

April 14th 2024

      • Lotheric_ is now known as Lotheric
      • huhridge
        hello everyone!
      • i was looking into LB-1401, and the add track button is supposed to switch the submit type right?
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1401: Manually add album listens https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1401
      • huhridge
        when i add an add album button right?
      • have you had a chance to review my pr, monkey?
      • FichteFoll
        is there a known issue with the ipv4 servers hosting various metabrainz sites, including musicbrainz.org, static.metabrainz.org and coverartarchive.org? I have to manually redirect these domains to their ipv6 addresses to be able to connect to them
      • curl complains with `curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to musicbrainz.org:443` when simply running `curl musicbrainz.org` (also when forcing ipv4 via `-4`) but it works when forcing ipv6 (via `-6`)
      • firefox also uses ipv4 by default, leading to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR errors for all affected domains, while chromium uses ipv6 and works
      • I've had this issue with PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR for quite a while (at least half a year) but never bother to looked into it further because it was hard to find any relevant information about it. I only found out about the difference between ipv4 and ipv6 by coincidence
      • I can also mention this on the forum or the issue tracker, if desired
      • apparently someone else was unable to reproduce this, so it seems likely this is a problem with my openssl or similar
      • also works fine from my phone
      • well, I give up. everything points to it being a problem with my system only, but I have no idea why or how to fix it properly. I'll leave the ipv6s pinned in my hosts file until I miraculously find someone else with an idea
      • bitmap
        FichteFoll: have you seen https://superuser.com/q/1492755? some suggest it might be VPN related, but I'm not sure myself
      • bitmap has no issue with ipv4 or ipv6
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek opened pull request #3234 (03master…mbs-13361): MBS-13361: Upgrade the required version of PostgreSQL to 16 https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • FichteFoll
        bitmap: thanks, but I don't use a VPN and the fact that it also reproduces with curl and chrome means a firefox setting couldn't be the cause
      • zas
        FichteFoll: can you run following command: 'GET /' |openssl s_client -servername musicbrainz.org -connect musicbrainz.org:443 -prexit -4
      • then the same with -4 replaced with -6 (switching from forced IPv4 to IPv6)
      • FichteFoll
      • with -6 it works (yields a certificate and 0 exit code)
      • zas
        it seems your openssl is broken somehow
      • FichteFoll
        which is really weird. I also just reinstalled it (Arch btw), but no change
      • OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024 (Library: OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024)
      • zas
        or that's a cypher negotation issue, between client & server
      • what happens is you add -tls1_2 to the command?
      • s/is/if/
      • FichteFoll
      • does it show the same cert for -4 and -6 btw? (I can only see the one for -6, obviously)
      • zas
        Here is outputs I get for both: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/EDcYJgZi/
      • That's with OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022
      • FichteFoll
        hm, so the certs are also almost identical
      • nvm, they are. I just failed to use ctrl+f
      • zas
      • FichteFoll: can you post about the issue you have on forums? Please indicate your platform and openssl version. We'll see if more people share the exact issue, perhaps we'll find a pattern that will head us to a solution.
      • FichteFoll
        all right
      • zas
        I don't exclude a misconfiguration on our side, ssl stuff is complex and ever evolving
      • you are using a recent version of openssl, perhaps that's something new in it (or just a bug), hard to tell at this point
      • atj: ^^ any idea?
      • FichteFoll
        it's definitely a very weird issue because I remember already having this issue on my private machine while my work machine could connect properly. Both are using Arch and updated every other week or so
      • atj
        FichteFoll: I use Arch and have IPv6 at don't have this issue
      • FichteFoll
        so just the recent version seems unlikely
      • atj
      • FichteFoll: can you try running `strace openssl s_client -servername musicbrainz.org -connect musicbrainz.org:443 -prexit -4` and paste the log? (probably very long)
      • FichteFoll
      • atj
        FichteFoll: thanks, nothing obviously wrong in that trace. the "unexpected eof" SSL error brings up some issues about bugs due to changes in openssl 3.0 https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/18866
      • however that doesn't make sense if it magically works with IPv6