

September 9th 2024

      • kepstinbrainz
        since otherwise it'll be oddly inconsistant
      • Jigen
      • sorry if i jumped the gun thre. but like, I absolutely detest witha passion that thing i said so
      • reosarevok[m]
        Later :)
      • <BANG>
      • Welcome to another Monday Meeting!
      • monkey[m]
      • reosarevok[m]
        We have two mailed in reviews today:
      • aerozol says:
      • Still been sick and having to work like crazy 😵‍💫
      • Starting to get worried that I won’t be better by the summit, but surely that’s far enough away (knock on wood!!)
      • Jigen
        :( get better aerozol
      • reosarevok[m]
        I’ve basically been doing my best to keep my head above water with MeB work - a bit of GSoC design checking, staying on top of socials, wiki updates, and some brainstorming and mockups for the upcoming LB donator feature.
      • Getting really excited about the summit now, see some of you very soon!
      • And yvanzo says
      • "Weblate authentication is experiencing issues at the moment."
      • That might be his review, or he might have accidentally pasted an error message instead
      • I guess we'll never know
      • On my list for today: mayhem, outsidecontext, theflash_, monkey, pranav, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, reosarevok, rimskii, kellnerd, derat, JadedBlueEyes, MonkeyPython, atj, lucifer, ansh, bitmap, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
      • (maybe derat doesn't want in, but he keeps doing MB stuff so if around he should brag)
      • mayhem: wanna start?
      • mayhem[m]
      • last week was a whole lot of meb nonsense. chasing after people to give us more money, dealing with invoice, payment portals and all that sort of stuff. we're still running a deficit, so I'm working hard to try and close that gap.
      • progress is slow, but I'm at least making progress.
      • and our accountant informed us to we're getting dangerously close to not demonstrating "public support" as per the US IRS.
      • failing to do that, could put our tax-exempt status into jeopardy. and that is very much not good.
      • Jigen
      • !!!
      • mayhem[m]
        to that end, I've started a hasty project to create a new donation page for LB.
      • and, gasp, I set a deadline for getting it done: we should release it during the summit, just prior to the beginning of Q4.
      • the idea is that we have three months to try and collect more donations from lots of people in order to bolster our public support test.
      • and the overall goal is to get more serious about donations -- this is something I never really wanted to do for MB. being too strong in asking for donations on a project where people are helping you collect data.
      • but, LB is different. while people give us data, albeit passively, the average LB user doesn't give much back to us.
      • so, the goal is to having LB donations cover our hosting costs, which are rising... mostly because of LB.
      • lots to do on this front.
      • reosarevok[m]
        This almost sounds like it should have been a separate agenda topic already 😅
      • If you want to discuss it further, we could make it one? :)
      • Jade[m]
        Could adding donator badges on listenbrainz be a thing? That would give a little social incentive to donate?
      • mayhem[m]
        also, summit attendees: make sure to bring some chocolate to the summit. and pack it well insulated into the center of your suitcase -- delhi is hott. once you get to the hotel, make sure to move the choco to a fridge.
      • Jigen: literally that. yes, that.
      • Jade[m]: that is exactly the plan.
      • I'll find the design doc in just a sec.
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged and not empty as it is bridged to IRC; see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/ChatBrainz for details | Agenda: Reviews, LB donation push (rob)
      • reosarevok: for now, we're good to go on this. we'll pick this topic up at the summit in detail.
      • Jigen
        I'll donate 100squid if i can have a specialised lupin themed badge
      • reosarevok[m]
        Only cuttlefish allowed
      • mayhem[m]
      • Jigen (IRC): go
      • Jigen
        Arararara~! hi!
      • so this week I'm *STILL* working on fixing the internet, the new internet has not arrived, the internet fixing dumbasses who was supposed to come today didnt', in short AUGH
      • Anyway, started moving over links for the work environment
      • rearrange a bit of Piano instrument links to order things better and for dipping my toes into editing again. I'm hyped for instrument work!.
      • (The https://beta.musicbrainz.org/instrument/4d256d6... is living dangerously ಠ_ಠ)
      • other than that I'm fullup with online AND offline junk and summit stuff
      • fin, next can be reosarevok!
      • reosarevok[m]
      • Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, monkey, pranav, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, rimskii, kellnerd, derat, JadedBlueEyes, atj, lucifer, ansh, bitmap, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
      • So, last week I spent quite a bit of time improving a PR we got to convert some more form components to React
      • Now that event is converted and seems to be working, hopefully we can move on with most of those
      • Additionally, I updated our eslint deps, found out eslint or the parser we use is borked, sent a bug report upstream...
      • I released prod after a long-ish pause (tiny update, mostly all by derat but it's good to not keep stuff waiting)
      • And I dealt with libera so we can have the newly in use again #listenbrainz channel running all nicely
      • Plus some Spanish translation, fixing some broken Wikipedia links, and adding a lot of missing music so I can clear more of my missing data page in ListenBrainz
      • Fin
      • mayhem[m]
        "clear my missing data page" ❤️
      • monkey[m]
        ^ this
      • reosarevok[m]
        Yeah, i don't usually like adding the stuff I like listening to, it's a lot more boring than editing classical
      • Jigen
      • reosarevok[m]
        But now I kinda have to 🤷‍♂️
      • outsidecontext: next?
      • Jigen
      • reosarevok[m]
        (alternatively, theflash__ (IRC) theflash )
      • (alternatively, monkey ... )
      • monkey[m]
        Hello !
      • Last week I worked on the summit t-shirt design, and happy to say they were ordered today, in the nick of time.
      • I talked with the LB team about making donations more prominent on LB, and how to entice our users to donate. Started work on that today.
      • Had a good video chat with ansh to organize upcoming work on LB, and after that looked a bit into query caching to optimize cover art loading, as he suggested.
      • And finally did some more bug testing on LB and BB and closed some SEC tickets
      • That's me! kellnerd go !
      • kellnerd[m]
        Hey there 👋
      • This week I got back into BB, basically finishing what I left two weeks ago after the basics of the combined pending/accepted entity pages were working.
      • This involves trying to follow older code (including my own from last month 👀, before I got distracted by uni) and eliminating unused code blocks.
      • Some of them being eight years old and unused since four... 😇
      • I also reviewed aerozol's first userscript PR 🎉 - we may still succeed in turning him into a coder in the long run 😜
      • And finally getting quite a few things prepared and organized for the Delhi summit and traveling.
      • That's it, go ansh !
      • reosarevok[m]
        Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, pranav, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, rimskii, derat, JadedBlueEyes, atj, lucifer, bitmap, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
      • ansh[m]
        Hi Everyone!
      • Last Week, I worked on adding Music Neighbourhood Web to Artist Page and worked on fixing the ordering of albums.
      • kellnerd[m] wonders why Element is always hanging when it is my turn at a Monday meeeting
      • I continued working on stat page tickets, and also fixed some bugs on the Fresh Releases page.
      • monkey[m]
        kellnerd[m]: Murphy's Law
      • ansh[m]
        And had a great discussion with monkey regarding the upcoming work on LB.
      • That’s it for me.
      • lucifer: next?
      • lucifer[m]1
        hi all
      • ansh[m]
        or yellowhatpro next?
      • lucifer[m]1
        last week, i reviewed rimskii's GSoC PRs and blog post. worked on user data exports, setting up LB bridge, discussed LB donation stuff.
      • also, some MeB OAuth stuff.
      • that's it for me.
      • yellowhatpro: next?
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        hi everyone!
      • last week was nothing much, fixed some code to make things work for bitmap to run the mb archiver app
      • bitmap[m]
        monkey[m]: from all the confetti you're sending (does anyone else get that effect?)
      • yellowhatpro[m]
        added a script that I can use later to push images to container registry, although it is for dev image now, but will make it work for prod as well
      • that's it for me, bitmap next?
      • bitmap[m]
      • reosarevok[m]
        Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, pranav, twodoorcoupe, rimskii, derat, JadedBlueEyes, atj, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
      • bitmap[m]
        last week I was doing code review for the beta update and https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... for the React-ified forms
      • was also working on setting up a mb-exurl-ia-service test container for yellowhatpro's project...ran into a few tiny issues which he fixed, so plan to test those today 🤞
      • other than that, was trying to debug test failures in the React 19 PR again, and started looking into MBS-13715 late yesterday (sorry, I know it's annoying to people)
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13715: Pressing enter on tracklist AC search dropdown moves to next track https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13715
      • bitmap[m]
        fin, go twodoorcoupe!
      • or akshaaatt?
      • zas? 😆
      • zas[m]
      • Last week, we released yet another Picard dot release (https://blog.metabrainz.org/2024/09/04/picard-2...)
      • I also spend some time on adjusting upstream servers weights for MB, still not perfect, ludwig is very slow for mb website prod, which also runs mb eu
      • I also renewed MB wildcard cert
      • and configured a new server (randy) for lucifer to play with
      • plus usual stuff, general supervision, system upgrades, tons of MB edits (artists like to release albums in September....)
      • That's it for me. pranav ?
      • or theflash
      • pranav[m]
        Hey everyone
      • Nothing much from me the last week.. mid semester exams are going on in my uni
      • I hope I survive antenna theory tomorrow..
      • That’s it for me, maybe theflash if there?
      • Or maybe Jade ?
      • Jade[m]
        Hi all!
      • Retrying again after the renting chaos, have found yet another place (with about two weeks before term starts back aaa)
      • My parents' company SocialOptic had their 15th birthday, which was fun but pretty exhausting.
      • I merged some new French translations from 'Nom d'utilisateur'
      • (Great name haha)
      • And dealing with dependency maintenance, everyone's favourite
      • derat next?
      • BrainzGit
        [metabrainz.org] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #478 (03master…donation): Add musicbrainz row ids https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/pu...
      • reosarevok[m]
        derat might not be around actually 🤷‍♂️
      • Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, pranav, twodoorcoupe, rimskii, derat, atj, ericd, akshaaatt
      • Jade[m]
      • or ericd ?
      • reosarevok[m]
        rimskii at least seems to be around according to matrix :)
      • Jade[m]
        rimskii then?
      • outsidecontext[m
        reosarevok: not available today, sorry
      • rimskii[m]