

      • aerozol[m]
        daleharvey: I add a heap of local (Wellington, NZ) events! In my opinion, MusicBrainz is all set to be the go-to place for events, with high res artwork support, and all the data relationships you can shake a fist at. It just hasn’t had the right use-case/external site or app that uses it to hit a critical mass and get people adding events. If you have any questions just ask
      • P.S. relaxo has an event app that uses MB data - they might be able to help with code and API questions as well
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      • holycow23[m]
        I was looking into this [ticket](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/LB/issues/LB-1722?filter=allopenissues) but I have no unlinked listens on my local, is there any method through which I could force some unlinked listens to my account?
      • * Hi, I was
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1722: Allow to filter unlinked listens
      • holycow23[m]
        Hi, just a suggestion when I can access profiles of other users, I can look at their listens they have and also link their unlinked listens, so the page dedicated for linking the unlinked at `settings/link-listens/` could be made public at `<user/link-listens/` rather than keeping it private for the user himself right?
      • s/user//username>//
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      • relaxo[m]
        daleharvey yes, i can help with API questions regarding events.
      • My app FestivalGuide supports festivals right now, but normal concerts/tours are planned. Feel free to pm. https://codeberg.org/relaxo/festival-guide-app
      • aerozol @aerozol:matrix.org There are some API endpoints to be improoved/added to make event apps succeed.
      • Maybe we should point them out in tickets. Then someone can pick them up. Or I have to learn what i have to learn to implement them.
      • aerozol[m]
        lucifer: Haven’t heard from you in a while, it looks like YIM got re-run?
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      • daleharvey[m]
        aerozol relaxo Thats great, thanks for the examples that sounds very useful.
      • Been having a play around, I think my current plan is for musicbrainz to be the source of truth, I am gonna build a little site that maintains an upcoming list of shows that me and a few other people will verify and make sure its all correct then add a helper to upload that.
      • Then on the other side probably use a db clone for powering the listings.
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14rahul31124 opened pull request #525 (03main…rahul3112-ImproveRetryButtonDesign): Refactor 'Retry' button design: Updated to a more visually appealing … https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
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      • lucifer[m]
        aerozol: hi! yes YIM was rerun but it might still be inaccurate because i noticed the full dumps failed. so i am redoing full dumps and then will be re-running full dumps next week. (~ 2/3 days)
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      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14rahul31124 opened pull request #526 (03main…Fix-AppCrash): Updated Bottom NavigationBar with NullSafety https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
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      • daleharvey[m]
        Hrm, is it currently possible to create new events via the API? From my reading its kinda seeming like no
      • I have a big list of all the gigs happening here maintained by a few of us involved in the music scene (mostly photographers and reviewers), looking for the the most hassle free way to import it into musicbrainz, doing all of them manually via the web UI is going to be time consuming, theres gonna be somewhere in the range of 10 new events a day
      • minimal joined the channel
      • I could drive the WebUI automatically (ie selenium), I could possibly look into a patch that added that endpoint to the API, I will have a clone of the db I could update directly, accepting submissions that way seems less than ideal, dunno if there is any other way to bulk import / submit?
      • And to be clear this will all be hand curated / personally verified data, not mass importing of junk, they will pretty much all be events we will be personally attending
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      • bitmap[m]
        daleharvey: while there's no editing API, it's possible to seed the event creation form such that you only have to review the entry before hitting the submit button. in general that's just specifying the inputs' name attributes in the URL query params, like https://musicbrainz.org/event/create?edit-event... -- relationships are a bit different and are described at https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Development/Seedin...
      • you can also POST these fields directly to automate submissions, but should chat with reosarevok to get approved as a Bot account, and make sure you're following the code of conduct for bots
      • * as a [Bot account, * Bot account](https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Bots), and
      • daleharvey[m]
        Ohh thats great thanks so much, yeh I think seeding cuts out a huge amount of the time needed so can do that as a start to see how it goes them move on to a bot potentially if its working nicely
      • aerozol[m]
        Thanks lucifer! Some of my image collages had changed more than I would have expected, I thought that was interesting. Great you’re on top of it, let me know when it’s been re-run for real and I’ll put out the comms
      • daleharvey: Have you added some events yet? You might get an idea of why full automation can spell trouble/is discouraged - usually a human check is required to match the right artists/venues etc. Even if it’s 90% accurate the remaining 10% can cause some serious cleanup for MB editors (we are still fixing up some bot imports from *years* ago :( )
      • That said if your source is clean enough/has already had human checks, and is somehow linked to MBID’s, it could work. But I wouldn’t put bets on it!
      • daleharvey[m]
        Yeh I have added a few and yeh this wouldnt be full automation definitely, I am matching up the details with existing artists / places, making new places if needed etc, its all going to be checked personally
      • aerozol[m]
        I know it’s just adding technical on top of the technical (classical MB style) but user sanojjonas has created an event import script. He has also been open to requests to add new sources for the script, in the past: https://community.metabrainz.org/t/event-import...
      • I say “technical on top of the technical” because if a user is already feeling overwhelmed by the UI then “just install this userscript manager and then this userscript and then…” might not be helpful :P But that is MusicBrainz. In exchange you get more machine-readable complexity and specificity than anywhere else
      • wileyfoxyx[m] joined the channel
      • wileyfoxyx[m]
        reosarevok: rdswift has merged this week's commits for the readthedocs implementation of MB docs of mine, the exact commits as well as the conversation behind them are available here:
      • now we're (or, I am tbh) waiting for your next instructions
      • aerozol[m]
        It would be good to discuss the full plan - are we going to be making separate ReadTheDocs for guidelines and docs? If so which would be better to do first reosarevok, in terms of you doing the work to make it link there from MB? If not we need to look at what wiki pages we want to integrate and what the cut-off is to start integrating it into MB
      • I am still happy to redirect all the existing Wiki pages, so no links are broken
      • wileyfoxyx[m]
        aerozol: I think it would be better to make them separate. Won't be too confusing either for me (as the one who will transfer stuff) and the future visitors. But I'll wait for what reo has to say
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek opened pull request #3451 (03master…mbs-13903): MBS-13903: Fix "CDTOC is already attached" error https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • relaxo[m]
        daleharvey I have also written some automation which takes text input. Mainly for festivals but I already prototyped something for tours. Maybe have a look at zhis readme and if it fits I can help you set up and stuff.
      • BobSwift[m] joined the channel
      • BobSwift[m]
        wileyfoxyx: After I merged your PR, I found a couple of links that were broken because you forgot the underscore at the end of the link (and I missed this during my review). I pushed a fix for this, so they would appear correctly on the website.
      • relaxo[m]
        Just noticed, that there is no section about tours but it is already implemented here: https://codeberg.org/relaxo/MbEventS/src/commit...
      • Hope you can read c#
      • Off for today (00:03 in europe)