outsidecontext[m uploaded an image: (123KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/fhCsVdxrqTKWnOdcZhMuDKzY/IMG_20240923_125316086.jpg >
The chocolate table has been prepared
Current breakout/hack/discussion/group sessions:
aerozol[m] uploaded an image: (56KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pSFARjCkjvNGjkWuWxGvSMxK/20240923_132012.jpg >
aerozol[m] uploaded an image: (65KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/HTNXEmTKGmZtwoDfSWtNeciS/20240923_131951.jpg >
Matching hair version and matching skirt verson
Online peeps, if you have other topics you want to see discussed please suggest them here, any time
leftmostcatUTC-7 joined the channel
I'm interested in any of the BB-related discussions, including BBCAAAAA, which I assume is either cover art or a discussion of horror style guidelines.
hand-bot has quit
leftmostcat (UTC-7): What are your available times (in UTC)? We are UTC+5.30 here.
I think it'd be useful to talk about style process for BB, since there's a proposal on Discourse which has sat for about a year and a half, and I'm not really sure how it goes from a proposal to being a published guideline. Though if that process is well-understood by others and I just haven't been involved enough to know, that's not a necessary discussion to have.
It is a good conversation to have, there is currently no process
monkey[m]: I can make myself available for any of the times on the summit calendar. They don't go late enough that they'll interfere with anything on my work calendar, and my hours are flexible. :)
kellnerd[m] joined the channel
Currently it requires you (or someone on your behalf) to open a PR to the docs repo (after there is concensus on the forums).
At least that's what P. Bryan did successfully.
We will post the schedule shortly.
hand-bot joined the channel
For those who missed it - you probably want to add the calendar entries to your calendar so your head doesn't explode trying to keep track of the schedule
MonkeyPython[m] uploaded an image: (3678KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/AvphfyMGrSNsuBqlPczmGoLG/image.png >
Kladky has quit
LupinIII joined the channel
hand-bot has quit
MonkeyPython has quit
Kladky joined the channel
Kladky has quit
hand-bot joined the channel
Kladky joined the channel
mayhem: you raised your hand and you're in position 0
mayhem: you've been acknowledged
mayhem: your turn is now complete. thank you!
jasje has quit
mayhem: you raised your hand and you're in position 0
mayhem: you've been acknowledged
mayhem: your turn is now complete. thank you!
zas[m] joined the channel
zas[m] uploaded an image: (196KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/nYKmWzBWUjtwQppSikIWOjnQ/PXL_20240923_095040426.jpg >
zas[m] uploaded an image: (221KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/avSkxnUVwEwyzbRNKOSIFPjO/1000007283.jpg >
Jigen joined the channel
Goemon joined the channel
Summit housekeeping item: Please take notes for your breakouts etc in this document - don’t stress, it doesn’t have to be much, but it would be great to have a record. I will take notes of anything that gets recorded (e.g. plenarys, state of X)