mayhem: "MusicBrainz for my recommender startup" might be something you're more suited to answer :)
(I can answer most of the questions but I don't have a great answer for the last)
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If the MB api authentication has changed and no longer supports digest, you might want to update the documentation accordingly at
<aerozol[m]> "Mōrena (morning) Jade! How was/..." <- And that person's question about the URL has already been answered - there's no way of excluding URLs from line wrapping :(
Jade[m]1 uploaded an image: Losing linefeeds in messages should be fixed, I just sent my self a message and it worked fine 🤷 (58KiB) < >
from both beta and release
Ah bummer, can we truncate a URL with a “…” when it gets too long? Also wondering if we slightly widen the line width to meet them in the middle (but not full width). Could still comfortably go a bit wider for my peepers at least
Sorry for bugging you if you’re still on holiday/resting :)
aerozol[m]: I think this would make their problem worse! that would actually destroy the URL, whereas in the current state at least you can copy it into the URL bar and it will work despite the inserted newline
I think if they're using text mode they can handle copying the URL anyway lol
It would be consistent with how we do it in edit notes afaik. The link breaking over the newline looks really off. But I hear you, in a practical sense
Oh sorry I didn’t realise they were using plaintext mode
Which removes the links, does it?
I think widening the view to allow for the most common MB URL widths would be doable?
You’ll notice I haven’t examined the emails too closely, sorry, just coming at it from the users point of view :P
Well there's no auto-linkification in user text provided by the mail service at all, that's all provided by the email client
aerozol[m]: Yeah it seems those are the most vocal people :p
My webmail, vs thunderbird for example
Jade[m]1 uploaded an image: (56KiB) < >
Jade[m]1 uploaded an image: (18KiB) < >
and then their issue seems to be that in plain text mode when their client detects links it only detects the part that hasn't been wrapped by the mail service
Jade[m]1 uploaded an image: (21KiB) < >
notice the d5c isn't highlighted
So it works as intended in HTML mode, only causing an issue in plain text with clients that automatically detect links
Hold on, just sending myself an email
I think their suggestion of widening it slightly is reasonable - I’m just comparing ours to Mailchimp emails, and theirs are a bit wider. I reckon they might be a good “standard”
It wouldn’t take much to get most MB url’s on a single line
Is that tricky to update?
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aerozol[m]: Not at all, on my side it's just changing a number and releasing a new version
Might take some time for one of the people in change of deploys to update the one running in production
aerozol[m]: So how many chars was that?
If you’re happy to do that then I’ll let the user know that line breaks is fixed and that the widened view is coming soon™️
Is email width measured in chars, not px?
(or you can let them know, if you like)
The HTML one's width is in px, but the text one is measured in the amount of chars, assuming it is monospace
they don't have any effect on each other
Huh. Makes sense, really
aerozol[m]: Will do haha
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76 text width for mail chimp. They break links up over lines as well
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In terms of px/non plain text, theirs is ~826px, vs our ~658 (v. roughly)
aerozol[m]: hmm, ours are programmed in as 560px
I probably have zoom on or something stupid haha
including all the padding, the text ends up as 500px
Lots of good old zoom
aerozol[m]: Web pixels never match up to monitor pixels anyway lol
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Definitely, I am a dummy though. At 100% it is their ~658 vs our ~531px (as you say, more about the ratio than actual px size)
100% is so small!!! I am old
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i mean on 4k 1x is tiny
you don't have to be old for that :p
Very good to know!
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<Jade[m]1> "i mean on 4k 1x is tiny" <- only on laptop screens ;) I love it on my 27" monitors