[04:06] aerozol[m] Ah bummer, can we truncate a URL with a “…” when it gets too long?don't dothat, it's already a pitawhen urlsdo that in edit nnoteson the site
i don't care if it looks ugly
[04:07] Jade[m]1 aerozol[m]: I think this would make their problem worse! that would actually destroy the URL, whereas in the current state at least you can copy it into the URL bar and it will work despite the inserted newline
[04:08] Jade[m]1 I think if they're using text mode they can handle copying the URL anyway lol
actually this. :D
actually for plain text there shouln't *be*any default linewrap. what
hang on let me show you.
my email client willalreadyshoeemails WAY WIDER tan this
email contents with should be dynamic so hat widescreens are filled and things like mobile are not.
(which is what I assumethe issue is here,that mobile screens require emails to be too wide)
to *not be too
but honestly then that becomes an issue for your email app/webbrowser/your settings on mobile
off (on?) topic, have you guys heard about resilio?
I just found this looking for idk ggoogledrive alternatives and ddg suggested it.. it looks.. promising? now free for personal use , they seem to be going towars our kind of license plan. ie free for non-profit/personal use, for profit and buisness hafta pay
Personally I use syncthing + a storage server for things I need to be constantly in sync
d4rk-ph0enix has quit
d4rk-ph0enix joined the channel
lucifer[m] joined the channel
mayhem: monkey ansh do we have LB meeting today?
<GautamShorewala[> "hi jasje ,..." <- Hmm so should we remove that animation in play pause button
<GautamShorewala[> "hi jasje ,..." <- jasje: just a bit confused regarding themes in our app
So when we change the system theme will our app theme change or does it solely depend on the theme which we get from the app settings
<GautamShorewala[> "jasje: just a bit confused..." <- Gautam Shorewala: So there are two ways you can get ui mode. One is our preferences datastore, and the other is "isSystemInDarkTheme()". Use the one from our preferences since its the one we follow in our app regardless of what ui mode the device/operating system is in.
<lucifer[m]> "mayhem: monkey ansh do we have..." <- Can we please do it next week? it a holiday here in spain (🙄) and the rest of this week I am slammed with MeB BS.
mayhem: sure sounds good
kellnerd: looking into it
uh, just realised that the meeting, is in fact*not* in 4 minutes, and probably while I'm asleep instead...
"I created a MusicBrainz account today, in order to use ListenBrainz, but since I was redirected to musicbrainz.org to fill out account information and confirm my email address, I mistakenly thought I had created an account on the wrong website, and thus, deleted it."
lucifer, monkey: we should make it as clear as possible that yes, it's all the same 😅
Guest64 joined the channel
petitminion has quit
petitminion joined the channel
Hi, and welcome to a long awaited (right?) MetaBrainz Monday Meeting!
It's been a while but hopefully we remember how to do this communicating thing
Looked into BookBrainz tickets, and topics, there are a lot of very good things discussed by our community members.
This will not be an endeavour where I just go in and work from bare bones, the community has laid down a lot of discussion which is fruitful and useful for me.
I've also done some translating, but general I'm enjoying my holiday :D
(it's a lot o'clock in there, so sleep well, MonkeyPython!)
That's it for mailed-in reviews
On my list for today: yellowhatpro, reosarevok, monkey, yvanzo, ansh, zas, kellnerd, bitmap, aerozol, atj, julian45, mayhem, outsidecontext, lucifer, jasje
Let's give the first lucky member a chance before going with "who is in matrix": yellowhatpro: wanna start?
Ok, "who is around" it is :)
I am and I'm next in line, so
reosarevok, go!
Oh what surprise! Hi!
Last two weeks I mostly tried to relax and have some downtime, so I just kept up with support, reports, and submitted fixes for some issues found in beta
This week I looked and triaged the accumulated tickets from that time, and solved a few easy ones to begin with
And fixed some classical stuff, which made me add more tickets 😅
That's about it for me, monkey next?
My main projects the past few weeks has been Year in Music. I think the team did great this year, between our decisions, implementation, few improvements. The ratio of team work to results is very positive.
And so are people's reviews! I only saw positive feedback online, and lots of people saying that LB's YIMM is better than all the other yearly reports
So, good job us !
I also worked on improving playlist imports and exports to other music services, as well as monitoring the creation of our recommendation playlists
petitminion has quit
And of course a good long break over X-mas and new year's as some family was over.
petitminion joined the channel
That's it for the most part, lots of small tickets and discussions on the side but nothing of great impact.
So, who wants to go next? outsidecontext ?
Well I guess not. Perhaps bitmap then?
yvanzo[m] joined the channel
I do! Happy new year!
bitmap[m] joined the channel
Happy New Year yvanzo !
bitmap, then yvanzo then :)
Still on my list for today: yellowhatpro, ansh, zas, kellnerd, aerozol, atj, julian45, mayhem, outsidecontext, lucifer, jasje
since last meeting I submitted https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... to improve our tests an started working on an alternate way of sharing the docker image between builds, since the current way doesn't work for pull requests
I also contacted the IA again about copying images being broken, and they eventually fixed the issue, so I was able to fix all the cover art that's been broken for the last few months on our side too
bitmap: did you ever get any news about the sync script?
mayhem: no, never got a response to that :\
bitmap[m]: odd
also did a bunch of code review and updates to other PRs, probably other things I'm forgetting...
fin, go reosarevok
he went
During the last week before the break, I worked with reosarevok on SIR testbed (using Prometheus/Grafana).
yvanzo: it was :)
Not me
Go yvanzo!
Also debugged MB beta OAuth for Weblate with bitmap.
Took part in the MeB OAuth meeting launched by lucifer.
Plus a few things here and there, that’s all otherwise!