

      • hydralica joined the channel
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      • hydralica joined the channel
      • aerozol[m] joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        Ooh, a personal note to me in the LB release notes :P
      • Happy to skip posting about it. But when it comes to X/Mastodon/Bluesky I don’t think it matters if it’s a small release, it’s just letting people know we’re active. If anyone thinks I should skip posting negligible updates let me know, otherwise I’ll probably post this one tomorrow :)
      • minimal has quit
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      • huhridge joined the channel
      • huhridge has quit
      • aerozol[m] has quit
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      • huhridge joined the channel
      • Kladky joined the channel
      • yellowhatpro joined the channel
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      • huhridge has quit
      • huhridge joined the channel
      • zerodogg
        aerozol: I follow you on Mastodon for just this reason, to keep somewhat up to date (even for the small releases)
      • SigHunter has quit
      • SigHunter joined the channel
      • huhridge has quit
      • hydralica has quit
      • huhridge joined the channel
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: Even a recap for the last two months (since LB 2023 recap) would probably be interesting 🙂
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> Hi. Is there an API endpoint I can use to get the sitewide listen count of a specific recording MBID? I looked through the API docs and I can't find anything that would work. I thought I could at least use the same API as the Album pages, but it use server side data.
      • lucifer
        rustynova: we don't have an api for that yet but we can add that. feel free to open a ticket.
      • monkey, mayhem: i checked the spark cluster and user similarity seems to have fixed itself. it ran fine yesterday at least. what was the issue you were facing?
      • mayhem
        for me, there was a user complaining about it not updating.
      • glad that is "fixed".
      • :)
      • nobiz has quit
      • nobiz joined the channel
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> lucider: Done. In the meantime I guess I'll resort to my good old friend website scrapping.
      • yano1 is now known as yano
      • monkey[m] joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        lucifer (IRC): Hi! The issue I was seeing with the user similarity is that huhridge and I have exactly one artist in common in our top 100 yet according to the API endpoint we just don't have a similarity calculated, not even a very low score: https://api.listenbrainz.org/1/user/mr_monkey/s...
      • I was wondering if there was a time range against which we calculate user similarity or something like that to explain that
      • ansh
        monkey[m]: The BrainzPlayer SPA branch is live on test.LB The playback is working smoothly. Do give it a try and lemme know if you encounter any bugs.
      • monkey[m]
        Oooohhh, exciting !
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (52KiB) < https://matrix.moviebrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/moviebrainz.org/yHnZllmZyQpdJmZrydAkbhuB/image.png >
      • Feels so good to navigate with playback uninterrupted !
      • Honestly. So good.
      • ansh
        Once we have the class components to functional components, the Ambient Queue will be usable accross all the pages. Currently you can just set those using music neighbourhood page.
      • monkey[m]
        I see, that makes sense
      • Honestly still very much usable at this stage. The ambient queue not updating on all pages feels like a minor issue
      • Mm, it does break the functionality of automatic playback on those pages. For example on a playlist I can only play one track, at the end I have to manually play the next one.
      • ansh
        Yep, once we merge LB#2822, we can atleast have ambient queue working on the dashboard.
      • BrainzBot
        Integrating React Query to improve performance: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • ansh
        Since this also converts dashboard component to functional component
      • monkey[m]
        Ooohhh, and the ability to add tracks to a queue and keep moving along <3
      • Yes, let's focus on that.
      • I started working on refactoring the UserFeed
      • With the apple stuff behind me I can continue focusing on that
      • ansh
        Meanwhile i'll try rewriting tests for BrainzPlayer and ReactQuery
      • huhridge
        monkey: i added the whole similar artist list thing on hover, take a look whenever
      • also i was starting work on LB-1401, and since there is no labs endpoint for searching albums, i'm using the mb search api, should i search for 'release-group' or 'release'?
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1401: Manually add album listens https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1401
      • huhridge
        i tried searching for frank ocean's blonde and it seems that the release-group works better
      • monkey[m]
        It'll probably have to be release huhridge (IRC)
      • huhridge
        are there any drawbacks for using it?
      • monkey[m]
      • Well, you'll need a release to go with it in order to get the recordings to sibmit
      • submit*
      • huhridge
      • this doesn't have the album in the first 25 items
      • the release-group returns it as the first item tho
      • discordbrainz
        <12Aerozol> Releases within release groups can have very different tracklists. You could search release-group and then let the user pick which release, if more than 1?
      • <12Aerozol> p.s. Nobody @ me, I should be sleeping 😛
      • monkey[m]
        I was surprised to see your name !
      • huhridge (IRC): For an omnisearch kind of thing it's true, but if we do a separate field for artist anme you can do this: https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release/?query=blo...
      • huhridge
        aerozol: interesting, that can be done, we'll have to include like the number of tracks or something in the preview ig?
      • yeah that is the other option, but it's inconsistent with the track search
      • but yes it can be done
      • more work for the user tho
      • monkey[m]
        Yeah. I think aero zol's idea is better UX
      • huhridge
        and a release-group search also consolidates results imo
      • the one above returns exactly the same thing (with minor format changes) for the first 5 results, it'd be v confusing i think
      • aerozol[m] joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        Mon key, you are a scholar and a gentlesimian
      • monkey[m]
      • mayhem is now known as may_hem
      • may_hem
        I can do dis too!
      • Jamon da Mayo!!!
      • monkey[m]
        may hem, I'm afraid to tell you the delete listens test is still randomly failing 😢 https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • may_hem
        its not the *same* test. its the following test.
      • monkey[m]
        No way...
      • Damn
      • may_hem is now known as mayhem
      • I see it now
      • lucifer
        monkey[m]: i think we use a year's data for similarity, the not similar thing can be explained by the fact that we only keep top 25 similar users.
      • mayhem
        yeah, probably needs the same treatment as the one above.
      • monkey[m]
        Ahaa, thanks lucifer that could be part of it. Do you think it would be feasable to increase the range to say 2-3 years with the resources we have?
      • lucifer
        can try.
      • monkey[m]
        It did wonders for the fresh releases page to increase the range similarly
      • Thanks !
      • lucifer
        mayhem: around to discuss oauth stuff?
      • monkey[m]
        No rush on that
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
        so the test oauth branch is up for testing on test.mb.org
      • you can modify a couple of configuration variables and LB will work with it seamlessly.
      • i can update test.lb.org to start using that but we'll need to create a separate database for that. and that may make it difficult to deploy other PRs on test.lb for a while.
      • mayhem
        maybe a separate VM for this purpose?
      • lucifer
        don't need a VM i think, can just use dev.listenbrainz.org on wolf then.
      • mayhem
        or that.
      • lucifer
        the oauth researchers who audited MB have published their tools under, https://oauch.io/.
      • mayhem
        that is very very very good.
      • lucifer
        i ran the new implementation against the test suite, it mostly is fine.
      • mayhem
        ship it!!!!
      • mayhem runs away
      • monkey[m]
        !m lucifer
      • lucifer
        there is an issue with MB redirects which i opened a PR for, once that is deployed. i'll rerun the test suite.
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, lucifer!
      • lucifer
        some tests cannot be run until the redirects are fixed.
      • mayhem
        reosarevok: any chance you could help fasttrack the deployment of this PR??
      • reosarevok
        How fast should the fast-tracking be?
      • It could be on beta today, does it need to be on prod or can you work with beta?
      • lucifer
        but other than that, there are three things pending: 1. beautifying the oauth related pages. 2. deciding new scopes to create. 3. figuring out migration of existing oauth apps.
      • reosarevok: only test.mb is needed.
      • reosarevok
        test.mb? That doesn't use the real db, is that ok? If so, sure, I can certainly put it there
      • lucifer
        yup that is totally fine.
      • mayhem
        lucifer: for 1: there is a PR of the login page for meb.org. But I trust you need more than that?
      • 2. new scopes. what does that entail?
      • lucifer
        mayhem: i met with aerozol for 1, he is fine with shipping it as is and making the remaining changes later.
      • mayhem
      • getting soft in his old age, I see. :)
      • lucifer
        the login page is not coming yet, that needs user migration and will happen after the MB schema change.
      • only requirement from his side is a smooth redirection flow that does not drop off users, i'll ensure that works.
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
        2. for scopes, basically we need to list stuff like: listen scope to submit listens, playlist scope to modify playlists so on.
      • this is new functionality fwiw. if we just wanted to move OAuth from MB.org to MeB.org for our projects, we could postpone this.
      • mayhem
        I think for this it would a good idea for you to make a google doc that outlines what you see and explains what needs doing. and then we need to get more people to read that to see what we need or are missing.
      • scopes are tricky, for sure.
      • lucifer
        sure can do that.
      • mayhem
        I am not sure what concept to apply here....
      • in other realms it is best to not over-plan. and in others over-planning is a must.
      • lucifer
        we can use spotify/apple music/google etc. as inspiration.
      • mayhem
        where do we fall on this?
      • My gut feeling is that if we dont need this yet, lets skip it.
      • lucifer
        i would start with just adding a listen scope.
      • mayhem
        but making the doc is a good idea to capture your ideas while they are fresh.
      • lucifer
        oauth support for submitting listens has been asked for before.
      • mayhem
        I think that is sensible. we should add scopes as we need them, but we need an overarching plan for scopes, otherwise they get messy
      • mayhem nods
      • clear use case
      • lucifer
        yes, makes sense.
      • 3 is tricky too. migrating existing apps over, will surely need changes in MB code base.
      • mayhem
        like what?