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      • LupinIII
        weekly jams needs a" yea sure like this but i don't want to listen to it that much" like button https://beta.listenbrainz.org/user/ApeKattQuest... several ther is like, yea sure but i don't care much. like, i don't *hate* those just... "meh" yanno?
      • like i don't mind listening to it but i don't want the algorythm to get the idea that i really really love those songs and want to hear thme loads
      • like it's already.. the one judas priest song is more the famous one
      • anwtf is starship doing there. i mean i guess that one's on a best of comp i've listened too ,but i don't really care about it yanno? it'sa "yea sure i wont skip this becasue we need a lul between the hits" kinda thing
      • an i swear that the same g'n'r song was on it the last time i looked
      • i like like *one* guns a roses song.. and that aint it
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      • (i forget what it's called it's about a bird walking and heer legs are hot and something )
      • :D
      • you know waht listenbrainz lacks and really needs? a search section!! i want ot findan artist and it's not possible unless i'm at an user that has played that
      • uh the youtube pipup is really really bad. i'm litterally.it plays https://musicbrainz.org/recording/1280d84e-3d94...
      • this is the video url playing https://youtu.be/aAAagueE2Us
      • sincethe first onewas there https://musicbrainz.org/recording/f121091b-bc06... i think it's jsut the youtube matching being really really really shit
      • also it doesn't find "Lupin III mix but its all Zenigata March" even thoguh that's a track i *literally* got *from* youtube! it should be albe to find that
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> - The discovery playlists do need some love, but if I recall correctly taste (love/hate buttons) aren't counted for the generation. I keep hating on an artist, yet it keep showing up. - there's a search bar! Just that it's out of the way and forgetable. Just look at the bottom of the side bar. - Brainzplayer (the musicplayer) is pretty dumb at the moment. It literally send a search request to YT, then picks the first
      • link. Would be nice for it to use MB's URLs, but it's yet another thing in the backlog IIRC
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      • LupinIII
        start with looking for yt url, then if none do a search of the title+artist, pick the closes result ot the actual search. if, under a specific threshold of similarity, just say "sorry couldnt find" and go to the next service/track (try with services in the order spesified, so if i say try soundcloud first thne try youtube, but if i say yt first try soundcloud after yt doesnt give a good reply)
      • ah a search excisted? i cna make a ticket for it it you want
      • torchlight soundtrack, and thne, for osme insane reason it thinks it|s diableo in the middle thee, evne if the release is the same as the other tracks
      • huh i didn't know this guy also made diablo ost. cool
      • uh this is misslinked. yo ucna supposedly link unliked tracks, but what about completely wrong ones (not jsut the wrong album, but also the wrong song?)
      • you see the rpoblem here https://listenbrainz.org/album/ed5a8803-2266-43... the "foretress" song has no plays becasue all of thme are misstagged as diablo
      • prolly the same with "crypt"
      • also tagging still seems broken :(
      • really,really really wishi could batch fix the album missmatches on this thing. like i *know* which album this is i cna set it i cna fix it, everytime this track palys it's from*this* album. it's messing up my stats
      • here's another: https://listenbrainz.org/user/ApeKattQuest,%20M... that's twich Handel and with split listens, and why? i wish i coudl merge them. tell lb that *no* this is *always* that guy
      • as for top tracks, Y can't i change those whne it's not linked? if i linked it ther ethen every single one woud befixed!
      • same with album and artist :/
      • i wanna fix data!!!
      • ok, i cna apparently link already linked tracks with theri correct version cool!
      • but whne does this data actuall get saved?
      • :/ thinks i tried linking agesagoare still unlinked so..
      • hmm oh it seems several where fixed maybe??
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      • this is especially egregious https://listenbrainz.org/user/ApeKattQuest,%20M... the "road to ruin" track doesn't have the extra charles whitman text in it on my music file, on the one I'm scrobbling/listining
      • it's *adding*that text to lnik to the wrong version/album
      • we really really really need listenbrainz to LISTEN TO thealbum tag
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      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> I'm not a LB dev. I'm just a nerd -_-' And I think it's better to actually have pretty lenient search results. Sometimes titles get so much things added to theme like 'label release" or "Album out now on spotify" that a stricter matcher would actually work less. But a button to go to the next service could be nice. Linking already linked tracks overide the mapping for the same MSID. Aka, the same submited data. It may not
      • change all the mappings, as something as little as a different scrobbler app will make a new MSID, but it's better than nothing. I do have my own Listenbrainz tool app that will fix the problem of batch remapping, but currently I need to finish cleaning up the code for release and test it more
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