

      • Maxr1998_ joined the channel
      • Maxr1998 has quit
      • ApeKattQuest
        wait wtf the Ranveer guy is HOT
      • hahaha
      • minimal has quit
      • aerozol
      • (same post on all three platforms, if anyone’s confused by all the links!)
      • lusciouslover has quit
      • lusciouslover joined the channel
      • lusciouslover has quit
      • lusciouslover joined the channel
      • lusciouslover has quit
      • Kladky joined the channel
      • ApeKattQuest
        says the user notifications no longer exists, aerozol
      • aerozol
        Oh, I think I used the wrong link for X: https://twitter.com/ListenBrainz/status/1734069...
      • Thanks!
      • fletchto99 has quit
      • fletchto99 joined the channel
      • ApeKattQuest
        no prob
      • (but also, lets just keep calling it twitter. an act of civic anti-corp rebelion ;))
      • q3lont joined the channel
      • q3lont has quit
      • yvanzo
        bitmap, reosarevok: yes, will have to delay by one week indeed.
      • lusciouslover joined the channel
      • reosarevok: I just pushed some more commits to the PR.
      • lusciouslover has quit
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: left a few comments but it mostly seems good, thanks!
      • jasje
      • mayhem
        jasje: hiya! we already missed the deadline on providing google that video -- did you manage to record one?
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: Thanks, it opened a couple of open questions.
      • reosarevok: Also, I have a general issue with using `header` as it is missing from a huge amount of messages.
      • eharris joined the channel
      • reosarevok: Also pushed another disambiguation for Edit.
      • reosarevok: The general “issue” is more do we agree on the direction of adding context `header` and `interactive` every where it is needed in the future (not necessarily in this PR)?
      • eharris has quit
      • reosarevok
        Sure fot hea
      • ...
      • Sure for header, and for interactive I guess as long as we document it it seems fine
      • akshaaatt
        Hi reosarevok , I won’t be able to join the meeting. Heading to bed. Still here in Japan and enjoying like crazy. I did some PR reviews and was happy to see that the LB Android app crossed 1k downloads on the playstore! Thanks
      • Also, I met Linus Torvalds and got to have a 10mins chat with him and Jim Zemlin :)
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2664 (03master…misc-fixes): Improve handling of scarce stats in cover art api https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • yvanzo
        akshaaatt: Absence notes from them accepted ;)
      • akshaaatt, ansh, atj, monkey, reosarevok: If you have project propositions for OSS donations, it isn’t too late :)
      • reosarevok: https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... triggered new ESLint warnings
      • mayhem
        yvanzo: where are you collecting the donation suggestions?
      • monkey: ping
      • jasje
        mayhem: oops I keep forgetting
      • tomorrow I’ll definitely record and send the video
      • got my exam tomorrow
      • alarm set
      • mayhem
      • yvanzo
        mayhem: sent a link
      • mayhem
      • Fiend joined the channel
      • Fiend has quit
      • Fiend_ joined the channel
      • Fiend_
        Hello I saw the Troi Recommendation Toolkit and wanted to ask if I could contribute for any improvement in that.
      • mayhem
        sure, what do you have in mind Fiend_ ?
      • Fiend__ joined the channel
      • Fiend_ has quit
      • Fiend__ has quit
      • lucifer: you about?
      • yvanzo
        bitmap, reosarevok: Are you having 4 Flow `untyped-import` errors on `master` too?
      • (using Flow 0.220.0 as in `package.json`)
      • bitmap
        yvanzo: hey, I am not but I'm guessing this might help: rm root/static/scripts/tests/typeInfo.js; ./script/dump_js_type_info.pl
      • yvanzo
        bitmap: Thank you, the errors all came from files under `root/static/scripts/tests/` indeed.
      • Would it make sense to clean these up automatically when compiling scripts?
      • bitmap
        yes, perhaps. it skips dumping the file if it already exists because it rarely changes, but it doesn't take very long to execute
      • a recent PR added Flow types to it, and then another PR added some new tests (marked as "strict") which import it, hence the issues
      • yvanzo
        CircleCI doesn’t start with the old files anyway, so it shouldn’t make it any slower, right?
      • bitmap
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: CI tests passed again. Please recheck the conversations, and if it works for you I will rebase the PR in a mergeable way.
      • reosarevok
        I'm on a bus but I'll check stuff in an hour ior
      • *or so when home, yvanzo. Thanks!
      • outsidecontext
        mayhem, lucifer: is it supposed to be possible to use "Link with MusicBrainz" on other people's listens?
      • reosarevok
        Iirc yes
      • But it won't automatically count for them
      • outsidecontext
        so it would only me seeing it?
      • mmh, I think now
      • *not
      • outsidecontext sees entire new possibilities in rickrolling 😮
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2666 (03master…rg-stat-artists): Link individual artists in release group, release and recordings statistics https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • lucifer
        mayhem: hi!
      • outsidecontext: yes it is. the intent is if 3 or more people link a listen to the same recording then it will be used sitewide unless a user has provided their own manual mapping.
      • if its only you who has mapped someone else's listens then it would only be visible to you.
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] release 03v-2023-12-11.0 has been published by 14github-actions[bot]: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • outsidecontext
        ok, makes sense
      • mayhem returns
      • mayhem
        lucifer: lots of open questions on the entity pages / MB artist/release group cache.
      • what we dreamt up in delhi was too simple, lol
      • lucifer
        mayhem: sure ask
      • mayhem
        ok, first problem is that we need to pick a release from the release group. canonical release would be good for this, but the data is not in MB, so we can't join it.
      • second problem is that we didn't discuss how to cache the popularity data. and that will go out of date much faster than the MB data.
      • lucifer
        We can create it in the mapping schema of MB db.
      • The popularity data generated from listens?
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
        How frequently do we want to update it?
      • mayhem
        I think daily would be good, but weekly is probably also ok.
      • lucifer
        We can use couch db for it.
      • mayhem
        yes, I think that makes sense.
      • lucifer
        We do use couch db for it atm afair
      • mayhem
        and to make matters worse, I'm headed to germany for the rest of the week and monkey would really like the entity pages to be done for the release of YIM, which I agree on.
      • would you be able to take over the data work on the entity pages for the rest of the week?
      • lucifer
        I can get those done not an issue
      • mayhem
        great, thanks.
      • lucifer
        What all is done and what all is left?
      • mayhem
        I am going to make notes in entity_pages.py in the views subdir.
      • I'll let you know when that is done and then you look at it to make sure that everything makes sense.
      • when I am gone, I'll still be available for questions.
      • lucifer
        Sounds good
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
        I want to explore the logical replication router sooner than later for the caches.
      • Copy the required MB db tables to timescale using logical replication and then perform all the joins we want there.
      • Instead of creating the data twice once in LB dbs and then in MB dbs. It would also prevent the WALs issues we see with Jimmy/Hendrix.
      • mayhem
        sounds really promising.
      • lucifer
        I'll talk with bitmap about it later today or tomorrow.
      • mayhem
      • lucifer: read all the comments and the TODOs especially: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • relaxoMob has quit
      • relaxoMob joined the channel
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: I think the lowercasing PR looks fine now, if you agree we can merge?
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: Thanks but we still have to rebase it to apply amending commits and discard changes to po/
      • reosarevok
      • Won't tests start failing again if we discard changes though?
      • ApeKattQuest
        are instrument translations in the po or ehatevers trasnalte.mbs too?
      • reosarevok
        Well, the one change
      • ApeKattQuest: yes but they won't be affected by this
      • ApeKattQuest
        are instrument translations in the po or ehatevers translate.mbs too?
      • yvanzo
        They will but it won’t break Weblate.
      • ApeKattQuest
        oh no. i was just thinking about translations in norwegian
      • yvanzo
        No changes to instruments.pot so far.
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: ok, if if seems ok for tests to fail for a bit then I'm fine with that
      • ApeKattQuest: yes, that can be translated from that page too :)
      • ApeKattQuest
        hopefully i will atleast have a passable compo soon
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: how do you apply the amending commits, just move them to the right position with git rebase -i and then fixup?
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: Mostly, sometimes the amended commit message might need to be updated too.
      • reosarevok
        Ok, do you want to do this or should I?
      • yvanzo
        You can give it a try now if you want, busy with preparing the meeting atm.
      • reosarevok
      • bitmap
        reosarevok: use s instead of f and it'll open your editor to allow merging the commit messages if needed
      • reosarevok
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: No proposition of OSS project for donations?
      • reosarevok
        Not really, I don't use anything you wouldn't already know and have picked as MBS devs tbh : )
      • Well I use outsidecontext's peek (https://github.com/phw/peek) and I would certainly not mind sending outsidecontext some cash but it feels a bit like cheating :p
      • Oh no. "IMPORTANT: The Peek project has been declared deprecated"
      • yvanzo
      • ApeKattQuest
        !recall oh no.
      • BrainzBot