<aerozol> "rdswift: mayhem: my eeeeeeyyyyyeeeeeeeessssss" Like I said, "proof of concept" and demonstrating that we can customize colors and such while still hosting on RTD. Looks like the demonstration was successful. :-)
rdswift: All good, I got that it was for attention from the colourful one!
aerozol: yes the data is still outdated, it failed when i tried to regenerate it. i will look into fixing it soon.
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aerozol: also, not sure how much of the original data it is but i have recovered 6677 manual mapping entries.
lucifer: That's great news!
I'm not sure about announcing the details re. discovery? If you guys are working on a post re. what happened I'll leave it for that. Otherwise I can do some socials giving a quick update re. it being safe to import from last.fm and some links being lost
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rdswift: nice orange!
Yay some manual mapping
aerozol: still around?
reosarevok: kiiinda 😊
aerozol: sorry didn't understand what you mean
lucifer: I'm not sure if I should put out a update on the socials re. what we've done and what's changed since the LB data loss
You skipped [ ] notes on edits I have left notes on
That’s the best I could noodle (rice, actually, but that doesn’t work) out to make it a bit shorter
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aerozol: so "voted on" would be completely detached from "abstained on", right?
(but default to on if they have voted on active I guess so we keep the current workings by default)
That's how I understood your and bitmap's notes
It made sense to me. Note that it's Friday at the end of a long week, but I think I got my head round it
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Ok : )
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mayhem: art api is 500-ing when a user has less than 5 artists for top 5 artists image. thoughts on whether to refuse to generate the image because not enough artists or just show as many top artists (1-4) are there?
b) IMO unless it's really bad for some reason?
should be doable but might or might not look good with less data.
could we be cheeky and use the space to encourage the user to list to more music?
lucifer: probably I would leave the other rows blank. We'll probably have some people want to share the image if it really highlights their love for [artist] imo!
(on a related note, it really feels the "Editing" header should be "Subscriptions"... but I guess maybe it's not because then the "mail about subscriptions" thing would fit in both there and email 😅
reosarevok: looks nice! Let me just find my... Where is it...
aerozol pulls out the nitpicker 5000
Pft. It's not even over 9000
Oof yeah, maybe leave the headings!
Sorry if you were already planning these: the 'send me mails with edits...' line could use some breathing space above, and maybe the indent should line up with the other black text
Subscribe me when I add a new:
[ ] Artist
^ just a thought
Looks like a big improvement though!
!m reosarevok
You're doing good work, reosarevok!
aerozol: moin!
I wanted to touch base with you regarding the mosaic.