need something
Fwiw, there are lots of other genres in the data already because I took top 25 genres
I think literally rock, pop, electronic... But I don't know the data
Its the image from your mockups
I suspect there will not be a single user without one of those three at the top, but you know the data better!
How about show the first genre that isn't rock, pop and electronic?
We are playing guess the genre reo, if we use this one. imo the kind of people who are going to share an image on social media care more about looks than a fine grained stat layout. That said if people hate it I can mock up more np. I think monkey may have started doing this layout though
aerozol: about the manual mapping stuff, yeah we should put an announcement out to ask people to relink.
recovering that didn't work out.
lucifer: bummer, will do
This is a painful one, I've probably spent a few idle hours myself linking things, which I'll have to redo. I'm trusting we are working on backups that won't ever let this happen again!
(I'm sure some other users have spent much longer)
Hi, I would love to work on the following issue -> (LB 1174) "Adjust the “All Time” listening activity chart to hide empty years", amCap1712 asked me to reach out here reg the same..
skip all the years until the year with a non-zero listen count is found.
Yeah thanks .. that is very helpful...
Welcome pranavkonidena !
mayhem: around today?
LB team (especially aerozol): I haven't started on the stats summary shareable image (the one with the genres in the background), so if there's some redesigning that needs to happen, now's the time :p
That being said, I reckon we can make it work. A few options: 1. slightly smaller font size (and maybe more genres) 2. Remove the percentage value, which might not be super accurate anyway (only some listens will have genre info, so it's a percentage of that subset) or 3. using blending modes so that the genres are on top of the image but both are still readable
Ah, and maybe the simpler 4. move the cover art over to the right a bit :p
Hey, I managed to change the code I am sharing the screen shot of the website now .. please let me know if that is what was desired.. only 2023 shows now since rest of the year, my listening data is nil
For some reason , it is taking ages to upload a screen shot here :(
lucifer: It's a bank holiday here, so I suspect he's not going to be up super early. IIRC yesterday he said he was going to be working on stuff he actually wants to work on.
monkey: i see, makes sense.
pranavkonidena: You can upload it to a website like imgur or some other image paste board and then share the link
lucifer: I'll be around in the afternoon. Around for random questions with possibly bad latency. Holiday here in Catalunya
[musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #3118 (03master…MBS-13397): MBS-13397: Support video pages for jazzmusic/metalmusic/progarchives https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
yvanzo: tiny update if you feel like it ^ (also not urgent)
How is it going with the strings?
I guess we can just merge those for the beta after this one if need be :)
[musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok merged pull request #3117 (03master…use-himBHsreact-fragment-type): Use React$FragmentType rather than typeof React.Fragment https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
[listenbrainz-server] 14pranavkonidena opened pull request #2656 (03master…pranav/nonzeroyearsinall_time): LB-1174 : Hides the empty years in all time listening chart https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
mayhem: for when you're online: the entity pages endpoint crashes when there's no cover art, it looks like.
I started trying to fix it but I quickly realized there's a lot more going on in there than fetching the cover art, and I don't know how to approach it.
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lucifer: the playlist code is in troi to make the playlists. But there are one or two data sets that get created in the mbid mapping sub project.