[troi-recommendation-playground] 14fettuccinae opened pull request #162 (03main…similar-recordings): LB-1705: Implemented similar recordings in lb_radio classes https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendati...
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monkey: I was working on the Last.FM connect service setting features, so what I have done is create a submit button, when the import option is disabled, disable the input fields and submit button, and by clicking the "Connect to Last.FM" button, it enables the input fields and submit button and allows submission. But for manual import, the checked field is set to always false. Would it be fine if I enabled it when it is being
clicked and when pressing submit, submit according to the radio button that is checked?
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[listenbrainz-android] 1407jasjeet merged pull request #522 (03main…Fix-MoveLogicToVMInArtistScreen-hemang_mishra): Moved card Link logic to viewModel https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
When I open the listebrainz codebase in VSCode, it shows a lot of fake errors which aren't even errors (the red squiggly lines). I think this might be due to the code running in a docker container which has all the libraries and all.
So how can I fix it?
It doesn't look that good with so many red lines on screen lol
<suvid[m]> "When I open the listebrainz..." <- what I have done is disable the validate option for typescript in my vs code settings. Maybe you can also try installing node modules, I think it might also solve the issue.
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Hey! So I am involved in a few music related projects in Glasgow (Scotland), I have been considering building an event listing for all the local gigs (a few of the projects already maintain seperate lists of these), I was going to be using a mix of manual review of scraped data and just plain volunteer submission / curation.
Wanted to check out what existed already and musicbrainz looks pretty good, anyone have opinions / ideas on whether it would be suitable to use musicbrainz as the source of data? Right now the event listing are pretty sparce at least for Glasgow but would submissions that made it exhaustive be welcome?
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yes, they would be. We've been looking to find a way to build a feedback loop for events.
this would help!
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lucifer: you may want to have a look at tito, it lacks of disk space, a spark log reached 60G and is full of Java exceptions (/var/log/spark/spark-spark-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-tito.out)