

      • aerozol[m]
        lucifer: looks like MusicBrainz community still needs to be bridged, it's not running at the moment. I can't see you in that room at all :0
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      • reosarevok[m]
        lucifer: #musicbrainz-picard-development
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      • aerozol[m]
        lucifer: #šŸ”—ļø±picard-dev
      • Are there IRC logs for the channel reosarevok? Not a big deal, just for the channel description in Discord
      • reosarevok[m]
        Not yet because I don't know how to set that up. But there should be, so maybe someone who does know can do it today. Maybe with me so I can learn how :)
      • Who added logging for #listenbrainz:chatbrainz.org, was it lucifer?
      • aerozol[m]
        I think so, but not totally sure
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      • mayhem[m]
        moin moin!
      • do we have a page where we invite people to use matrix? the contact us page on Meb still says IRC, we haven't updated it yet.
      • šŸ¦„šŸŒ…
      • mayhem[m] uses https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Communication/ChatBrainz
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        Do you really need anyone other than me?
      • reosarevok[m]
        <leftmostcatUTC-7> "Do you really need anyone..." <- I dunno, how do we know you're never gonna give us up, nor desert us?
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        'Cause I'm such a swell guy. I may run around and/or hurt you, though.
      • reosarevok[m]
        I'm fine with one of those two
      • LupinIII has quit
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      • n4ta[m]
        Howdy, quick question. I'm going to attempt to squash my first musicbrainz bug and I was wondering what is the usual approach to changing a general component per page. For example, change the search header component if the page is the /search/ one. Thanks for the info!
      • * Howdy, quick question. I'm going to attempt to squash my first musicbrainz bug and I was wondering what is the usual approach to changing a general component per page. For example, change the search header component if the page is the /search/ one. Thanks for the info!
      • (EDIT: I mean the usual approach used in MusicBrainz, I've done it before albeit with some jank)
      • \- joined the channel
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      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #2988 (03masterā€¦donors-with-flairs): Add an endpoint to get all donors with flairs https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • yvanzo[m] joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
        I just did and it works for both edit notes and adding URL relationships.
      • yellowhatpro: I have had to build manually the Docker image `metabrainz/melba:latest`. It should be done through `.github/workflows/release-image.yml` instead. What this workflow currently doing? From actions log, it seems to generate a (test) image but I didnā€™t find what Docker tag it does use.
      • yellowhatpro: The command-line `melba check-status #` is still not returned very detailed information. A `melba` subcommand is also missing to list jobs.
      • yellowhatpro: The service should also log successful events, such as archiving a link.
      • philip_nye[m] joined the channel
      • philip_nye[m]
        Hi all. Iā€™m attempting to work with the recordings JSON data dump but am running into a problem. When I read it Iā€™m only getting 125,693 lines/recordings - rather than the 33m I'm expecting. I wonder if anyone could help me try and work out what the issue is/confirm that the JSON data dump does contain all the records itā€™s supposed to? (Originally posted on #šŸ”—ļø±mb-general but someone suggested I repost here)
      • * Hi all. Iā€™m attempting to work with the rMusicBrainz ecordings JSON data dump but am running into a problem. When I read it Iā€™m only getting 125,693 lines/recordings - rather than the 33m I'm expecting. I wonder if anyone could help me try and work out what the issue is/confirm that the JSON data dump does contain all the records itā€™s supposed to? (Originally posted on #šŸ”—ļø±mb-general but someone suggested I repost here)
      • * with the MusicBrainz recordings JSON
      • reosarevok[m] joined the channel
      • reosarevok[m]
        It's only standalone recordings
      • The rest are under the appropriate releases
      • philip_nye[m]
        reosarevok (@_discord_1151240977378463764:chatbrainz.org) Aha! thank you
      • reosarevok[m]
        That's on the docs, but nobody ever notices it šŸ˜…
      • So we should make it more clear
      • philip_nye[m]
        reosarevok (@_discord_1151240977378463764:chatbrainz.org) Would you mind pointing out in the docs?
      • I did look over them but I have to say I managed to miss that
      • * pointing out where in the
      • reosarevok[m]
        "For most entity types, the file does contain all the relevant entities; for recordings, though, the recording dump contains only standalone recordings. All other recordings can be found in the release dump, under the appropriate release(s)."
      • philip_nye[m]
        Thanks! I had missed that - so I'd be supportive of a move to make it stand out more (and possibly include in the Recordings documentation page)
      • q3lont has quit
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      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 1407jasjeet opened pull request #489 (03mainā€¦483-crash-fix): #483 Fix: Profile Crash https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • LupinIII joined the channel
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      • derat[m]
        anyone mind banning https://tickets.metabrainz.org/secure/ViewProfi... ? looks like they're just spamming tickets, e.g. MBBE-86
      • BrainzBot
      • derat[m]
        the MB account with the same name isn't much better, but i think they're at least attempting to add their own music there (while making a mess of things)
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      • zima_blue[m] joined the channel
      • zima_blue[m]
        Hi everyone. What is the purpose of having multiple links tied to a link_type?
      • For example, when I query the link table where type equals ā€œfree streaming,ā€ Iā€™m shown hundreds of results (although it seems like the link with id 6330 is the most popular).
      • I read the link section of the schema docs, but Iā€™m still unsure of the purpose.
      • reosarevok[m]
        You want the l_whatever_url tables
      • link just basically saves redundancy by not storing all the data for a relationship together, but extracting most of it to a reusable row
      • So basically, rather than storing the dates and attributes for every relationship in the l_release_url table or whatever we store it in link and reuse the link row for all that have, say, type free streaming and no dates set
      • zima_blue[m]
        got it. thank you. what would dates signify in this context?
      • reosarevok[m]
        For example you could have a start date for when the release first appeared on Spotify, and an end date for the date it was taken down
      • Most urls won't have any dates set though
      • zima_blue[m]
        ah. got it. that's why the majority of free streaming urls, tie back to link 6330 which has null end and start dates
      • or at least the majority of what i'm seeing
      • reosarevok[m]
        Yes, that would sound likely
      • zima_blue[m]
      • YowieMonkey[m] joined the channel
      • YowieMonkey[m]
        As it turns out, no I hadn't set them up properly. I also had not accounted for differences between debian and ubuntu when progressing through the steps. So yeah. Multiple misfires between the eyes and the fingers. Making progress. Will report back if I hit any other bumps! Thanks all for the input so far!
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