

      • theflash__ joined the channel
      • discordbrainz
        <07mostlyk> I have worked with LLM in past, I had a similar idea of a project, the idea was we take an image from the user and let the AI take it's intepretation then we give another LLM the prompt for lyrics and markov chain for music, we can use llava for image to lyrics
      • akshaaatt
      • theflash__
        akshaaatt: aerozol: hey guys!, do we have any mockup ready for user dashboard? , should I pick that up?
      • discordbrainz
        <07mostlyk> problem with music is there is no pattern for a succeful hit or it's just repeating.. https://github.com/MostlyKIGuess/Songmatlab tried this a while back , no results :( The easy way to go about is to genre out from the chords apparantly in music theory you can filter out emotions
      • akshaaatt
        theflash__: I think aerozol[m] can help you with that. But until then you can fix the feed UI/UX in the app
      • Make it like the one on android
      • theflash__
        alright caps, on it
      • We need to add oAuth also, akshaaatt
      • discordbrainz
        <07mostlyk> Hello are there any UI/UX project for metabrainz right now anyone can assign me? I have used the site and starting to make a local env rn but I am having trouble setting it up, while I would love to just start coding anyways because I have already used the main site and I would know what to change + I am starting a bit late because of my midsems, just got finished by them :)
      • mara42 has quit
      • akshaaatt
        Sure, theflash__ ! If you need help prioritising things, let me know
      • discordbrainz
        <07mostlyk> Love how listenbrainz have an amazing UI while bookbrainz is a bit old school
      • theflash__
        Please do that for me :D
      • akshaaatt
      • mostlyk you can go through the open tickets and assign them to yourself and start working
      • rimskii[m]
        lucifer (IRC): quick question: so for exporting spotify we use troi patches. Is it okay if we will use the same for exporting to other services or should we implement other function? (imo it is better to separate it and do without troi but I might be wrong)
      • akshaaatt
        theflash__: you can start with feed updates rn since you will be comfortable with them. oauth can be a bit tricky
      • discordbrainz
        <07mostlyk> :blobyes: will do
      • mara42 joined the channel
      • theflash__
        akshaaatt: alright!, I can't see any tickets for iOS side, can you point if ther's any
      • akshaaatt
        We will have to create them
      • Let me sit and triage and create ticks today
      • theflash__
        that would be great!
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      • lucifer
        mostlyk: you can take a look at the projects idea list and see if you find anything relevant. LB/BB won't be having any project with significant UI/UX.
      • rimskii[m]: the apple endpoint is yet to be created but the data which it needs is present in the database.
      • It will look similar to Spotify one to end users just apple music/itunes ids instead of Spotify ones.
      • rimskii[m]
      • lucifer
        For export the code should live in troi because troi is usable as a standalone library also
      • rimskii[m]
        what about soundcloud? how can we get data for soundcloud?
      • lucifer
        And we want the export import functionality in both LB and troi
      • fletchto99 joined the channel
      • rimskii[m]
        lucifer: sure! so should import function also be in troi?
      • lucifer
        That's a separate project of its own, mayhem and I will try to figure out a way for that
      • rimskii[m]: yes
      • rimskii[m]
        i have implemented it, but actually only for LB
      • okay
      • mayhem
        yea, something we should talk about next week.
      • and monkey and I were just talking about element. I wonder if we could work on that and make the move happen while you're here.
      • yellowhatpro has quit
      • monkey: zas bitmap yvanzo: invoices please!
      • monkey[m] joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        On it as we speak !
      • Taking a whiole lot longer than usual... "oh shit I don't have an email client set up!" "oh shit I'm not connected to GDrive!" "oh shit I can't edit PDFs" etc.
      • lucifer
        Yes, we can look into moving to matrix then. The main thing pending is a discussion with zas and atj on redundancy of the service and reliability of the data.
      • mayhem
        zas is here right now -- should I take the discussion up with him to help move things along?
      • BrainzGit
        [metabrainz.org] 14mayhem opened pull request #455 (03master…update-team-page): Update team page https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/pu...
      • atj
        I've heard synapse can be a bit of a pig to maintain
      • mayhem
        maintaining my synapses is certainly a pain at time.
      • atj
        lucifer: we need to define the acceptable redundancy / complexity trade off
      • setting up and maintaining replicated postgres will add a fair amount of complexity and given we can't achieve automated failover (AFAIU) it's not a fully redundant solution
      • mayhem
        atj: we'll need to be patient with lucifer today, he's traveling and connectivity will be spotty at times.
      • atj
        mayhem: i'm just throwing out thoughts really
      • mayhem
      • but, seriously, how redundant does it need to be?
      • atj
        well exactly
      • mayhem
        I mean, I see that it is important for team communication, claro.
      • but what if we say that if that goes down, meet in IRC?
      • atj
        if we went down the ZFS route, I could set up 15 or 30 minute replicated snapshots fairly easily, then if we had a primary server failure it would just require changing a few settings and then just start the services on the backup server
      • mayhem
        that sounds plausible and sexy.
      • how many VMs would we need? or could we/should we run this on our own bare metal servers?
      • atj
        are we going to allow registrations on the server or just create accounts for the team and let everyone else federate via matrix.org etc?
      • mayhem
        I think I would prefer the latter, since that might be easier with less spam shit?
      • atj
        yeah, that was my thought
      • mayhem
        its less good for new people, but its not too onerous, I think.
      • atj
        if we can get away with VMs that would be preferable I think, purely from a cost perspective
      • mayhem
        I dont know much about the setup of all of this, but I suspect shoving it into our own server infra would be even cheaper.
      • but that ties us to our infra, which for emergency comms is not so great.
      • atj
        I would keep it separate primarily for security reasons
      • mayhem
        but we spend over $100/month on IRC cloud. Getting a couple of VM will still be cheaper.
      • ok, seems sensical to me.
      • so, two VMs? Three? do we know what specs we might need?
      • atj
        I'm not too sure but I think 2 reasonably specced VMs would be enough.
      • mayhem
        any clues what is considered decently specced?
      • atj
        i would defer to lucifer more on the server specs, but keeping it to 2 would be preferable
      • mayhem
      • atj
        yeah, something along those lines
      • mayhem
        understood, just trying to shape a pic, financially on this.
      • ok, no problem. let wait for lucifer to turn up and then we can continue.
      • atj
        i'm going to be out for most of the afternoon, picking up Vashi from Heathrow
      • mayhem
      • not urgent really. just wanting to strike the iron while you're around. :)
      • LGTMBDNT lol.
      • BrainzGit
        [metabrainz.org] 14mayhem merged pull request #455 (03master…update-team-page): Update team page https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/pu...
      • atj
        I think the main thing to consider is, what level of failure can we tolerate?
      • mayhem
        what levels of failure do you see here?
      • atj
        well, mainly just the server dying I suppose
      • I'm thinking more about - how long can we cope with the service being down
      • mayhem
        with IRC as a backup that is well defined for the whole team, it depends on the severity of things.
      • lets say to hetzner catches fire and we've lost everything.
      • atj
        one thing to consider is - could we host it on separate infra so that if Hetzner goes tits up we have working comms
      • mayhem
        getting matrix up is not going to be a priority, so we fall back to IRC.
      • I think hosting in .fi and not in .de would be sufficient.
      • the chance that both catch fire at the same time? practically zero, unless terrorist attack.
      • atj
        well, i suspect Hetzner infra isn't fully resilient across DCs but who knows
      • BrainzGit
        [metabrainz.org] release 03v-2024-03-01.0 has been published by 14mayhem: https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/re...
      • mayhem
        I think this is an acceptable level of risk/failure.
      • atj
        anyway, I have to go - those are my thoughts at this point. i'm sure lucifer and zas will have some different perspectives
      • mayhem
      • enjoy heathrow
      • (ewww)
      • mara42 has quit
      • atj
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      • let_them_fight.jpg
      • mayhem
      • mara42 has quit
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      • theflash__ has quit
      • pranav[m] has quit
      • Shivam2002 joined the channel
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      • akshaaatt
        Apple has also joined the AI train after ditching the Apple car project
      • mara42 joined the channel
      • aerozol[m] has quit
      • Shivam2002
        lucifer, monkey[m]: Hi, did you get the chance to review my pr?
      • relaxoMob has quit
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      • Lotheric_ has quit
      • Lotheric joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        Not yet Shivam2002 (IRC). I've been sick and luci fer is travelling as we speak.
      • mara42 has quit
      • Shivam2002
        monkey[m]: Oh sorry.. get well soon
      • mara42 joined the channel
      • mara42 has quit
      • sudip_ joined the channel
      • mayhem
        wooo, exciting things in my life: I just sent three wires at the same time from ONE screen. so amazing, while being really pathetic. lol.
      • bitmap: you invoice was perfectly timed. :)
      • rimskii[m] has quit
      • *your
      • sudip_
        aerozol: akshaaatt: I wanted to work on MOBILE-169 do you have some mockup for the profile page when the user doesn't have any listens?
      • BrainzBot
        MOBILE-169: LB app: Cold start text on profile page https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MOBILE-169
      • bitmap
        mayhem: oh phew, thanks for squeezing it in
      • mayhem
        your invoices tend to be on the earlier side. lucifer got his in early this month.
      • akshaaatt
        Hi sudip_ ! Sure, go ahead and work on it. aerozol can help with the designs
      • sudip_
        akshaaatt: I was thinking if we can make it similar to the website one it looks pretty nice to me
      • relaxoMob has quit
      • minimal joined the channel
      • akshaaatt
      • mara42 joined the channel
      • pranav[m] joined the channel
      • pranav[m]
        akshaaatt (IRC): mayhem jasje (IRC) I have published the first draft of my GSoC application in the community here. https://community.metabrainz.org/t/gsoc-24-arti...
      • Your feedback and comments would be appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance