rdswift: I do remember it being a rocky road re. moving the docs… but I thought we wanted to start moving some this year, at least. In any case, mayhem and I are very keen to have it happen! ping me if there’s anything I can do to help
I’m going to update MBS-13395 with what was last discussed - in the Dec 2023 meeting topic - it looks like we were able to agree on some things that could be moved when/if you’re ready and keen (fingers crossed)
ansh: monkey: listened to an album and a weekly exploration today, using BrainzPlayer w. YouTube! SMOOTH!! 🥳
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aerozol, here is what I had started. https://musicbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ I tried to start with the new user stuff, style guides, database and server stuff. Still lots to do, but there is a good chunk already there.
If you think it would be better splitting up the user documentation from the technical things (database details, server setup, etc.) that can be fairly easily done (but I think it would need to be done in separate repositories). Perhaps a good starting point would be an outline of the desired site (topics, sub-topics and what links to what) so it's clear what to build. I basically just started with the existing stuff in the wiki.
rdswift: Do you think the sidebar will stay manageable with editor and technical/dev content in the same site? I find it very confusing on the wiki, but it looks okay on the site you’ve already made (I suppose if there’s a lot still to add that could change)
We could include all the developer stuiff
Opps, lets try that again... :-)
For instance, if a editor is looking for style guidance on the wiki, and they type ‘release’ into the Wiki search, they will be directed to: https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Release (they would have to know to do a deeper search to find the styleguide)
I might be overcompensating by imagining two ReadTheDocs with slightly different colour schemes to let users know where they are
That could be done. Have you tried the search on what I have so far on readthedoce? Try entering "release" for example.
(in the search box at the top of the left sidebar.)
I’m being called away from the keyboard for the next 30min sorry!
From what I recall, there was a plan / desire to maintain the database technical documentation in the database itself, so that would be removed. The only other thing that we might want to include would be the api documentation, but I suppose that could be in a separate rtd site (although I would be tempted to include it on the main rtd site either as an appendix or separate section near the bottom of the sidebar navigation tree).
re. splitting the styleguide from docs, I guess we would have prominent links in the menu to go between the two (and on some pages as well)
Yup. Actually, I have to run now as well. Perhaps we can discuss more tomorrow.
rdswift: Sounds good - let me know if there’s anything I can do in the meantime. I’m getting a bit focused on details, but if push comes to shove I think we can use what you’ve already done, which looks good to me!
p.s. I had a little bit of a search for using different themes for sections within the same site, but no luck (thought this might be a good way to differentiate the styleguide pages)
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yvanzo: when around, maybe we can keep trying to figure out that Perl PR :)
This report has been created in 2011, might have some other changes make it irrelevant in the meantime?
ansh: I deployed LB#2858 to test.LB, and I can't reproduce the issue you mentioned where the playing-now listen disappears. Can you try it too and confirm please?
reosarevok: perhaps there was a bug that caused actual gaps in the track positions, and the report was added to fix them? there isn't any information in the commit message to tell, but it doesn't seem useful now
I mean, theoretically having a report that looks for missing *numbers* could make sense
But that would need to I guess at least support a letter + number, and A / AA / B
reosarevok: you don't have write access to mb-solr?
Apparently not
So ENV MB_SOLR_TAG dbd709a in docker/templates/Dockerfile.tests.m4
actually that doesn't work, we do need a tag or branch name
master should be fine for now then
Hmm, ok
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Ok, and then rebuilding the image
I added coreteam to the mb-solr repo, so you should have access now
Remind me, where are the docs for test images, which I know exist because I have followed some time?
Yeah, just found them
you can clobber the existing tag since this change shouldn't break other branches using the tag
So just recreate v-2024-04.pg16-perl5.38 ?
bitmap: "the --mount option requires BuildKit. Refer to https://docs.docker.com/go/buildkit/ to learn how to build images with BuildKit enabled" oh ffs. cannot generate the cpanfile snapshot - guess it might not actually be needed for this though? Or is it?
you don’t need to regenerate the cpanfile snapshot
Still, good to know that it will be a mess eventually
but you should install the BuildKit plugin anyway if you don’t have it