lucifer: ^^ that fixes the colorsync update -- all the data in that table is now up to date and once this is merged, it will stay up to date again. ready for the YIM work.
lucifer: consul client logs -> sudo journalctl -u consul-client.service
zas: thanks!
mayhem: great
zas: anyway to know which keys a container is looking up but unable to find in consul? i can only context cancelled logs in the client service logs.
Often the best way to deal with those alerts is letting dependabot create a PR for you
yeah, I was wondering why there wasn't one.
lucifer: I'm reviewing listenbrainz/db/ to examine the possible deadlock issue and I am seeing lots of possibilities for this happening. there are two distinct steps I see: 1) load the new data 2) update the recommendation.similar_user table with user_names. My perception is that this being done in two transaction is inviting disaster. do you remember if there is a specific reason why this is being done in two steps and
not one?
mayhem: no don't remember a specific reason. also, i think we can move this to couchdb.
not sure I feel like the switch to couchdb right now, but I will examine making it one transaction.
:+leftmostcat (UTC-8)
do you know if the spark cluster is currently idle? I wonder if I can test this new code on test/beta.
well, new cron container, really.
lucifer: ^^
processing recommendations currently.
similar users and fresh releases after that. should probably be idle in 2 hours.
ok, I'll wait then. what is the current command on michael in order to follow the spark logs?
lucifer: I seem to have lost my sentry password and the password recovery email doesn't seem to arrive. can you reset my password, plz?
Mine too while you're at it please, something wrong with the recovery emails
thanks lucifer
mayhem: monkey sentry was broken for weeks, so i had to reset it to scratch and create new projects and users. i had only created my account and MB teams i think at that time.
Ahhh, I see
monkey: you'll also need to update the dsn in bookbrainz config.
lucifer: this is the snippet I should use to monitor a cron job.
is this exposed from brainzutils?
you can directly import from sentry. that's what we do for other sentry functions too.
so use the snippet as is?
ok, will try.
[listenbrainz-server] 14anshg1214 opened pull request #3065 (03master…LB-1698): LB-1698: Switching between different stat timeframes can sometimes break the stats displayed