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      • Jigen
        reosarevok: AW
      • btw again, people of the summit. i want to discuss/ illustrate something. couldvthose of you that own, /have access too, a copy of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" bring a copy of it? any kind, pocket, any translations. as many as you have is fine. I want to spesifically illustrate something with this book
      • also, is there a way to alwasys see everything in edits like https://beta.musicbrainz.org/edit/112990478 ? so i don't havet to keep clicking "seemore" idk, maybe if it's under 50 or something
      • kellnerd[m]
        Jigen: I suppose you are referring to the AcoustID column? That one is added by a userscript
      • Goemon joined the channel
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      • mayhem[m] waves from 32,000ft
      • mayhem[m]
        if anyone needs anything from me, let me know.
      • ansh[m]
        lucifer: Hi! For the donors page, I need to setup the backend. Do we have a copy of metabrainz db on wolf? I needed the `SQLALCHEMY_METABRAINZ_URI`. I cannot use the API directly as I need some stats for the user to be passed as props.
      • lucifer[m]1
        ansh: there's no copy of the meb db, so you'll need to set it up locally or if possible hard code the api response locally.
      • are the stats you need computed from donation table in MeB or just usual LB data?
      • ansh[m]
      • <lucifer[m]1> "are the stats you need computed..." <- Usual LB Data
      • lucifer[m]1
        yeah easiest way would be to just stub LB api data locally and roll with it.
      • minimal joined the channel
      • mayhem[m]
        bitmap: did you get a chance to extend that one deadline?
      • bitmap[m]
        mayhem: yup I extended kellnerd's deadline to Oct. 28th
      • Goemon
        [09:57] kellnerd[m] Jigen: I suppose you are referring to the AcoustID column? That one is added by a userscript 🤔
      • oohhhhh... huh, I wonder how i can modify this script to do that
      • 🤔
      • discordbrainz
        <11brain.dsg> is this the right channel to ask for help with using the search API?
      • <11brain.dsg> I want to get back this result: https://musicbrainz.org/artist/084e06f5-3c82-4b... but I wasn't able to find a query that would give me relationships by type, with direction
      • dvzrv has quit
      • bitmap[m]
        brain.dsg: you won't be able to get relationships from the search API, only via lookup (or browse): https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/084e06f5-3c...
      • unfortunately there is not a way to filter which relationship types are returned, you'll have to do it yourself (by checking the "type" and "direction" keys on each rel)
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      • discordbrainz
        <11brain.dsg> OK - so at least I wasn't doing things incorrectly when I tried and failed.
      • <11brain.dsg> I'm not smart enough to understand, but I'll ask: how does the web-issued query that runs when I click on https://musicbrainz.org/artist/084e06f5-3c82-4b... work?
      • <11brain.dsg> is that firing some specific sql query against the database?
      • v6lur joined the channel
      • <11brain.dsg> Or, are there any mirrors of the db that would allow me to run a SQL query?
      • bitmap[m]
        It performs a SQL query, yes. I'm not aware of any public mirrors that allow direct SQL access, but if you have enough space you could set up your own with Docker: https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker
      • discordbrainz
        <11brain.dsg> Thanks! I'll give it a try
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