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      • aerozol[m]
        Got a bug in beta where some of the columns are moved to the left, if anyone wants to confirm? Tested in current Chrome in incognito on my end. Gross song and band names sorry: https://beta.musicbrainz.org/work/c6337a77-2279...
      • Can’t figure out what beta update it might be related to!
      • Made a ticket for someone smarter to figure out: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13707
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13707: beta.mb: Work table: artist and length columns shift one to the left
      • aerozol[m]
        Oof, reosarevok bitmap , it seems that the event Time field is free-text? The docs (https://beta.musicbrainz.org/doc/Event) are clear that it should be the start time of the event, but apparently a few users have started following the format 00:00 - 0:00 (start time - end time). This seems like it could lead to conflicts, or is it just me being paranoid? Should it be free-text?
      • Might need to be careful re. screwing users who have entered a lot of end times. It seems there is a desire for them from some users, at least
      • reosarevok[m]
        Yes, it's free text, and no, that doesn't make ignoring how it should be used okay
      • Maybe we should enforce it like with dates
      • aerozol[m]
        In this case I have some sympathy because the field is just title ‘Time’, not ‘Start Time’. The docs are clear but I don’t think anyone has wilfully ignored anything. But in any case it might be a good idea to limit the field in some way. I suppose free-text was to allow stuff like 3pm, now that I think about it?
      • (Not saying it wouldn’t be better if everyone read the docs, but that is another timeline…)
      • Have a good night/morning all! Sorry for weekend messages… I’ve almost caught up on my holiday backlog 🥲
      • LupinIII
        eh is https://translations.metabrainz.org/translate/p... a warning for a new user or is it a warning that n ew user has appeared (and in what context is this warning about?)
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      • reosarevok[m]
        I assume it's warning a new user about something
      • Yep, see the source of the string, which weblate links to: https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/blob/2.x/p...
      • minimal joined the channel
      • LupinIII
        to be fair, unless you know code/mb codebase, the github link doesnt really clarify nything
      • thanks reosarevok[m]
      • oh also, is this "first" as in firsrt or first as in the topmost https://translations.metabrainz.org/translate/p...
      • also,I am going to ask: can we turn on/ enable nynorsk also? it's kinda a thing, innorway to enable also everything in nynorsk.
      • and if there is a opening for it ,it will make user who writes nynorsk more likely to go in and do it (and i can do some basic ones to get it started)
      • nynorsk is. a combined created academic but alsoskolarly and historically regionally important language. there *will* be people out ther very interested in transalting it
      • I mean the reason I'm doing this in Norwegian is not so much "norwegian users expect things in norwegian (we're used to english and i for one prefer english over bad or cringe translations)
      • but more a "norwegian is a small, language used by $number of people, it needs to be representated in international discourse like this, and actually used especially online and in software or we risk the very real situation where it dies out/becomes only a "kitchen language"
      • nynorsk, doubly so
      • (despite hating parts of it)
      • i actually really like "dialectical" implementations more, as it seems more natural. but it's a compromise in nature.
      • minimal
        kitchen language? I've not heard that term before
      • LupinIII
        well that's becasue i just usedan norwegian transaltion. heh
      • I didn't even realise that I was using a norwegian idiom just translated .often english and norwegian have similar or some idioms.
      • *same
      • "– You use more and more English. And a language that does not have a technical language becomes a kitchen language. It will eventually die and lose its status, warns Skei Grande."
      • outsidecontext[m
        Lupnill: I suggest to do the translations for the 3.x branch of Picard first. Most strings there have screenshots attached, which makes it easier. Do the translations on 2.x for any strings left over.
      • LupinIII
        sure, but I'd liek to do both
      • I'm doing 3v too
      • i want to see the norwegian strings in the picard i have downloaded here asap
      • infact. how o i get that done?
      • outsidecontext[m
        Then do 3.x first. Majority of strings are identical and translations are taken over between the projects.
      • LupinIII
        idon't have 3 here
      • version 3.x
      • and i'd imagine strings are copied from 2 to 3, because the opposite doesnt make sense to me
      • but if not does it matter? 'm doing 3 too
      • 3 isnt'd coded finished yet, is it? in anycase. strings from 3.x isnt' put into dowbnloaded picard 2.x is it?
      • outsidecontext[m
        Weblate is configured to apply translations done in one of them to the other as well. I just mean it is easier to do 3.x because of the screenshots
      • LupinIII
        ifi wanted 2.x with these new strings. how do i get that. or if i wanted3 .x do i jsut dl the new
      • oohhh i see
      • that's really great of weblate. i like this software for transaltions so much better than the previouswe had
      • outsidecontext[m
        You'd need to run Picard from source. Or for the 2.x branch you could run the daily builds for Linux and Windows from https://github.com/phw/picard-daily
      • LupinIII
        ok, thne for my own brain i'd like to do 2.x strings first and thne whatever altered 3.x there are after/simultatiously. my brain jsut works better that way
      • oh so no way to get new language strings in eg pre already dl picard Version 2.11
      • alsois there a way to make picard be able to run more than one instance? afai ki could do that with older versions
      • outsidecontext[m
        Not easily, no. You could check out the source and compile the translations, then copy over the .MO files for your language over to the Picard install. But at that point it seems easier to run from source directly
      • LupinIII
      • when are the picard.org dl eg stable version updatedwith the language files?
      • i prefer stable tbh :D
      • outsidecontext[m
        When we do a new release
      • LupinIII
      • what about multiple instance?
      • outsidecontext[m
        How do you mean?
      • LupinIII
        oh also when's roughly the next release (soi know what to push for language wise deadliens and what not)
      • more thna oneinstane of picard open
      • i think i can do the installersatleast beofre the next release
      • outsidecontext[m
        You can open a new instance by running the Picard executable with the "-s" or "--stand-alone-instance" command line parameter
      • LupinIII
        uhm. how can I makethis default in windows. cna i later the "egenskaper" uh shortcut rundialoguething
      • outsidecontext[m
        On Windows you can edit the shortcut in the start menu and add the parameter to the run command. You could also make copies of that shortcut with different parameters
      • LupinIII
        oh neat
      • outsidecontext[m
        It's somewhere in the properties dialog
      • LupinIII
        yea"properties" that's the englsih for egenskaper
      • hmm, i have mål" (goal) and "start i2(start in)
      • is it the onewith the full name including the picard.ex
      • e
      • oh! it worked! sweeeet!
      • outsidecontext[m
      • LupinIII
        lol there was a really bad error here "skuespill" instead of "spill" since "play" could be either
      • yellowhatpro[m] has quit
      • hehe, the "translated to $language by trasnifexteam" shoudl probably be updated by now
      • Oversatt til norsk av Transifex teamet:
      • it evenmentiones previous launchpad
      • and there is me but with zaphodbeeblebrox name lol
      • i'm very pleasedwith the "filklynger" term for "clustered files" i must say
      • outsidecontext[m
        Lupnill: ? You are Akira?
      • LupinIII
      • aka ApekattQuest
      • née catcat
      • outsidecontext[m
        Ah, didn't know whom I was chatting with, sorry
      • LupinIII
        oh sorry!
      • sorry sorry sorry
      • i simpl assumed "norwegian + lupinIII addict =everyone know it's me"
      • :D
      • outsidecontext[m
        All good 😊
      • LupinIII
      • outsidecontext[m
        You can update the list of translators. There is a string translators-credits or something. It is supposed to be updated by translators who want their names mentioned
      • LupinIII
        hey i cnatotally do that woohoo
      • and now i can actalyl use my actual name because my actual name doesnt make me cringe anymore \o/
      • what about the transifext thing?
      • outsidecontext[m
        In most languages it is a bit chaotic. Mostly because of how Launchpad tried to handle that automatically. It has been many years since we stopped using Launchpad for translations, but the weird credits stay around
      • LupinIII
        for refrencethis is what it looks like https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/lBJBk...
      • outsidecontext[m
        We should at some point clean this up a bit, maybe remove this "by Launchpad contributions" from all languages. It confuses everyone I think
      • Oh no, now we also have the dead transifex team references there as well :(
      • LupinIII
        it was relevant whne we transferred from launchpad to transifext in the beginning, but i don't think it's actually relevant anymore. are any of the strings form there still i nthe program? perhaps some "extended translation history sub-popup"
      • lol yea
      • outsidecontext[m
        Many still are around. Keeping the names might make sense. But honestly it's a mess
      • LupinIII
        i still maintain that I (andperhasp senilix) are the main norwegian transaltors
      • outsidecontext[m
        Makes sense, yes
      • LupinIII
        but i havent seen him in aages
      • yea
      • i like the ideaof having a n extra translation popup with extended credits actually. it might make sense to explain the history a littel bit too in there
      • outsidecontext[m
        With weblate it is much easier to keep track on who contributed.
      • LupinIII
      • i realyl like this actually.somuch better than transifex
      • outsidecontext[m
        Glad to hear.
      • LupinIII
        i've been on board since i first tried it (and at that time it actually worked in the old browser whiel transifext did not. but now it doesnt of course, but i'm on the new computer now so :D)
      • outsidecontext[m
        Some of course like the translation UI of Transifex better. But I also prefer Weblate. And overall it has so many advantages I wouldn't want to go back
      • LupinIII
        it'smuch funner now.ijsut have a millino old tabs and workroutines to try to move over
      • i like vivaldi, but i miss the way it's easier to have oversikt of tabs in firefox
      • outsidecontext[m
        I need to go, but let's keep this topic about improving the translator credits in our mind. We should discuss this more at some point
      • LupinIII
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      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14derat opened pull request #3341 (03master…roman_eti): MBS-12523: Don't treat "mix" ETI as Roman numerals https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
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