

      • pranav[m] joined the channel
      • pranav[m]
        lucifer (IRC): For fetching loved and hated songs of a user, we need to first use feedback API and fetch mbids and then use metadata api to fetch relevant details right?
      • There is no direct endpoint right?..
      • Maxr1998 joined the channel
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      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2922 (03master…soundcloud-cache): Add soundcloud metadata cache https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • zerodogg has quit
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      • lucifer[m] joined the channel
      • lucifer[m]
        pranav: pass `metadata=true` in the query params to the love/hate feedback endpoint
      • pranav[m]
        Thanks a lot lucifer
      • laith joined the channel
      • rimskii[m] joined the channel
      • rimskii[m]
        lucifer: I noticed soundcloud service [here](https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-server/blob/master/listenbrainz/domain/soundcloud.py) doesnt have functions like `add_user` or `fetch_access_token` like other services. Should I add them?
      • yano has quit
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      • lucifer[m]
        <rimskii[m]> "lucifer: I noticed soundcloud..." <- Those are inherited from BaseBrainzService class
      • rimskii[m]
        lucifer[m]: Spotify and Apple have their own functions for it through
      • lucifer[m]
        It's probably because they inherit from a different class or they require customised logic for those methods
      • pite joined the channel
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      • monkey[m] joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        Hi all, i'm on a train a bit delayed, I sent my review to the community manage email address
      • Kladky has quit
      • reosarevok[m]
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-ios] 14gauravbhardwaj7 opened pull request #21 (03main…dialog): Phase 1.2 - Add dialog for pinning, recommending, recommending personally https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-ios/...
      • Kladky joined the channel
      • reosarevok[m]
      • Welcome to another Monday MetaBrainz Meeting!
      • Again brought to you from a Spanish airport
      • I have two mailed in reviews
      • monkey says:
      • '''
      • Hi everyone!
      • Pretty short week for me, I worked on finishing and deploying a fix for author credits on BB. I looked into some more improvements for search indexing, and deployed the previous improvements.
      • Reviewed some PRs and did some dependency updates and CI workflow cleanup.
      • On ListenBrainz I also did PR reviews and worked on some BrainzPlayer design improvements for mobile with ansh, plush a few small tickets and fixes.
      • '''
      • ericd says:
      • '''
      • This week I started using jinja2 html templates for feed generation, moving away from ad-hoc string formatting. Next week I will started implementing stats feeds, which might be more complex than previous ones!
      • '''
      • MonkeyPython (IRC) said he's on vacation, so not quite a review but :) Similarly, Tarun_0x0 (IRC) said he's a lot busier recently (I think that's a good thing!) so has less time for MeB and will be participating only on a request basis for now
      • bitmap: wanna start?
      • bitmap[m]
      • theflash__ joined the channel
      • last week we finally released the Event Art Archive to production 🥳
      • aerozol wrote an awesome blog post for it. prior to posting that, I helped write some missing EAA API docs, and reviewed the rest reosarevok helped wrire
      • s/wrire/write/
      • other than that I mostly did code review and and fixed some misc. MBS bugs in production
      • s/and//
      • that's all from me, go yvanzo!
      • yvanzo[m]
      • reosarevok[m]
        Others on my list today: mayhem, outsidecontext, lucifer, yellowhatpro, kellnerd, JadedBlueEyes, atj, pranav, theflash_, reosarevok, jasje, zas, ansh, twodoorcoupe, rimskii, akshaaatt
      • yvanzo[m]
        Last week I released the MB Docker update (related to the EAA) and participated in updating the EAA docs.
      • I also updated the diagrams in the MB DB Schema documentation.
      • Added type name as translation comment to all the type descriptions in the MB DB.
      • Kept happily mentoring yellowhatpro with bitmap!
      • Updated beta a couple of times, triaged tickets, maintenance, support…
      • Fin, go reosarevok?
      • Or should I say zas?
      • zas[m] joined the channel
      • zas[m]
      • Last week, I continued on cleaning up Grafana obsoiete dashboards & graphs
      • I also mentored twodoorcoupe and reviewed its (very good) PRs
      • plus usual stuff, system supervision, upgrades, user support, Picard support, MB edits. fin. reosarevok
      • reosarevok[m]
      • Last week I worked on some EAA docs, plus added further EAA stats
      • I also worked on translations, found some bugs related to that and fixed them, and started working on splitting our translations into more components so that it's more clear what they contain
      • And a few other smaller bugfixes
      • Plus the usual support and community
      • What about you, akshaaatt?
      • Others on my list today: mayhem, outsidecontext, lucifer, yellowhatpro, kellnerd, JadedBlueEyes, atj, pranav, theflash_, jasje, ansh, twodoorcoupe, rimskii
      • mayhem[m]
        no akshaaatt
      • outsidecontext:
      • go!
      • Tarun_0x0 joined the channel
      • reosarevok[m]
        Not sure if outsidecontext is around either, mayhem wanna go for now?
      • mayhem[m]
      • last week was pretty slow due to having covid.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Others on my list today: outsidecontext, lucifer, yellowhatpro, kellnerd, JadedBlueEyes, atj, pranav, theflash_, jasje, ansh, twodoorcoupe, rimskii, akshaaatt
      • mayhem[m]
        but I did the usual stuff to keep the org running, which has been taking quite some time, these days.
      • and today was accounting hell and paying people.... speaking of which, ansh please submit your invoice soon.
      • hopefully this week will be more productive. kellnerd go!
      • kellnerd[m] joined the channel
      • kellnerd[m]
      • Last week I finalized my two PRs to unify the BB entity validators and to use them for the importer project.
      • Then I created type definitions for OpenLibrary's JSON schema with which I already spotted some inconsistencies in the OL parser.
      • Over the weekend I wrote a MusicBrainz provider for Harmony which will also help with duplicate detection and suggesting artist and label links which are missing on MB.
      • Also took the opportunity to try adding type definitions for the search API to my MB client and found a few API inconsistencies which I discussed with bitmap.
      • That's it, go ansh!
      • ansh[m] joined the channel
      • ansh[m]
        Hi Everyone!
      • Last week, I spent time on creating a new Music Player UI for BrainzPlayer web. Had some discussions with monkey and aerozol regarding that too.
      • Other than that spent some time on writing tests for User Stats page, and spark to generate more stats.
      • And spent time reviewing PRs
      • That’s it for me.
      • jasje (IRC): next?
      • or rimskii
      • rimskii[m]
      • thanks ansh
      • For this week, I was mostly working with labs api
      • finally could add all endpoints for Apple Music
      • also added new database for metadata index and pulled the PR
      • now Im working on integrating soundcloud, so far no issues
      • I also noticed the ticket LB-1599 with some issue related to exporting to Spotify and think it might be related to my recent commit
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1599: Weekly Mix export to Spotify fails (description too long) https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1599
      • rimskii[m]
        so working on solving it
      • so far thats it
      • lucifer: ?
      • lucifer[m]
        hi all!
      • reosarevok[m]
        Others on my list today: outsidecontext, yellowhatpro, JadedBlueEyes, atj, pranav, theflash_, jasje, twodoorcoupe, akshaaatt
      • lucifer[m]
        last week, I mostly worked on building the soundcloud metadata cache. did some misc debugging and summit prep. also, tested and worked on getting rimskii 's apple metadata cache PR ready.
      • that's it for me. yellowhatpro next?
      • yellowhatpro[m] joined the channel
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        Hi everyone
      • Last week was mostly refactoring and improving polling and notifier logics
      • Improved docs, added tests.
      • Also had to travel to a diff city, so couldn't do much
      • That's it for me. Jade next?
      • Jade[m] joined the channel
      • Jade[m]
      • It's not been the most productive week for me sadly, with sorting out renting for next year and some other stuff taking up time
      • However I've been working some more on upstreaming the mrml patch
      • And I've been carrying on working on the messageformat crate
      • Otherwise generally keeping up to date on small tasks
      • atj next?
      • mayhem[m]
        he might still be traveling, I'd pick someone else.
      • Jade[m]
        Or twodoorcoupe
      • * Or twodoorcoupe?
      • twodoorcoupe[m] joined the channel
      • twodoorcoupe[m]
        hello folks!
      • reosarevok[m]
        Others on my list today: outsidecontext, atj, pranav, theflash_, jasje, akshaaatt
      • twodoorcoupe[m]
        last week more cover art resizing options for Picard like cropping to square were merged
      • I also added the option to convert cover art to other image formats
      • then I started working on improving the processing options page ui thank to the huge help of aerozol and Bob Swift
      • that's it from me, akshaaatt next?
      • pranav then
      • pranav[m]
        Hey everyone!
      • Last week, the first phase of user pages got merged
      • Kudos to aerozol for the amazing designs as always