

      • aerozol[m]
        lucifer: looks like MusicBrainz community still needs to be bridged, it's not running at the moment. I can't see you in that room at all :0
      • celediel has quit
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      • reosarevok[m]
        lucifer: #musicbrainz-picard-development
      • Sophist_UK has quit
      • Sophist-UK joined the channel
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      • Sophist-UK has quit
      • Sophist-UK joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        lucifer: #🔗︱picard-dev
      • Are there IRC logs for the channel reosarevok? Not a big deal, just for the channel description in Discord
      • reosarevok[m]
        Not yet because I don't know how to set that up. But there should be, so maybe someone who does know can do it today. Maybe with me so I can learn how :)
      • Who added logging for #listenbrainz:chatbrainz.org, was it lucifer?
      • aerozol[m]
        I think so, but not totally sure
      • Lotheric joined the channel
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      • Sophist-UK joined the channel
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      • mayhem[m] joined the channel
      • mayhem[m]
        moin moin!
      • do we have a page where we invite people to use matrix? the contact us page on Meb still says IRC, we haven't updated it yet.
      • 🦄🌅
      • mayhem[m] uses https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Communication/ChatBrainz
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        Do you really need anyone other than me?
      • reosarevok[m]
        <leftmostcatUTC-7> "Do you really need anyone..." <- I dunno, how do we know you're never gonna give us up, nor desert us?
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        'Cause I'm such a swell guy. I may run around and/or hurt you, though.
      • reosarevok[m]
        I'm fine with one of those two
      • LupinIII has quit
      • BrainzBot joined the channel
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      • n4ta[m] joined the channel
      • n4ta[m]
        Howdy, quick question. I'm going to attempt to squash my first musicbrainz bug and I was wondering what is the usual approach to changing a general component per page. For example, change the search header component if the page is the /search/ one. Thanks for the info!
      • * Howdy, quick question. I'm going to attempt to squash my first musicbrainz bug and I was wondering what is the usual approach to changing a general component per page. For example, change the search header component if the page is the /search/ one. Thanks for the info!
      • (EDIT: I mean the usual approach used in MusicBrainz, I've done it before albeit with some jank)
      • \- joined the channel
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      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 opened pull request #2988 (03master…donors-with-flairs): Add an endpoint to get all donors with flairs https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • yvanzo[m] joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
        I just did and it works for both edit notes and adding URL relationships.
      • yellowhatpro: I have had to build manually the Docker image `metabrainz/melba:latest`. It should be done through `.github/workflows/release-image.yml` instead. What this workflow currently doing? From actions log, it seems to generate a (test) image but I didn’t find what Docker tag it does use.
      • yellowhatpro: The command-line `melba check-status #` is still not returned very detailed information. A `melba` subcommand is also missing to list jobs.
      • yellowhatpro: The service should also log successful events, such as archiving a link.
      • philip_nye[m] joined the channel
      • philip_nye[m]
        Hi all. I’m attempting to work with the recordings JSON data dump but am running into a problem. When I read it I’m only getting 125,693 lines/recordings - rather than the 33m I'm expecting. I wonder if anyone could help me try and work out what the issue is/confirm that the JSON data dump does contain all the records it’s supposed to? (Originally posted on #🔗︱mb-general but someone suggested I repost here)
      • * Hi all. I’m attempting to work with the rMusicBrainz ecordings JSON data dump but am running into a problem. When I read it I’m only getting 125,693 lines/recordings - rather than the 33m I'm expecting. I wonder if anyone could help me try and work out what the issue is/confirm that the JSON data dump does contain all the records it’s supposed to? (Originally posted on #🔗︱mb-general but someone suggested I repost here)
      • * with the MusicBrainz recordings JSON
      • reosarevok[m] joined the channel
      • reosarevok[m]
        It's only standalone recordings
      • The rest are under the appropriate releases
      • philip_nye[m]
        reosarevok (@_discord_1151240977378463764:chatbrainz.org) Aha! thank you
      • reosarevok[m]
        That's on the docs, but nobody ever notices it 😅
      • So we should make it more clear
      • philip_nye[m]
        reosarevok (@_discord_1151240977378463764:chatbrainz.org) Would you mind pointing out in the docs?
      • I did look over them but I have to say I managed to miss that
      • * pointing out where in the
      • reosarevok[m]
        "For most entity types, the file does contain all the relevant entities; for recordings, though, the recording dump contains only standalone recordings. All other recordings can be found in the release dump, under the appropriate release(s)."
      • philip_nye[m]
        Thanks! I had missed that - so I'd be supportive of a move to make it stand out more (and possibly include in the Recordings documentation page)
      • q3lont has quit
      • Sophist-UK has quit
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 1407jasjeet opened pull request #489 (03main…483-crash-fix): #483 Fix: Profile Crash https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • LupinIII joined the channel
      • minimal joined the channel