btw again, people of the summit. i want to discuss/ illustrate something. couldvthose of you that own, /have access too, a copy of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" bring a copy of it? any kind, pocket, any translations. as many as you have is fine. I want to spesifically illustrate something with this book
also, is there a way to alwasys see everything in edits like ? so i don't havet to keep clicking "seemore" idk, maybe if it's under 50 or something
Jigen: I suppose you are referring to the AcoustID column? That one is added by a userscript
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mayhem[m] waves from 32,000ft
if anyone needs anything from me, let me know.
lucifer: Hi! For the donors page, I need to setup the backend. Do we have a copy of metabrainz db on wolf? I needed the `SQLALCHEMY_METABRAINZ_URI`. I cannot use the API directly as I need some stats for the user to be passed as props.
ansh: there's no copy of the meb db, so you'll need to set it up locally or if possible hard code the api response locally.
are the stats you need computed from donation table in MeB or just usual LB data?
<lucifer[m]1> "are the stats you need computed..." <- Usual LB Data
yeah easiest way would be to just stub LB api data locally and roll with it.
minimal joined the channel
bitmap: did you get a chance to extend that one deadline?
mayhem: yup I extended kellnerd's deadline to Oct. 28th
[09:57] kellnerd[m] Jigen: I suppose you are referring to the AcoustID column? That one is added by a userscript 🤔
oohhhhh... huh, I wonder how i can modify this script to do that
unfortunately there is not a way to filter which relationship types are returned, you'll have to do it yourself (by checking the "type" and "direction" keys on each rel)
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<11brain.dsg> OK - so at least I wasn't doing things incorrectly when I tried and failed.
<11brain.dsg> is that firing some specific sql query against the database?
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<11brain.dsg> Or, are there any mirrors of the db that would allow me to run a SQL query?
It performs a SQL query, yes. I'm not aware of any public mirrors that allow direct SQL access, but if you have enough space you could set up your own with Docker: