

July 17th 2024

      • BrainzGit
        [bookbrainz-data-js] 14MonkeyDo merged pull request #320 (03master…import-annotation): Support annotations for imported entities https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-data-j...
      • [bookbrainz-site] 14MonkeyDo merged pull request #1106 (03import-entities…import-annotation-id): chore: Allow annotation revision ids to be null (rebased) https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/p...
      • kellnerd[m]
        <mayhem[m]> "https://blog.metabrainz.org/2024..." <- It took me a while, but I just realized that the 23rd birthday post is from exactly a year ago and today we are already celebrating the 25th... time flies by 😁
      • mayhem[m]
      • math, my nemesis.
      • well, no one noticed for a whole year, so 🤷
      • atj[m]
        [@lucifer:chatbrainz.org](https://matrix.to/#/@lucifer:chatbrainz.org): it would be good to have the LB Solr cluster managed using Ansible, considering all the work done for the MB cluster
      • Is it a standard SolrCloud installation?
      • lucifer[m]
        atj: there is not cluster yet, we are still experimenting to see if it performs better than typesense (what we have now). if it does then we will create a proper cluster for production. but yes makes sense
      • atj[m]
        OK, well let me know how it goes. MB cluster seems to work well on ARM VMs which are cheaper and offers better performance.
      • Don't set the Solr heap size too high would be my advice. Ideally you want to fit the indexes in page cache but I don't know how big they will be for LB
      • lucifer[m]
        makes sense, will keep it in mind.
      • atj[m]
        Are you storing documents in Solr or just IDs?
      • Storing the MB document XML in Solr was a mistake IMV, it's resulted in the indexes being much bigger than they need to be and reduces performance significantly
      • But then I don't know the whole history behind it.
      • mayhem[m] uploaded an image: (546KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/ugbPRzkrNHFCnDzqTPgdgqPa/image.png >
      • mayhem[m]
        LOLOLOLOL, I feel seen.
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        I feel trapped.
      • lucifer[m]
        <atj[m]> "Are you storing documents in..." <- JSON docs, only non searchable fields are mbids.
      • <atj[m]> "But then I don't know the..." <- indeed, i have discussed with yvanzo in the past to get rid of it.
      • i would like to get rid of it too for performance reasons, its slows down writing the response too imo.
      • so a perf win in many ways if we can get rid of it.
      • should probably restart that discussion now that solr 9 upgrade is done.
      • mayhem[m]
        <atj[m]> "But then I don't know the..." <- Back in the day we favored not having to do another DB query to fetch the data. we accepted the larger indexes as a tradeoff for less load on our DB server. but we're in a much different place now. but scaling wise, hosting capabilities and money.
      • lucifer[m]
        would actually simplify a lot of stuff in Sir too.
      • mayhem[m]: also it is XML centric.
      • XML requests are served directly iirc.
      • where as JSON requests need to deserialize the xml and reserialize it to JSON to serve the request
      • atj[m]
        and it's a shitty Java dependency that nobody in their right mind should want to deal with
      • lucifer[m]
        yeah fair and solr has built in xml support too iirc so if we want xml we can get that directly anyway.
      • atj[m]
        Built in XML and JSON AFAIU
      • lucifer[m]
      • Jigen
        badly organised bookshelf >_<
      • I regret the amount of time and effort I spent trying to make a fun image to post in my commnt
      • wordpress mangled the link and the transparenchy broke anyway.
      • REGRET
      • :(
      • btw birthday blogpost isn't on twitter? i wantedot retweet it
      • ahvalmissaamine
      • BrainzGit
        [bookbrainz-site] 14kellnerd opened pull request #1107 (03import-entities…import-annotation): Display and preserve annotation of imported entities https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/p...
      • [bookbrainz-data-js] 14kellnerd opened pull request #321 (03master…import-annotation): Import annotation https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-data-j...
      • Jade[m]
        We have bulk email sending!
      • Jade[m] uploaded a video: (37662KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/IAFAcXKdShPDdQbqNrSRFtKm/Screen%20Recording%202024-07-17%20225349.mp4 >
      • 500 emails in 7745ms
      • It sends them in parallel, with a configurable concurrency limit
      • The performance is probably limited by the SMTP relay atm
      • ^ that was 16 senders
      • with 8 it's 3780 ms, so it was probably overloading the relay
      • 6 is optmal for my machine, at 3605 ms - or just 7.2ms per email!!
      • wait, this is in debug mode too haha
      • Jigen
      • Jade[m]
        Running it in release mode is significantly faster - 500 emails in 801ms, or 1.602ms per email
      • Jade[m] uploaded an image: (6KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/GYXBmyfKDmAKhJdjeyWOtINQ/image.png >
      • It scales too - 5000 emails in 7987 ms. At the cost of pegging all cores for that time lol