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      • yellowhatpro[m]
        atj: yvanzo hi, regarding checking the spammer part, how about this:... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • This will also help remove unnecessary checks I have been making to identify the JSON type until now
      • * Getting edit.type will definitely help remove unnecessary checks I have been making to identify the JSON type until now
      • atj[m]
        Yes, that looks good. I'm not that familiar with the schema - when an editor deletes their account does the row in the editor table remain?
      • akshaaatt[m] has quit
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        Not really sure regarding this , yvanzo might know
      • Kladky joined the channel
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      • atj[m]
        I don't think it does, it probaby just removes the name. That's why you see "Deleted Editor #####" on the edit note.
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        Then that means we don't need to worry about editor row being null?
      • reosarevok[m]
        Yes, editor row should never be null
      • (for deleted editors you can still go to their profile and see their edits and notes)
      • We can blank edit notes and we sometimes do for spammers, but that's about it
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        Okii, I will update the url extraction logic for edit data then
      • reosarevok[m]
        Great! For schema questions and whatnot, feel free to tag me as well :)
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        yessirrr o7
      • dseomn has quit
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      • mayhem[m]
        lucifer: on https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... eric and I have discussed the URL scheme for the syndication feeds. I dislike putting a technology name into the URL, but options seem limited. I'd love your take on the URL scheme, if you have a moment.
      • LupinIII
        another suggestion for listenbrainz radio: let a spesific prompt be shareable, ie that I can share the url with someone and they'll get the same thing, and then I can also get it back on a browser reset, etc
      • erh lol now I'm getting "You have exceeded your rate limit. See the X-RateLimit-* response headers for more information on your current rate limit."
      • but yea. how can i share a playlist if I can'tcopy the url :D
      • I mean yo ucna export to.. jplg or osmete thing and save it as a playlist on lb, but
      • that only saves like, one genration of it
      • generation generated asjon
      • you know what I mean
      • d4rk-ph0enix joined the channel
      • BrainzGit
        [bookbrainz-site] 14MonkeyDo closed pull request #1076 (03master…bb-794): BB-794: Redesign the footer to provide Good UX and be responsive for small screens https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/p...
      • d4rkie has quit
      • monkey[m]
        <LupinIII> "but yea. how can i share a..." <- Basically, the radio stuff is *not* a playlist but a transient page. If you want to save a specific set of tracks you got, you *can* create a playlist from it. That is likely the only way we are able to get the same set of results considering how LBRadio is coded and used.
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (231KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/PzXwtjMbIJgTddhncERkWjgj/image.png >
      • I know you mentioned specifically this, but wanted to clarify it's the only way to save it
      • However we will make it so that you can copy the url with the prompt, meaning if you send it to someone they will get another generated list with the same prompt
      • Think for example something like "https://beta.listenbrainz.org/explore/lb-radio/?prompt=tag:(argent metal)"
      • And by the way, it already works one way, you'll get a list by clicking on this link: https://beta.listenbrainz.org/explore/lb-radio/...
      • Only 4 tracks tagge with this tag it looks like, so it's not the best example, but the list of tracks will change every time
      • LupinIII
        [12:50] monkey[m] However we will make it so that you can copy the url with the prompt, meaning if you send it to someone they will get another generated list with the same prompt
      • yea that's what I wanted. also that i don't havto retype the prompt every time the browser restarts, etc
      • :D
      • ah!
      • monkey[m]: i wanted to share this https://beta.listenbrainz.org/explore/lb-radio/...
      • monkey[m]
        Yep, that's coming soon !
      • LupinIII
        which I did save one playlist from https://listenbrainz.org/playlist/5807819b-6572... the spesific tracks wasn't (as intended by lb radio prompt, as you said)
      • the interestig thing, but the actual palyist thing
      • cool!
      • monkey[m]
        While transforming the website into a single-page application, we have added some tools to deal better with that sort of stuff, making it easy to rewrite the url
      • LupinIII
        now ifi could only teach myself about flexand whatnot, the codeon the artist pages is so complicated, it's hard to move things about using userstyles :D
      • monkey[m]
        I mean, if you have suggestions for improving the layout, I'm all ears. I think the artist/album pages can be improved
      • LupinIII
        well the first thing is that the tag boxis.. flimsy and moves about wne you try to tag things, it's horizontla scrolling whne there are mny tags
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #3315 (03master…useless-hangul-filler): MBS-13528: Treat Hangul Filler as whitespace to calculate invalid edit notes https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • LupinIII
        and there is a weird sort of effect with the fadeout wich is very unhelpful
      • makes it hard to read tagnames
      • i would.. have instead a verticla box, with tagnames with their +/- already expanded, and thne have an overwlow for scrolling it down in a div like
      • sort it next to the box of top listeners
      • list of albums in the artispage doesnt need all that horizontal space. it cna be narrower. after all, most song names are not *that* long
      • and for song and album names that really are that long it iwll have an issue no matter how long youmake that
      • list of tracks couldbe longer and not fadeout at the bottom, that makes no sense to me. either have a set number and just leave it, have lal of thme (very long)or do a tihng with inline pagination
      • the latter is my prefrence
      • scrollable box
      • same with albums
      • plays/listens box cna be smaller, that and top listeners and tags can all be on the right side, next to the list of tracks
      • whne i click the arrow next to radio (for more options etc. it doesnt matter how much i have expanded the browser or how much i zoom out, it will do this: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/TWkkq...
      • those are my main beefs honestly, it's not a horrible page :D
      • lucifer[m]
        mayhem: i am not sure about syndication-feeds, maybe rss or atom but i looked around and didn't find a fixed pattern so any is fine. i don't have a particular preference.
      • LupinIII
        I'd rename things in the sidebar or have more sublinks, but those might be *me* issues specifically 😂
      • lucifer[m]
        the endpoints under it, also seem to be named fine. don't have any better suggestions.
      • monkey[m]
        Sorta like this for the tags?
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (1537KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/uUkaDtwzJHDzoCWQKqGDVImk/image.png >
      • mayhem[m]
        lucifer[m]: yeah, its tricky, no? thanks for taking a look.
      • LupinIII
        wow yea that's much better!
      • monkey[m]
        For some cases, but probably not for others
      • LupinIII
      • monkey[m]
        Fewer tags, not as great:
      • LupinIII
        it can be a overflow box for the ones with many many links
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (1511KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/cZMTDcHsbPrWbOoyKXRKtvXF/image.png >
      • mhh
      • monkey[m]
        Something's gotta give :p Might still be better than the horizontal version
      • LupinIII
        add an image that says"this %entity seesm to have too few tags, add some! :D orosmething? :D
      • honestly i think it is
      • i'd make the listens/top listeners bit a bit narrower though. give the popular tracks a bit more room
      • monkey[m]
      • LupinIII
        man I really like that view for the tags
      • ad a visible box for adding *new* tags thoguh maybe
      • monkey[m]
        Yeah, not easy in mockup mode, but there would be something to add a tag
      • LupinIII
      • yea
      • i really realyl liek this actually, i want it yesterday :DDD
      • monkey[m]
        Where it starts breaking down is in smaller screens
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (583KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/ZYwGmNCpuptNfTStfnOWeUUX/image.png >
      • Would need to reevaluate a bunch of stuff, so not as easy to implement
      • LupinIII
      • i'd suggest making it underneat the top listeners, then have the tracks jsut expand (it shoudlbe expanded anyway)
      • monkey[m]
        Yeha, I was trying that
      • LupinIII
      • monkey[m]
        Better but
      • monkey[m] uploaded an image: (304KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/gVzlxBJUmWvtXypLRnVOKlDg/image.png >
      • I guess it's workable with a bit more finessing
      • LupinIII
      • i'dswitch them, (tags to the leftmost an thne the other bit)
      • to the right
      • monkey[m]
        I can workshop; it
      • LupinIII
      • reosarevok[m]
        monkey, yvanzo, zas: Can I get some quick French halp?
      • monkey[m] frenches up
      • monkey[m]
      • reosarevok[m]
        Not even a space before ? - not sure I trust
      • monkey[m]
        * Oui ?
      • reosarevok[m]
        So, MBS-13678 has a good point - we cannot help other people's links being broken by edit note syntax, but it'd probably make sense to try and avoid breaking things with our own docs
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13678: Question marks at the end of style guideline headers do not correctly parse in edit notes https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13678
      • reosarevok[m]
        So, I'm removing question mark headers from our style guidelines
      • Since there's no need for them anyway
      • Any suggestions for alternative titles for the sections "1.2.1 Majuscule ? Minuscule ? Capitale ? Bas de casse ?" and "1.2.2 Des minuscules en capitales ?" here? :)
      • monkey[m]
        For 1.2.2 probablyh just drop the question mark
      • Also works in the same way "Of..." at the start of a treatise works in english, i.r. "Of mice and men"
      • For 1.2.1, maybe "Majuscule, Minuscule, Capitale ou Bas de casse"
      • Sorry, capitalization wrong
      • (ironically)
      • "Majuscule, minuscule, capitale ou bas de casse"
      • I don't know if you neede a french speaker for the above :P
      • s/neede/needed/
      • reosarevok[m]
        Well I wasn't sure those worked like that, so thanks! :)
      • monkey[m]
        Otherwise maybe "Règles de capitalisation"
      • reosarevok[m]
        Do you think that's significantly better?
      • (if not I'll leave the similar wording so it's less confusing where it went I guess)
      • minimal joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        It sounds better, but it's less precise than the existing heading. For example the following sub-heading for 1.2.2 would also fall under capitalization rules, so maybe not ideal to have a broader sub-heading
      • pite joined the channel
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #2928 (03master…soundcloud-cache-2): Soundcloud Metadata Cache Improvements https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> reosarevok: Frenchy here too. I would actually ditch both titles as they don't bring much information in their current state. I would replace the first one with "Règle de casse", and the second with "Règles de capitalisation". "Case rules" and "Uppercasing rules" respectively
      • monkey[m]
        Extra points for precision, but I think maybe "Règle de casse" won't be clear for those who don't have any typography/typesetting background compared to the simpler "Majuscule, minuscule, capitale ou bas de casse"
      • (which I see has already been applied)
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> Why not both? The longer title can go in parenthesis as a precision on what "casse" is.
      • monkey[m]
        not a bad option
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> Although I don't think casse is that unknown? Not an everyday word but still one that I'd expect everyone to know. Although might be wrong. The second title do need the change as well as I didn't get what it was for until I read the text.
      • <05rustynova> Maybe even put "Règles générales de casse" instead? To show it's the base rules
      • bitmap[m]
        hey Jade, just checking in. how is the translations work progressing?
      • Jade[m]
        Hey bitmap!
      • I'm just fixing some clippy lints before I push the initial translations support
      • bitmap[m]
        oh, awesome!
      • what have you implemented so far? (I see three tasks, inserting the translation strings in the templates, selecting the user language, and syncing with Weblate)