

March 5th 2024

      • Satyaraj[m] uploaded an image: (167KiB) < https://matrix.moviebrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/YpsLHTyuQgiZVukzIHyTadMT/Screenshot%202024-03-05%20at%2011.50.47%20AM.png >
      • Satyaraj[m]
        Hey lucifer (IRC) can you please help me out? I had to setup the dev env again for some reason, but on running './develop build' I am getting stuck on this:
      • Hey lucifer (IRC) I am getting this error when i try to run the local env:
      • sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) connection to server at "lb_db" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "listenbrainz"
      • zas
        bitmap, yvanzo: we'll have to replace an NVMe drive on aphex, it runs MB services (redundant) and musicbrainz-sitemaps / musicbrainz-redis-cache-sitemaps / telegraf-services (non-redundant). We can afford a down time for telegraf-services, but can we for musicbrainz-sitemaps / musicbrainz-redis-cache-sitemaps ?
      • yvanzo
        hi zas: yes we can, better stop this container at first though.
      • zas: daily cron job is still running, should be over soon.
      • daily cron job just finished, last hourly cron job to go…
      • zas
        ok, please stop it when finished, I'm moving telegraf-services to patton
      • yvanzo
        zas: it’s ready
      • zas
        ok, I'll open a ticket on Hetzner support for drive replacement ASAP
      • yvanzo
      • Hi .zima_blue, there isn’t such support, except if your queried entities are related to the same entity, for example the release groups of an artist, using a subquery such as `/artist/<mbid>/release-groups` as documented in https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_API#Sub...
      • Sorry, I’m mistaking with something else :D The syntax for lookup subquery is `/artist/<mbid>?inc=release-groups` actually.
      • And the endpoint I was thinking about is browse query by linked entities, whose syntax is `/release-groups?artist=<mbid>` as documented in https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_API#Lin...
      • s/release-groups/release-group/
      • You can add the query parameter `limit=50` if that better fits your use case.
      • lucifer
        Satyaraj[m]: have you tried running `./develop.sh manage init_db --create-db -f` and then `./develop.sh manage init_ts_db --create-db -f`?
      • yvanzo
        Backing up the wiki…
      • Rebooting wiki server…
      • mayhem
        lucifer is in the house!
      • monkey: you in the office today? I think we need to go get more chinese food today.
      • yvanzo
        I aborted upgrading wiki server, am going to ask legoktm for installation details.
      • (mainly about their PPA that has been used so far)
      • Satyaraj[m]
        lucifer (IRC): every once in a while my local env breaks, i.e. changes that i make in my code are no longer reflected on the localhost. Can you please help me fix this?
      • monkey
        Woop woop! Welcome lucifer ! Mayhem can we do tomorrow? Not sure what time I'll be in
      • lucifer
        Satyaraj[m]: without knowing more details, hard to help. what changes do not reflect?
      • monkey: thanks! :)
      • mayhem
        monkey: sure, no problem. we'll find something else tasty.
      • Satyaraj[m]
        lucifer: Changes in the frontend, Playlists.tsx
      • lucifer
        Satyaraj[m]: you need to have the static_builder container running for that.
      • if it is running, share its logs.
      • Satyaraj[m]
        Its not running
      • and exits when i try to run
      • lucifer
        what do the logs say
      • Satyaraj[m] sent a 2024 code block: https://matrix.moviebrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/moviebrainz.org/PucozTAeJFPlWOgyoCiGeouS
      • zas
        aphex broken drive was replaced, I restarted musicbrainz-sitemaps (and associated redis container) on it
      • telegraf-services moved back to aphex
      • lucifer
        Satyaraj[m]: try running `./develop.sh down` and then `./develop.sh up`
      • Satyaraj[m]
        <lucifer> "Satyaraj: try running `./develop..." <- Now I'm getting a ton of missing dependencies errors
      • like this:
      • ``` 48:5 warning React Hook React.useCallback has a missing dependency: 'APIService'. Either include it or remove the dependency array```
      • and many more
      • lucifer
        Satyaraj[m]: those can be ignored, your code should be working now.
      • atj
        zas: did you get a smartmontools email about the drive?
      • zas
        atj: nope
      • atj
      • looks like exim might be broken on aphex
      • zas: `sudo tail -n20 /var/log/exim4/mainlog` on aphex - gmail is refusing to relay
      • Satyaraj[m]
      • This won't work as the modal gets closed as soon as the form is submitted
      • eulerbutcooler[m
        Hey yvanzo (IRC) about that New display of external links should i make the relationships page a standalone page or should i fork the repo and redesign it there? Thanks!
      • monkey
        Satyaraj[m]: I see it, fair enough, you can ignore my comments there about improving the confirmation message
      • yvanzo
        Hi eulerbutcooler: in your branch/fork :)
      • eulerbutcooler[m
        yvanzo: Yes okay :)
      • zas
        atj: fixed, gmail relay was missing aphex IPs
      • atj
      • xeitor
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: Is there a related ticket for this PR you reviewed? https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • reosarevok
        None that I can tell, just some forum threads
      • We can add one
      • yvanzo
        Yes please
      • (For the upcoming beta)
      • discordbrainz
        <05couscous4304> Hi guys, this is my first Monday in the channel 🙂 , seems like I've missed out the chance to join the Monday meeting. Wonder if there's any other regular meeting?
      • reosarevok
        Not really - but there'll be one next Monday :)
      • yvanzo
        Hi couscous4304, no, but if you can’t be available on Monday at meeting’s time, you can still mail your review by mail 📮 See https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/MetaBrainz_Meeting
      • discordbrainz
        <05couscous4304> haha thanks, nice that the mailbox is open for everyone!
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: MBS-13504
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13504: Improve legibility of docs pages on small screens https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13504
      • yvanzo
        Thank you!